Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 360: Blood flow

Rumble! !! !!

The battle only started for a few minutes. The Mu Shen and Pei Junlin have been beaten back by vomiting blood. It is really a serious disparity between the enemy and us. Even if they are taking life fluids, they can't help the siege of the seven or eight demon gods. .

Fortunately, the power of the life fluid is too powerful. Whether it is Pei Junlin or the pastor, the body will be injured, and it will be quickly repaired by the boiling fluid in the body, and it will become strong again!

"Haha! What a **** pleasure!"

"Lao Tzu will not only destroy the city today, but also kill a few more demon gods and become famous!"

Feeling the hegemony of the life fluid in the body, the shepherd will shake the excited laughter into the clouds, and the domineering is extremely powerful. The swordman in his hand burst out with a hundred meters of light. fall back.

At the same time, Pei Junlin was also a great power. The blue Hong sword in his hand, the sword was sharp, and the sharpness was unmatched. Both of them played the game of fierce and fearless death. Beyond his head, he doesn't care about his physical damage!

Whenever a demon god's weapon comes attack, both people choose not to dodge and avoid, wielding a knife to meet!

In the air, there was a golden blood rain. This hugely disparate battle turned out to be extremely horrible, and the blood of the demon **** strong was vomiting and flew away, yelling!

According to normal circumstances, humans in the late and early stages of such two gods like Pei Junlin and Mu Shen will have been bombarded and killed, but now the two human beings are frequently hurting the demon **** strong by relying on the overbearing life fluids. If these two humans were to escape today, then the entire God Ape City, regardless of whether it was an upper or lower demon clan, would be punished from the King City side!

Therefore, this battle must win!


At this moment, another huge explosion sound came out in the city of the **** ape. This time, the location of the explosion was actually in the position of the city's main government building. The buildings of the city's main government building 100 meters high collapsed and scared countless demons. Runaway, crying dad shouting.

And just in this chaos, there were two humans who were madly burning with the power of blood and blood, burst out of the air, and hurried towards the outside of the city.

Behind these two figures, at this moment there are a large number of strong monsters chasing after them, shouting and killing constantly.

"Asshole, stop me two humans! They both must die !!!"

Yuan Cheng, who was in a fierce battle with Mu Shen, saw Nalan Clouds and Xing Rui coming out of the sky and immediately ordered loudly.

Huh! Huh!

Immediately, the strong man of several meters of the demon **** stepped forward and launched a block.

"The one who stops me is dead !!!"

Nalan Yunkong, who was rushing in front of him, burned with anger and blood. A sword split and a hundred-meter-long sky-shattering sword broke out. He broke through the interception and flew over.

But at this time, there were more and more monster powers in the city gathering, and countless powers of the monster realm joined in. Soon, Nalan Yunkong and Xingrui were trapped, and it was difficult to escape.

The fierce battle was staged again. Hundreds of thousands of monster powers launched a fierce encirclement against Pei Junlin, Mu Shenjiang, Nalan Yunkong, and Xing Rui. Be sure to keep the four abominable humans in front of them. under!

Pei Junlin and Mu Shen made the two a little better. The two were still incomparable through the domineering life fluid in their bodies, but the scenes of Nalan Yunkong and Xingrui were a little worse. Holding the high-quality Lingjing holding the sheep in hand to replenish the body consumption, but the horrible injuries soon appeared on the body.

"You are a demon ancestor, is it true that I am a human being?"

Suddenly, just at this moment, on the northern sky outside the city, four magnificent figures appeared, as if the heavenly soldiers descended!

The response team led by General Xu Shen, Xiahou Gong and others finally arrived at a critical moment. Among them, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping were also there. It was the inborn monks who abstained from monks, Bailifeiyan, Lengshuangshuang, Huangfu Phoenix, etc. The strong are gone, I do n’t know why!

Don't seem to support very few people. There are only four people, but they are all gods, and Pei Junlin. The shepherd will have four people, the strong man on the side of the human side, soaring to double, the strong man on the side of up to eight!

This is definitely a powerful force that can truly counter the **** ape city. Although the **** ape city is the site of the demon gods, there are only twelve or three demon gods. After all, the powers of the demon **** realm are both in the demon and human beings. On the other hand, it's not the kind of Chinese cabbage. It can't be as many as you want.

Twelve or three demon gods are already very strong!

Seeing the four human divine powerhouses suddenly falling from the sky in the void, the eyes of the demon races of the God Ape City were all red, especially the Yuan Chengzhu, who felt that their dignity had been provoked by an unprecedented degree.

What the **** is going on with Nima, why the strong man suddenly descended on his territory, but the side of the demon clan has not received any information before.

This is definitely a major event that cannot be ignored. If you can't figure out this problem, then the monsters may face a big problem.

boom! Boom!

The war broke out in an instant. With Xu Shen joining the four forces, the pressure from Pei Junlin and Mu Shen will suddenly decrease. One by one, a strong fighting spirit broke out again, and the demon gods were fighting desperately.

"Well, Pei Junlin, Mu Shen, what is going on with your two bodies ?!"

During the war, Pei Junlin and Mu Shen exploded the vitality of the two people, and instantly became the most noticeable place. It was that the vitality of life was too strong and jealous!

"This Nima has such a strong breath of life. What kind of treasures did you take ?!"

Nalanhao and Xiahouping's jealous eyes were green and shouted. The eyes of Xu Shenjiang and Xiahougong were also very strange. Even the eyes of Nalan Yunkong and Xingrui who were not far away were full. All kinds of jealousy and envy.

"Cough, accidentally, swallowed more life fluids!"

Being watched by so many people at the same time, Pei Junlin is a little better, but the shepherd will not be able to bear it any more. He coughs and explains, except that the expression of satisfaction on his face cannot be concealed.

what? !!

After hearing the content, Xiahougong, Xu Shenjiang, Nalanhao and Xiahouping all stopped and were almost injured by the monsters.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao started to growl, squealing loudly against the sky.

"I said it earlier, there must be meat to eat after this **** of Pei Junlin, you just don't let it! Now it's alright, the benefits have been occupied by others. What about us? We haven't even caught one but we are afraid of being outside The mountains have been guarded for a long time ... ah ah ah ah !!! "

"Blame you! All blame you ah ah ah ah !!!"

"Go to death!"

Strongly envious and unwilling, the two men launched a crazy attack directly against the demon tribe.

That look directly embarrassed the elders of Nalan Yunkong and Xia Hougong. Seriously, they looked very envious when they looked at Pei Junlin and Mu Shen erupting their vitality.

Nalan Yunkong is better, at least a sack of high-quality Lingjing carrying a bulging bag on his back, which he got from the sheep, Xiahougongke got nothing!

If he had known that there were such benefits to entering the city, he would have to go once, even if he was risking his life.

The fierce battle is still going on. Although the demon gods in the **** ape city have the upper hand, the human side is not weak. The eight gods are enough to shake a city. As for the power below the demon emperor level, wait here In the battle of the top strong, really weak chicken!

Any strong person in the divine realm can be shocked by a mental force, and he will be able to bombard a large number of monster emperors, and can only increase casualties!

The war fought from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky. With the passage of time, no matter whether it is human or demons, every strong man is bloody. I do n’t know if it is his opponent or his own!

At this moment, in an area twenty or thirty miles away from the **** ape city, an explosion sound suddenly came. Although the sound was not great, it was still clear and audible to the mighty demon gods or the gods. .

All the demon clans who are already extremely sensitive to the sound of the explosion, almost instantly turned their eyes to the direction of the sound of the explosion.

On the human side, Pei Junlin and others narrowed their eyes, and later learned that it should be the fruit of monks, monks and phoenixes. These guys are not here, they should go to the surrounding cities to destroy them, so as to attract the demon. Clan combat power.

"Citylord is the direction of Yeshan City!"

Some monsters can judge the location of the explosion at a glance. Even if the distance is twenty or thirty miles away, you can see the black mushroom cloud rising in the sky. Under the scene, it seems that the underground veins have been detonated!

At this moment, the Lord of the Monkey City, his face was gloomy and terrible, and at the same time, the violent emotion in his heart reached an extreme.

Because he doesn't know how many strong people are lurking in this time, this is definitely the biggest dereliction of duty for the one-city master of the ape city, the most taboo existence in the war.

"Hurry up! Send me troops to support Yeshan City! A bunch of waste, what are you doing here?"

In anger, Yuan Chengzhu immediately ordered loudly.

"In addition, not only Yeshan City, but also the surrounding cities and villages sent me to guard the army to prevent the enemy from sabotaging again!"


Among the army of demons below ~ ~, the general immediately gave a loud command, and then led the army under pressure, divided into several groups and rushed to the surrounding cities, villages and towns.

The previous explosion of the God Ape City, although it caused great confusion and damage, and caused many deaths of the demons, but the regular army of the demons was not much damaged. After all, it had received the most rigorous training. Super ordinary demon people.

At this moment, after receiving the order, he immediately set off, and as far as he could see, all the soldiers of the demon race transformed into the main body during the march, running like a wind, with imposing momentum.

This scene fell into the eyes of humans who were fighting in the air, and even the most knowledgeable of them had to rise to a dignified color.

The reason why the demon clan is powerful is not without reason at all. The human body and strength that the demon clan imparts that day are incomparable to human beings. Even an ordinary little demon has far more power and speed than ordinary humans.

Unless it is a warrior who has been trained by human beings, human soldiers are really inferior in terms of individual combat capabilities.

Pei Junlin feels that the era of human martial arts for the whole people is coming. Otherwise, if this situation persists, this weakness will never be a good thing.

"Don't keep it, let's hurry up and do another vote, and try to kill you as a demon **** strong!"

The shepherd's voice filled with a killing voice suddenly sounded. When the voice didn't fall, the sharp blade in his hand was directly slashed at a middle-aged demon **** closest to him.

Yuan Chengzhu, the monster realm of the demon god, did not die in the special killing. The demon **** and his strongman in the same stage did not have the chance to kill in one shot. They could only find a soft persimmon! l0ns3v3

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