Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 361: The courage is very big!

This sword was so abrupt that it was as fast as lightning. Even if the strong man in the middle of the demon **** had already made the fastest response and the biggest counterattack, he was spit out by a spit of blood, and half of his body was sharpened by a sharp knife. Mang almost opened his stomach.

However, the power of the monster in the realm of the demon **** is extremely amazing, and the physical injury is nothing, and the blood on his body will soon stop under the control of energy.

call out! !! !!

However, what the mid-powerful demon **** did not expect was that the sound of the sword swelled from the back of his head, a blue sword light like lightning, and the heavenly soldiers descended, and penetrated his brain directly at the moment of his healing. Passed away.

At this moment, the atmosphere was slightly frozen, and all the powers of the demons and humans converged on the forehead of the mid-term demon god. I saw a drop of scarlet gradually appear on the eyebrows of the mid-power of the demon **** and the pupils began to disperse!

Finally, the corpse fell into the air and turned into a huge **** ape, hitting the ground severely!

Demon God mid-term strong-Sudden!

The horrible killing was at this moment, like the raging ocean, and the power of all the demon tribe, gathered their eyes on a young man, where a blue flying sword hovered above the youth's head, the sword sang The sound is endless!

"No matter what the price is, be sure to kill him for this seat !!!"

The eerie roar roared, and the Lord of the Ape City almost looked at Pei Junlin and ate him almost alive. This abominable human being not only stole his demon treasure treasure, but now he is beheaded. The middle-aged power of his demon tribe and demon **** directly upgrades to the demon slay list.

The melee broke out in an instant, and the three strong middle-aged demon gods even rushed to Pei Junlin, all gloomy and sharp.

Pei Junlin was startled, and turned and fled.

He is just an early stage of the divine realm. No matter how strong it is, the three demon gods are in the middle stage. They escaped and shouted, "Patriarch, I have killed two middle-aged demon **** powerhouses, although they have been confiscated. Booty, but when you go back, you must testify for me! "

Between words, Pei Junlin's figure has turned into an aurora, rushing out of a distance of thousands of meters, and behind him, three middle-aged demon gods are chasing after each other, utterly terrifying.

In the battlefield, the shepherd will look at the distant figure and grin, while others will suddenly have a toothache.

What did they just hear? Pei Junlin has actually beheaded two of the demon **** mid-term powerhouses. This guy did n’t break through the realm for a long time, right?

An early guy who did n’t break through the **** realm for a long time has already beheaded and killed two demon gods in the middle period, and these mid- or late-term gods are powerful men, but now he is a demon **** power. Really shameful!

Especially Xiahougong and Xu Shenjiang, etc., have a dark face.

They did n’t catch the high-quality Lingjing this time, let alone the life fluid. If they could n’t even kill the demon gods, how would they see people after returning?

"Nima, let me die !!!"

In the fury, Xiahougong took the lead in attacking, but he also learned to be clever. Instead of looking for the same level, he switched to Tian Ji's horse racing method. No matter **** a demon **** strongman first.

This way, you can at least keep your face after you go back. Is n’t it the middle and early stage of the demon god?

Killing these new forces is also tantamount to damaging the demon clan without any problems!

It is not just Xiahougong who holds the same thoughts. Xu Shenjiang, Nalan Yunkong, and Xingrui have all learned to be clever, and they are rushing to kill the demon gods in the early and middle stages.

The result of this was very clear. Immediately, there was an early demon god, and a strong man in the middle of the demon god. His head was blasted into residues, and he was unwilling to fall and die.

In this scene, the city owner of the God Ape City and several of the powerful demon gods in the late period almost burst into tears.

"Humans, you are so shameless!"

In response to this Yuan Chengzhu only two words-Shabi!

In the battle of life and death, who can give you real fairness? That's a choice that can only be made by the pen. I didn't see two more treacherous thieves on the ground, one that resisted the money of the demons around, and the other was early. Already started secretly digging the demon crystal of the demon **** power ...

The target chosen by Na Lanhao and Xia Houping was the body of the mid-term demon **** who was killed by Pei Junlin. He did not dig out the demon crystal of the demon **** strong. Naturally, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao Personal note.

Others worked hard to kill the demon, and the two of them were even more treacherous, even secretly digging the demon crystal. To know the demon crystal of a demon **** strong, it is a very precious existence, and can be exchanged for many treasures or points after getting it back.

Under the eyes of such a demon tribe, these two goods dare to open the demon **** powerfully and dig the demon crystal. I have to say that the courage of these two guys is too big!

At high altitude, the **** ape city master noticed this scene and almost blew his lungs without hesitation. It was a sharp sword and slammed it to the ground.


The ground was torn apart by a stunned sword, and several demon emperor-level strong men were caught in the sharp sword and fell apart.

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping, who were digging for the demon crystals, were scared to mention the middle-level corpse of the demon **** and turned around and ran away.

This scene fell into the eyes of the powerful human beings. At this moment, their mouths were convulsing, especially Nalan Yunkong and Xiahougong. When they saw their son so embarrassing, their faces were completely dark.

They are very doubtful that these two **** are still not their son. Otherwise, how could they become such a fanatic? It seems that neither of them have the same character as a father?

But watching the two **** left such a dangerous battlefield, both Xiahougong and Nalan Yunkong were relaxed a lot. As long as they were out of this dangerous battlefield at the moment, the two **** would be much safer. .

The melee is still going on. The strong on the side of the demons are about to faint. On their own site, the underground veins have been blown up. The city has also been destroyed, resulting in countless deaths and injuries to the people in the city of the apes. Incalculable!

Nowadays, under the circumstances that they obviously have the advantage in numbers, the treacherous humans have successively killed the four demon gods in the early and middle stages. It is even more unbearable that the bodies of their noble demon people have been stolen by humans. Go, this is so ironic!

When will the demon clan become so weak!

One by one, the demon **** strongmen, transformed into the body of the **** ape in anger, launched a fierce counter-kill! There are also strong demons to hunt down Na Lanhao and Xia Houping!

Running some little guys is nothing, as long as they can keep a few human strong men in front of them, then this time they have a lower cost to Wang Cheng.

The human side, on the other hand, is trying to kill as many demon gods as possible when leaving, so as to reduce the future crisis. Both sides almost hold the attitude of killing each other, and the battle is extremely fierce ...

Besides, Pei Junlin, who was chased and left by the three strong demon gods in the middle period, started to speed all the way, running wildly. It didn't take long for the three middle demon gods to chase him away.

In the course of this escape, Pei Junlin tried his best to operate the original Nirvana, madly absorbing the boiling fluid of life, and finally managed to control the active vital energy no longer flowing along the pores.

It ’s just that the body is still sore and painful. That ’s because the energy is too abundant and the parts of the body do n’t have time to absorb it. I can only wait to slowly grind it with the original Nirvana in the future!

At this time, Pei Junlin had concealed her own breath and appeared in a small city.

Why didn't he keep running?

Because when Pei Jun fled before, he accidentally saw a group of sneaky guys, as if he had entered the city.

This city is already a city hundreds of miles away from the **** ape city. Seeing the scale of the number of demon clan is almost two or three hundred thousand, the great movement of the **** ape city has also shocked the city's demon power. The aftermath of the explosion was too strong, and could be felt clearly a hundred miles away.

When Pei Junlin entered the city, he could see many demon kings and demon emperors in this city standing on the city wall and looking up. There was also a demon **** in the early days, standing up in the air. The majestic momentum is evocative.

In the city of the demons, the number of strong men will be determined according to the number of demons in a city and the degree of development and prosperity. In small and medium-sized cities like the one in front, there is a strong man in the early days of the demons who is already the strongest Or the Lord of a city.

Some villages and towns below 100,000 do not even have the demon **** strong, only the demon king strong guards, and so on, the smaller village demon king strong is the strongest ~ ~ Pei after hiding the breath King's Landing, once again transformed into a demon-like appearance, walked quickly in this demon-like city.

In this small demonic city, because of the transformation of the **** ape city, it has already become chaotic, and the spirit of the monster is so embarrassing that Pei Junlin does not look like he walks like that.

He's looking for those sneaky guys, and if it's good, it must be the guys!

Where is the most important place in a city?

Of course, it is in the city's main government. The city's main government is the core of the demon's rights, and its wealth and value are definitely far higher than other places.

Pei Junlin feels that in today's urgent environment, it is unrealistic for the group of guys to destroy the underground veins of the city. After all, it takes time to sneak into the veins and it must be tightly guarded.

But if you choose to plunder the city's main house or some places, it is relatively simple. With the urine of those guys, such a city is only guarded by a demon in the early days, and it really can't fool them!

Along the way, Pei Junlin quickly found the city's main mansion with prominent landmarks. The seven-story building was really magnificent.

And just as Pei Junlin expected, when he just came around the city's mansion, he saw a few familiar faces. After converging, he abstained from monks, Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan The innate strongmen waiting for the military department, one by one, have already dressed up as demons, and are constantly looking into the environment of the main city.

When Pei Junlin saw this group of guys, the sharp-eyed Huangfu Phoenix and the monk monk also discovered Pei Junlin. Suddenly, the eyes of several guys were round and full of incredible! l0ns3v3

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