Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 387: Let's not run anymore!

And just as a group of humans started digging for veins, outside the surface, not far from here, a barren land, a cactus covered with spikes was lazily hiding in a shadow zone. go to bed.

His roots dug into the earth firmly, and his face showed a very enjoyable look.

From an accidental opportunity a few days ago, this cactus was found strangely. The deepest part of the ground contains far more energy than other places, which made him very happy, thinking that he had discovered an incredible secret, and Did not tell other people, has been secretly practicing here to absorb energy.

Suddenly, at this moment, the cactus that he had always enjoyed was awakened, because he felt the calm energy of the roots became choppy, which surprised him.

He was just the most ordinary little demon, and his head was not very bright. He was far less than those big brothers and sisters in the clan. He didn't know what was happening underground. He was frightened and fled to the village. go with!

"Not good! Not good! Something big!"

I wasn't close to the village yet. This cactus had roared open, and the voice shocked the entire cactus clan, countless men, women, children, and cactus came out of the room.

"What happened?!"

There is a demon emperor who is in the form of an adult, with a majestic complexion, and asks.

"Earth ... earthquake ... no, not ... earthquake below ground ... aura boils ..."

This little cactus with a confused head, talking upside down, can hardly express the true meaning, sweating anxiously.

There was a roar of laughter around, and a strong cactus could not help but taunt: "What the **** is going on with this kid? Shouldn't there be a problem in the head? What kind of earthquake, what aura is boiling, what is it? "

Then the face of the demon emperor suddenly became dark, and waved angrily: "Come on, what are you expressing, just hurry up and work!"

"Really ... really! There was an earthquake in the East, and I ... felt a strong aura from deep underground!"

I may be really anxious, but this little cactus finally expressed his meaning.

As soon as this remark came to an end, a group of cacti who had been ridiculed in the surrounding area suddenly smiled, and some of the demon emperor's faces had changed.


在 At this moment, there was a vast overwhelming presence in the sky, and a whole body of enchanting figure had emerged from the sky, heading directly to the east.

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Jain is one of the strongest clan in the cactus family, a powerful figure in the realm of demon gods.

At the same time, many powerful men in the realm of the demon emperor also set off and rushed to the position of the east, followed by the big demon and the little demon!

A few miles away, on the landmark of the ore vein, the strong man in the realm of the demon **** has fallen from the sky. At the moment of landing, the strong man of the demon **** instantly transformed into a body and turned into a huge cactus with a sharp and sharp body. people.

His root has become the sharpest weapon, penetrating directly into the ground, as if with antennae, continuously extending deep into the ground.

"this is……"

When he felt the turbulent aura deep in the ground, the face of the demon **** power changed quickly, and then he seemed to think of something, and immediately shouted with excitement: "Go and inform Dazu Lao, just say yes We might have discovered a rich vein! "

"In addition, send someone to hurry to the acacia tree tribe, so that the patriarch will come back immediately!"



The members of the cactus family who heard the words in the distance went crazy and left quickly.

"All remaining members, first level alert!"

After waiting for two teams to leave, the demon **** strong immediately began to order again. In an instant, this barren land became a forbidden area for the cactus family, with hundreds of cactus members guarding in all directions.

At this time, there was already an oppressive figure rushing at a distance from the distance. This figure is really another strong demon **** among the cactus family, which is the so-called old clan.

When the old clan of the demon **** power arrived, the two demon **** powers decided to go into the depths of the ground together to discuss it, to see how big this spiritual crystal vein was.



Two horrific moments erupted, disappeared into the ground and disappeared, and soon they dived down to hundreds of meters.

But at this moment, the two demon **** strongmen tightened their pupils suddenly, because they actually broke into the passage left by Pei Junlin and others.

"Is the mineral vein here already discovered by other demons ?!"

The first two cactus demon gods were full of excitement. The first thought was not humans, but other demon forces. After all, it is ridiculous for humans to enter here. Such underground veins are not even their cactus family. Know, let alone humans who have difficulty entering the demon world!

A bad premonition arose in the hearts of the two demon **** powerhouses, and immediately broke out with full force, accelerating the speed, and shuttled along the dug channel.

Deep in the veins, at this time Pei Junlin, Li Tianpei, and others are in a frantic state of mining the veins. Energetic phantom crystals are quickly packed into the equipment already prepared by them in less than half an hour. The excavation has made everyone's backpacks quickly swell up and full of gains.

的 The scale of this underground ore vein is unknown to the public for the time being, but the quality of the peculiar crystals bred from it is very good. During the excavation process, sometimes some high-quality papaver crystals can be encountered, making everyone laugh.

But suddenly, the people who were digging the veins stopped the movements in their hands and quickly turned back one by one, revealing the gloomy color. They felt a strong demon spirit was approaching them quickly.

At this moment, the eleven people are not together, but they are digging the phantom in their respective dug channels, so for the time being, it is impossible to judge who the sudden and powerful demon is coming from.

无论 But in any case, one thing is certain, their action this time should have been discovered by the demon strong!

In a passageway, Ye Tianxing was hesitating. The two horrible demons are getting closer and closer. The speed between the demons and strong men is really fast!

The two sides quickly came to a face-to-face encounter. When they saw the thick blood power on Ye Tianxing, the two demon gods of the cactus family were even more shocked, and could not help but exclaimed in unison, "Human ?!"


The horrible Jianmang erupted instantly, Ye Tianxing took the lead and met the brave in a narrow way. Besides, the opponent was still two demon gods. While scolding himself for being unlucky, the power of the true yuan in the body broke out madly, and the whole body turned into a golden round. Scorching sun.

之下 Under the outbreak of this horrible force, the passage suddenly collapsed, and with this opportunity, Ye Tianxing, who had been in a state of fierce attack, suddenly turned and turned toward the left side.

Joke, two demon **** strong, his head is pinched by the door, they will be hard hit, this time their team can be described as abnormally strong, only two demon **** strong, only the introduction of an ambush circle, will make them call grandpa !!

"Human, you can't run !!!"

At this time, the anger of the two demon **** strong roar came, and it really can be said that the anger is extremely extreme. Their cactus family is located in the wild wasteland of the demon tribe, and other demon forces invade. It is an unimaginable event for those who will appear here.

In front of him, Ye Tianxing ignored it, but concentrated on turning into a little puncher, digging all the way through the burrowing digging tunnel, and the geological layer in front of him suddenly collapsed.

Zhang Pingping, who was digging for Lingjing, saw this and yelled badly: "Ye Tianxing, you are a bastard! You have caused trouble to the east and delayed your mother's excavation for Lingjing ?!"

Jiji Fang has been discovered by the demons, and everyone has known for a long time, and Zhang Pingping is no exception, but almost everyone soon calmed down, for nothing else, because this time their lineup is very powerful.

All they have to do now is to take away as many phantom crystals as possible. As for the demon **** strong, it is secondary, depending on which bad luck the bad luck is!

After all, once entangled by the demon **** strong, it will definitely delay the excavation of Lingjing, and of course the final harvest is not as many as others.

"There are still associates ?!"

When Zhang Pingping shouted and scolded, the two demon **** powerhouses were staring at each other, and then the anger soared, and the killing intention was excited, and the most powerful offensive was launched directly.

Zhang Pingping was furious. When she was about to make a shot, she suddenly looked down at Ye Tianxing, who was about to sneak away, and she was blessed to her soul. She turned and broke out at a faster speed.

Jokes, she is not stupid, at this moment has understood the intention of Ye Tianxing.

Since you have so many people this time, it's not as good as Lele, let everyone live together once again, this is more fair!

What's more, there are many people and powerful people, just two strong men in the early days of the demon gods ~ ~ Later, we must let the other party kneel and call grandma!

With this idea, Zhang Pingping, who has always had a bold personality, even ran faster than Ye Tianxing, joke! The fool will fight with the two demon **** strong at this time.

In the face of the demon tribe, where will it be fair, of course, what is the damage and what is the negative move?

Soon, when Zhang Pingping and Ye Tianxing were brought in, the two took two demon gods and broke into Xiahouping's mine.

Who is this guy, Xia Houping, and his eyelashes are all empty. When Zhang Pingping and Ye Tianxing personally broke in with two demon gods, he just glanced at the two intact people, and then Understand everything, fled in an instant.

In this way, the team that was originally one person grew stronger and stronger. In the end, the human side gradually gathered to five people: Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, Xia Houping, Li Tianpei, and Pei Junlin.

The mine where Pei Junlin was destroyed was finally destroyed. When he saw the situation clearly, he cried and laughed: "I don't think you need to continue running. The five of us are enough to kill the two demon gods. What do you say ?!"

On the cold face of Li Tianpei, there was a slight embarrassment at the moment. Making such a thing today has actually broken the bottom line of his mind.

Hearing that Pei Junlin said so, he nodded quickly, indicating that it was okay.

Xia Houping, Zhang Pingping, and Ye Tianxing heard the words, and nodded in succession, showing unpleasant smiles on their faces, looking at the two demon gods who followed in anger from behind ...

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