Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 388: Green-faced demon **** strong

In the narrow underground passageway, which is kilometers deep, due to excessive damage, it has become very spacious and transparent at this moment, like tunnels under the ground.

The two demon gods of the cactus family are fierce and powerful, and the killing intention is not concealed. It seems that they must sneak these humans sneaking into the ground and kill them.


They walked with wind, domineering side leakage, and kept up, and a distance of tens of meters fell in front of Pei Junlin's five people, and the hard rock layers under their feet were crushed!

"Humans, you can't run !!!"

One of the demon **** strong, the intention of killing is like essence, the demon qi is boiling.

Another demon **** strong was also sorrowful, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that Pei Junlin and others looked at each other with smiles and smiles. The keen telepathy from the demon **** strong made him immediately realize Not good, footsteps started to back.

"Sir, why are you so anxious to leave since you are here?"

The entrance to the passageway part was unknown when it was blocked by Zhang Pingping. There was an undisguised coldness and murderousness on that wild face.

With the moment his words fell, a bright golden light bloomed from Zhang Pingping, like a scorching sun.

"God Realm ?!"

When the iconic and unique golden light and coercion were revealed, the two demon **** powerhouses tightened their pupils and their muscles tightened, just like the enemy.

The human power of the gods is equal to the level of the demon gods in their demon tribe, which is definitely a very tricky existence.

However, all of this is just the beginning. Just when Zhang Pingping's body was exposed with golden light, there was another bright golden light blooming in the dim underground passage.

Xie Ye Tianxing also revealed the golden figure of the powerful god, with a cat's playful expression on his face.

"Two powerful gods ?!"

The two demon **** powerhouses of the Cactus family have changed their faces greatly, and the fluctuations of demon qi throughout the body are obviously greatly stimulated.

But what made them even more frightened was still behind. At this time, Li Tianpei and Xia Houping also showed their golden body cultivation in a sneer. At the same time, the light of the golden body belonging to the four powerful gods reflected. The underground passage is bright and golden.

"Four ... Four Divine Powerhouses ?!"

The voice of horror came out from the mouth of a demon **** strong. Because of his nervousness and fear, his tone changed, and his whole body began to violently keep talking, which was completely caused by fear.

The situation of the other demon **** strong is also very similar. The sweat on the forehead is dripping continuously, breathing like a cow, and the eyes are full of a sense of despair.

There are four powerful gods. Such a big battle is like a deadly Jedi. Both of them are dead today!

At this moment, the faces of the two demon **** powerhouses were completely green, and only felt that the entire world had lost its original color, and it was dark. If possible, they would never break into this underground vein so recklessly. Who would want to In such a remote area, four human gods will emerge!

Such a huge battlefield, even pushing a tribe is enough!

The two demon **** powerhouses do not know that what they are seeing is only half of the human powerhouses. If you really gather all the eleven godland powerhouses, you really do n’t know what kind of reaction it is.

Buzz! !!

Suddenly, at this moment, another bright golden light rose, attracting the attention of the two demon **** strongmen.

Pei Junlin also bloomed the light of her golden body, looking indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.

"Five ... Five Great Powers ?!"

The voices of the two demon gods are hoarse, and one demon **** simply can't bear the increasing pressure, and he makes a sound and sits on the ground.

"Asshole, the second tribe is old, stand up for me! Even if we die, we have to die with dignity!"

The roar sounded, and the old clan gave an angry roar, and then a pair of eyes filled with a blood-red light, coldly: "Humans, don't force me, otherwise, even if the king is self-destructing today, he won't Let you succeed! "

Suddenly speaking, the breath on this old clan's body suddenly became extremely violent, and it seemed that he really had the boldness and courage to explode.

However, at this moment, the sound of the sword swelled suddenly, a sharp sword light thundered, and chopped down, hitting directly on the old clan's old back, hitting his entire body flying in the air, vomiting blood, and then On the back was a stabbing injury with deep visible bones.

Zhang Pingping's cold bitter voice sounded: "Self-exploding? Do you have this opportunity today? Don't waste your time, let's do it together and kill these two guys! The body of the demon **** is also very valuable!"



The cold and ruthless voice sounded one after another. Five people including Pei Junlin shot at the same time, and all shots were killing. The cold sword qi and sword awn filled the entire narrow underground space instantly.

This is destined to be a killing without any suspense. Any one of the five human beings has the ability to kill any one of the demon gods alone. The five people are now united together, it really seems to be bullied by five adults. Two children.

But he did n’t have any compassion in his life. Some were just indifferent and ruthless. The battle started fast and ended more quickly. In less than five minutes, the weaker second-generation old man had been killed by everyone. , Into a huge cactus.

不久 Soon after that, the old clan was also bloody, and yelled angry and unwilling: "Humans, you must not die! The patriarch will avenge us! He will kill you !!!"



Two lightning-fast Jianguangs pierced the old clan's head at the same time, making his life come to an end, and finally turned into a cactus of the same size.

The battle was over. Everyone was very satisfied with the results of the battle. It was really easy for five people to kill the two demon gods, and it was even less enjoyable.

But soon, looking at the two huge cacti bodies covered with sharp spikes on the ground, everyone showed a embarrassed expression, because this special demon family seems to be a bit difficult to start!

Neither the back nor the hug, especially now that everyone is in the hinterland of the demon world, if you take such a large cactus to hurry, it is simply a living target.

How to do? Everyone is stumped!

In the team, Xia Houping couldn't help but set his eyes on Pei Junlin. Others did not know that he knew that Pei Junlin was carrying a large artifact and wanted to take away the two cactus corpses. It seemed no difficulty.

But Pei Junlin didn't say anything, so naturally he wouldn't talk much. Although Xia Houping usually has some jealousy, but at the critical moment, he will never drop the chain, nor is he the kind of pig teammate.

Finally, after everyone's discussions, I decided to de-plan the two cacti in situ. For example, all the sharp spikes were dug down with weapons, and it will definitely be useful when they are taken back.

In addition, there is a fragrant life body in the cactus, which is similar to the willow demon life body. Many plants have it, and everyone quickly divides it equally.

As for the huge body of the cactus, it was simply abandoned, it is too burdensome to take, even if it is very valuable, everyone has no choice.

大家 "Everyone hurry up and dig for a while, we will withdraw!"

Li Tianpei said: "But the dead demon **** strongman just said, their patriarch will avenge them. According to my estimation, this patriarch may be at least a demon god. It's really dangerous! "

所有人 No one had any opinions on this, and immediately separated, ready to catch the last wave and leave, at the same time, they had to notify Nalanhao, Huangfu Phoenix and others who were mining elsewhere.

At the same time, when Pei Junlin and his party were preparing to decide on the final wave, at the same time, somewhere about two hundred miles away from here, there was also a huge demon tribe here. They were the famous acacia tribe.

At this time, in the spacious courtyard in the center of the village, there is a tea table made of pure spirit crystal, there are two two-spotted white, old people are drinking, one of them is the famous family of acacia. Of the patriarchs, the other is the patriarch of the cactus family!

It is interesting that these two tribes are the kind of plant-based monsters with prickly bodies, and the relationship is quite natural.


There was a harsh, blasting sound from the distance, which immediately caught the attention of the acacia clan, and the cactus chief also raised his eyes. When he saw that the person was his own clan, he raised his eyebrows and stood up.

"Patriarch! Patriarch! Something major!"

那 The swift cactus family of demon emperors from the distance, shouting as they ran, broke into the yard directly, and the door was ripped apart, panting.

The patriarchs of the cactus family could not help but look cold and angrily: "What is it like, panic, what is the matter, don't you see me and the acacia patriarch drinking?"

妖 The demon emperor showed hesitation and glanced at the chief of the acacia family.

"Look what you see, the locust acacia is not an outsider, so hurry up and let go!"

The patriarch of the cactus clan renewed his anger, his face full of majesty.

The expression and gesture scared the demon emperor, shrinking his body, and he did not dare to hesitate. He immediately said: "Patriarch, this is the case, and a new wild vein was found in a wilderness area several miles away from our tribe. , The Hans and the Hans have entered the ground to investigate, and they asked me to inform you ... "


The rampant full of violent breath erupted directly from the patriarch of the cactus family, and its horrible momentum immediately shook the demon emperor strong, his body bleed, his skin cracked, and he was filled with infinite fear.

With a mighty momentum covering the entire yard, the patriarch of the cactus family is a middle-aged demon god.

At the same time, the head of the acacia family heard the news, and a deep light burst into the depths of his eyes.

"Brother Acacia, please stay away. There is an emergency at home. It seems I must rush back to deal with it!"

The patriarch of the cactus family turned around and spoke to the locust patriarch, and said he was ready to leave.

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哎 "Hey ~ ~ Brothers are very kind. Since we are a family and brothers are in trouble, how can we just sit back and watch!"

The patriarch of Huaihuai smiled and stood up and said, "I'm fine anyway, let's be together, maybe we can help you!"

The cactus patriarch who had already left, the smile on his face immediately became extremely stiff, how ugly and ugly he could not help but drop the gloomy eyes on the **** people on the ground. If it was not the occasion, he would Just slapped this stupid people!

@ # ¥¥%, you don't see what kind of things are, just talking here, is there such a stupid people in this world? !!

But the situation is urgent, and the strength of the acacia family is even stronger than that of his cactus family. Now that the secret has been exposed, it is impossible to stop it.

热情 The enthusiastic expression on the face of the cactus patriarch now invites: "Since Acacia brothers are interested, let's go together!"

"All the demon gods of the acacia family, follow me together! Let's go to the brothers of the cactus family to visit!"

The prince of the locust tree yelled immediately, and the voice rang through the entire tribe instantly!

Boom! Boom! !!

At the moment when the voice of the locust acacia fell, from the depths of the tribe, three incredibly powerful momentums emerged directly from the tribe.

Seeing this scene, the cactus chief's face was completely dark, and he clenched his fists tightly.

哪里 Where is this acacia family ready to be a guest, it is clear that it is ready to grab the veins ...

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