Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 507: Test of formation

At this moment, with the exception of the two Supreme Powers, everyone felt a creepy feeling.

Pei Junlin had seen these twelve fierce beasts before. At that time, the twelve powerful beast souls were just a subconscious roar of inertia, which caused his soul to suffer a lot of damage. When the twelve monsters turned out, he immediately flew back, and at the same time he warned, so that everyone could avoid the edge.

However, the response of Yang Xue, Bai Yulong, and Sun Kai was a little slow, and they were immediately hit by the terrible beast's roar. Their mental strength was not shallowly traumatized, and the three became pale and scarlet at the same time. The blood was leaking out.

Not far away, Bai Ji and Yang Dingfeng stood together, noticing this scene, their faces became gloomy.

"Stupid, where did you go for training on weekdays, how could you not even be alert?"

Bai Ji directly reprimanded and showed no mercy.

Yang Dingfeng's face was also not very good-looking, apparently dissatisfied with the performance of the descendants of the three Supremes.

"If you encounter a powerful opponent at a dangerous time, a mistake like yours alone will be enough to lose all your life!"

Listening to the relentless rebuke, Bai Yulong, Yang Xue, and Sun Kai all showed shame and bowed their heads in silence. This time, it is indeed the three of them who are too careless. Otherwise, if there is some precaution, Not to be hit hard in an instant.

"Your fighting consciousness is too bad. Look at Pei Junlin, and then look at you!"

Yang Dingfeng also said, which made Pei Junlin feel a little bit perplexed. When he was the first time, he was caught off guard.

Fortunately, Yang Dingfeng and Bai Ji, the two supreme powerhouses, are too lazy to waste time on these trivial matters.

"Pei Junlin, I will take this chariot of slaughter! Three months, three months later, I promise to send you back intact! Or you can go to my Bai family to find it!" Bai Quarter began.

"Extreme White!"

Pei Jun Linquanquan: "The junior has a merciless invitation, and hopes that Bai Baizhang promised!"

"You said!"

Said in the white season.

"That's it. The junior also knows a little bit about the refiner, so I want to take the liberty to borrow the refinery site in your land and improve the slaughter vehicle of God!"

Pei Junlin said, and then immediately explained: "This slaughter vehicle has been carefully studied by the younger generation. It is very powerful, but it also has many shortcomings. For example, the startup speed is too slow and the attack method is too simple. These, Everything can be improved! "

When this sentence of Pei Junlin came to an end, Bai Yulong, Yang Xue, and Sun Kai, who were quietly adjusting their nourishment and wounds, were astounded with their eyes widened. What did they hear? Pei Junlin wanted to improve the slaughter vehicle of God? !!

Bai Ji and Yang Dingfeng also looked at each other. Yang Dingfeng gave Bai Ji a meaning that was difficult to understand. He just said to Bai Ji on his front foot. Pei Junlin may also have mastered the extraordinary refining technique. Junlin took the initiative to ask for help, wanting to personally improve the slaughter of God.

If you are not very confident in your refiner's energy, such words would not dare to speak, after all, this slaughter vehicle is a monster of the demon tribe, and it took a lot of hard work, financial and material resources to make it. A big killer.

Such a powerful treasure is not something that can be improved just by talking about improvement. It requires great confidence and courage.

"Oh? You know that the God of Slaughter is from the hand of the demon,"

Bai Ji asked deliberately.

Pei Junlin nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Then you dare to be brave enough to make improvements without authorization. Do you know how powerful the demon's handwriting is? There are at least more than one thousand formations on this God of Slaughter chariot. And moving the whole body, a mistake could ruin the entire tank! "

Bai Ji's attitude gradually became serious.

Pei Junlin continued to nod: "I know!"

"Then you dare to improve? It seems that you have a strong self-confidence in your refiner and formation knowledge?"

Bai Ji's eyes were deep, and Zhuo Zhuan stared at Pei Junlin: "Let ’s do this, I will consider your knowledge of formation methods. If you can pass the test, then I promise you, how?"


Pei Junlin's expression was very calm, and he could not see any panic or anxiety. Some were just indifferent, which was a kind of performance that he was very confident in his knowledge of formation.

Bai Ji's eyes became deeper and deeper. Suddenly, special objects emerged from his hands, including jade, magnets, copper plates, and so on. The types were extremely complicated. The complexities of each kind were imprinted with complexity. Xuan'ao's runes, like heavenly books, have hundreds of pieces.

Outsiders can't understand it, but anyone who knows the knowledge of matrix formation knows that it is a special material to arrange the matrix formation. Each material is engraved with the runes imprinted on the entire hard work of a matrix mage, thereby turning decay into magic. , Making these simple materials possess the worldly ability!

Wow! !!

As if the heavenly girl scattered flowers, Bai Ji suddenly tossed these things to Pei Junlin's body position, and the fall of each item was very particular. Gradually, a magical scene appeared.

I saw that around Pei Junlin's body, there was a terrible light of God appearing in the air, the lights were intertwined, and thunder and thunder were generated, which contained horrible lethality.

"Wave up !!!!"

The exclamation sounded, Yang Xue, Sun Kai, and Xiong Shen watching the battle could not help but exclaim, even the supreme pupil of Yang Dingfeng shrank.

This move alone is enough to make 99% of the array masters ashamed. Although he can also make waves, he is not as chic as the white season.

When everyone was shocked by the one-handed magic that Bai Ji revealed at random, at this time Pei Junlin, who was deeply trapped in the magic, had begun to break.

The seemingly horrible flames of light around the body, the sword and the sword, and the golden horse and iron horse were all ignored by him. Pei Junlin's pair of lacquered black eyes became extremely deep and bright at this moment, just like two brilliant Stars.

At the same time, he knew the depths of the sea, and the roaring of his strong consciousness force, all excited, rippling an extraordinary sense of perception.

Soon, under Pei Junlin's gaze, he saw thin lines of hair around the body, which are the atmosphere of the formation, those who do not understand the formation, or those who have not reached a certain level in the study of formation. It is impossible to see this breath.

But under Pei Junlin's gaze at this moment, those breaths are so obvious, they are excited from different objects, and finally form a unique existence.

That is the true power of the formation method. Once caught in it, then it will be greeted by a sea of ​​shells.

The power of the formation method is not simply to use the strength of the arrayer. The powerful formation method can motivate the nature of mountains, lakes, rivers and seas, and even the mysterious power of the starry sky. This is the real terrible aspect of the formation.

Many seemingly cowardly array masters have no power to bind chickens. Once the array is successfully formed, it is no problem to kill thousands of troops!

At this time, Pei Junlin moved. His shape seemed to turn into a butterfly wearing flowers and dance in the interweaving of the light. Obviously to the outsiders, Pei Junlin's shape may be affected by the horrible light of God at any time Annihilation, but Pei Junlin is just fine.

Those horrible flames of magic light and sword light can't hurt him for half a minute. Whenever he touches Pei Junlin's body, he will slip away automatically.


A soft snoring sound came from Bai Ji's mouth. I am afraid that only he and Yang Dingfeng could see Pei Junlin's actions clearly. The seemingly dangerous scene was actually extremely safe.

"Try harder, this little guy is too easy!"

Yang Dingfeng entered the secret channel towards Bai Ji.

"Right on my mind!"

Bai Ji's eyes were faint, and suddenly, the jade charms, copper plates, magnets, and other objects were again dense in his hands, and they began to form a rapid array.

boom! Boom boom!

With the second season of shooting again, the power of the formation method has clearly begun to increase exponentially. Lightning and thunder on the entire city wall and stray light and flames staggered. The huge movements have alarmed many strong men in the city ~ ~ Everyone ran out, staring at this scene on the wall.

Many unknown people began to whisper and ask what had happened. When everyone learned that the terrible flame of God's light and lightning flashed, Pei Junlin was completely frightened!

Bai Ji, a powerful supreme strongman, even tried to test Pei Junlin in person, and everyone took a cold sweat for Pei Junlin.

Among the crowd, Wang Ziqiong was so frightened that he was pale!

But at this moment, let alone her, I am afraid that everyone can't help Pei Junlin any more, but can only watch Pei Junlin sink into that dangerous danger.

Above his head, under his feet, under his feet, and around him, flames, spurs, and magic light radiate, and the sword is vertical and horizontal, even if it is hundreds of meters away, all the powerful ones feel the terrifying lethality.

That kind of lethality, even the strongest in the later stage of Divine Realm, was a little scared and felt that it was too much.

However, Pei Junlin, who was deeply in danger, was still unscathed. His posture was still calm and unhurried, and there was a general style of soldiers to block water from the earth.

Millions of hits are still tough, Rener southeast northwest wind!

At this moment Pei Junlin perfectly interpreted the true meaning of this poem!

Gradually, the faces of Bai Ji and Yang Dingfeng also gradually showed their solemn colors, because at this time Pei Junlin's outstanding performance had exceeded their expectations.

It can be seen that Pei Junlin is still calm and calm, and the supreme strong man in the white season is also provoked into the bones, for a long time of **** fighting.

He began to gradually play out the real practice of matrix formation. From the first three points, he mentioned five points, then seven points, eight points ... №ⅰ№ⅰ

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