Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 508: respectively!

When the matrix method was mentioned as eight points, the power of the entire matrix method had already presented a very terrible degree.

The mountain shouted and the tsunami, the lightning flashed and thundered, the light and flame were roaring, the ground spurs kept rolling, and the land of a thousand kilometers turned into a sea of ​​killing, and the amazing atmosphere enveloped the land.

Finally, under this horrific offensive, a **** figure was shot out by the array method and rolled down on the wall.

"Pei Junlin!"

"Boss Pei!"


Various exclamations sounded one after another, Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao and others swarmed over, and saw Pei Junlin, who was lying on the ground at this moment, with a pale face like paper and a disordered atmosphere, and was in a coma .

"Rest assured, it's okay! It's just too desperate, causing a temporary shock from exhaustion!"

"In addition, the injuries on my body are all skin injuries!"

Yang Dingfeng didn't know when he had been on the side, comforting the crowd, and at the same time speaking, he injected energy into Pei Junlin, and gradually opened his eyes.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about it!"

Pei Junlin grinned at the caring crowd.

"What are you doing, not a battle of life and death, why are you so desperate!"

Wang Ziqiong looked at Pei Junlin, who was covered with blood and pale, and felt a pain in her heart.

"Unexpected, right ?!"

Not far away, watching Pei Junlin surrounded by big guys, Yang Dingfeng turned his head and spoke to Bai Ji around him.

The look of the white season is slightly more complicated: "It was very unexpected, not so much that he was defeated by the formation, but not by my own cultivation. If there is not much difference in strength, today ’s battle is probably not Know how long it will last! "

Yang Dingfeng laughed and said, "You look exactly like what I did that day. You don't know. When this superb knowledge of Pei Jun was revealed, my heart was fluctuating ... ... "

"If this guy didn't get married early, I really want to match my daughter to him. It is important that such a wicked genius should be held in his own hands!"

"Is this Pei Junlin already married? So early?" Bai Ji was surprised.

Yang Dingfeng obliquely asked: "What? You also want to recruit this little guy to your own home?"

Unexpectedly, Bai Ji gritted his teeth and said, "No! My real idea now is to hurry home and practise the unhelpful guys!"

"Think of my life in the white season, the turbulent situation, and the contemporary world. I am a master of sculptors and matrix formations. But why are my descendants of the Bai family so unbearable, even my successors are almost gone!"

"The gangs of rabbits are very proud one by one, thinking that they have learned a little bit of tricks, and their eyes have grown into the sky! Especially this jade dragon, who is obviously amazing in qualifications, but he is not interested in matrix methods or refiners, even if Cultivation is also forced, up! "

When it comes to things at home, Bai Ji, who is extremely powerful and supreme, is also sighing and breaking his heart.

"Don't mention, my Yang family is not much better than yours!"

Yang Dingfeng also sighed and said, "A big family, a person with amazing qualifications, only one daughter is OK, everyone else looks like that half bottle of vinegar."

"I think that bringing Pei Junlin to my house this time may play a role!"

Suddenly, Bai Ji seemed to think of something, her eyes were quiet.

Yang Dingfeng first froze and then laughed: "Old guy, bad mind! But I like it!"

"If it works, I'll bring Pei Junlin to my house next time, to stimulate those rabbits fiercely!"

In the distance, Pei Junlin, who was quietly adjusting his interest rate to recover his strength, shuddered inexplicably, always feeling that someone was thinking about him ...


At this moment, in the center of the city, there was a sudden and magnificent breath. The thundering sound was soaring, and the visions were suddenly changed. It immediately attracted everyone's attention, even if it was Pei Junlin who was silently recovering. He opened his eyes.

Under the gaze of all eyes, I saw the center of the city, a blaze of scorching sun rising, and the entire city reflected by the golden light was golden and glittering.

In the scorching sun, a god-like figure was stretching his limbs, and his face was intoxicated.

"Haha !!! I have reinvented my golden body!"

"It feels like having a physical body again. It's wonderful!"

The shepherd's voice will excite the whole city. Fortunately, there is an array of obstacles here, otherwise, the demons can hear it.

The Bear God was originally happy, but when he heard the shout of the ghost **** crying the ghost, his face turned black.

How about you and other wolverines on separate occasions, even if there are juniors, but now there are two Supremes here, who do you treat as 'Lao Tzu' ...

Fortunately, Bai Ji and Yang Dingfeng, the two supreme powerhouses, didn't seem to care much.

Jin Guang quickly approached the city wall, then fell in front of the crowd, revealing the face of the shepherd god.

Everyone was surprised to stare at the body of the shepherd and looked at it continuously to see how the re-aggregated golden body was different from the previous physical body, but found that there was nothing unusual except that the skin was a bit more golden.

"Extreme Bai, Supreme Yang, thank you very much. This time, I took note of Mu Yufeng!"

After the shepherd will fall to the ground, he will take the lead in saluting Bai Ji and Yang Zhizun, showing respect and gratitude.

This time he was truly blessed by misfortune. The remodeled golden body is not only stronger than the original body, but also because it contains a trace of the essence of the two Supreme Powers. This has an unimaginable future for him to break through the power of the Power. the benefits of.

"Good! This body is stronger than before!"

Yang Dingfeng spoke in praise.

"Don't talk about kindness, this is the treatment you deserve! With this golden body, I hope you can make greater achievements in the future. I, China, need a hero like you!"

Bai Jixin comforted.

The shepherd solemnly salutes a straight military salute and exclaims: "Oath to defend China!"

Then he glanced around and asked, "Where is Pei Junlin? Why isn't he here?"

"Lao Mu, I'm here!"

On the ground, Pei Junlin, pale, greeted weakly.

The shepherd will see Pei Junlin's bloody, pale face, his face suddenly changed, and a horrible evil will emerge from his body, screaming loudly: "Who hurt you? Laozi or whatever ..."

"Ahem, Muyu Peak, Pei Junlin and Bai Zhizun just discussed the formation method, exhausted!"

The bear **** general standing next to him, when he heard the impolite words of Mu Shen, interrupted immediately, and at the same time gave him a severe glance, blaming Mu Jing's mouth for not covering up, this stinky mouth will cause trouble sooner or later.

The shepherd will immediately be embarrassed and can't wait to get to the ground.

However, this is not to blame him. Although he has suffered unprecedented damage and the golden body was completely destroyed, the spiritual consciousness exists. Naturally, he knows why he has rebuilt the golden body so quickly. Resources, the biggest contributor is Pei Junlin.

If it wasn't for Pei Junlin's willingness to loan out the God of Slaughter Vehicle, his renewal resources for rebuilding the golden body would certainly not be so fast, and it would not be possible to get the help of the two supreme strongmen. For this reason, Pei Junlin even offended. Dongfengwu from the central hub.

All of this, the grave **** will be grateful to Pei Junlin, has risen to a very complicated level, so after seeing Pei Junlin was injured, it immediately exploded!

"Pei Junlin, get ready, we will leave in an hour!"

Bai Ji ignored the clash of the shepherd god, and after leaving such a sentence, he left with Yang Dingfeng.

"What are you going to do? Where are you going ?!"

However, although the two were clean, Pei Junlin was questioned in a rush of words. Both Nalanhao and Xiahou Pingren had expressions of curiosity.

Although Prince Qiong, who had been squatting beside Pei Junlin, took care of nothing, the eyes of Yingying Qiushui already represented everything.

"It's nothing. I want to go to Bai's house with Bai Yulong's grandfather to study the slaughter of the God of Slaughter. The length is three months and the short one month. I will be back soon!"

Pei Junlin explained: "Anyway, the new Tiankeng battle situation is now calm, and you also know that I am now a wanted object in the entire Central Plains Tiankeng. All the demons have listed me as the number one target!"

"In such a dangerous situation, it is better for me to stay away from the limelight!"

"After I leave, you have to be careful!"

"No one can be surprised, you know ?!"

Pei Junlin seemed to be her parents before leaving. After caring for each child, almost three hours later, Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong and Bai Ji left.

Looking at the three disappearing backs, Sun Kai suddenly turned his head to Yang Xue, who said: "I'm going home! I don't know what's going on, I always have a hunch, if I don't hurry to cultivate, wait until When the surname of Pei came out of the Bai family, it was very likely that he would be pulled down! "

"As the descendant of the Supreme, I can't afford to lose this person!"

"It turned out to be more than me alone ~ ~ has this ridiculous hunch!"

Yang Xue was surprised: "I have to go home with my dad, he has given me a death order, and he needs to practice it once ... Hey, I blame Pei Junlin, it must be this guy's formation. The amazing performance above stimulated these old men ... "

what! !!

Yang Xuezheng said, there was a pain in his forehead, and he screamed in horror. When he turned his head, he saw that his father did not know when he was standing beside him, and looked at him with a black face: "Who are you calling! Who is the old man ...... After returning home this time, the training has doubled! "

"Ah! Dad! Dear Daddy, I was wrong! Really wrong! Please let go ..."

Yang Xue persuaded directly, mourning a small face, but unfortunately was ignored by Yang Dingfeng directly, and the herdsman and Xiongshen simply said hello, then took the baby girl and left the tiankeng world.

Soon, Sun Kai also left, and the originally lively city wall became much deserted.

"Don't look at it, the three of them all have a background of sky-high existence, and they don't need to grow like ours. They can only fight hard in the world of tiankeng. Let's put our hearts down and continue to open up wasteland!"

Zhang Pingping carried a large knife in her hand, and her wild face was full of aggression, and her long legs were long and dazzling.

"Who wants to wasteland with me, sign up!"

"Since we can't compare with the background and resources of others, then we should use hard work and diligence to make up. I always believe that the more sweat you pay, the more you will gain!"

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