Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 517: Quench fruit and refreshing fruit

"Extreme White, please!"

Pei Junlin listened carefully.

"It's very simple, that is, this time there is no research on the slaughter of the God of War, and it can't be leaked to the outside world. No matter who asks it, you deduce that you don't know!"

Bai Ji's tone became more serious than ever: "Also, you can't divulge important information about the slaughter of God!"

Pei Junlin nodded without hesitation and promised that he could understand the hidden meaning of Bai Ji's remarks, and that was all the research on this time of the slaughter of the gods, all of which were done by the Bai family personally, without concern to him.

This incident involves the face of the dignified Supreme Family. After all, this time Pei Junlin's efforts were too great, and the Bai family was actually very indifferent. Apart from the Supreme Strong in Bai Ji, others did very little.

What kind of character is Pei Junlin? For two generations, how can he not understand the twists and turns, and even he has personally experienced helping others, but in the end he will be killed by others. It is the so-called wicked defeat of demons, for the sake of face And benefits, anything can be done.

This time, the Bai family can reward him with such rich treasures. In fact, it can be regarded as very decent, and it can be said to have a strong character.

Otherwise, in order to eliminate the face of the Supreme Family and eliminate the potential threats to the slaughter of the God of Slaughter, it is completely capable of killing and killing. With the powerful heritage of the Bai family, destroying a small ant of the **** level is really effortless. .

A few hours later, the Baijiaju tribe was excited, and everyone was in a carnival, celebrating the success of the research of the Tushen chariot.

At the banquet, Pei Junlin was continuously toasted by Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei. At last, all the younger generations started to coax and came to Pei Junlin to drink. It seemed that they wanted to beat up the beatings that had been abused by the formation. Find it on the table in revenge.

"Pei Junlin, you are really lucky this time!"

Bai Yulong flushed all over the place, holding Pei Junlin's shoulder and saying, "Do you know? This time my grandpa rewards those treasures, even my grandson is very envious and jealous! If you do n’t believe it, you can ask Ask Bai Yufei this ?! "

On the side, Bai Yufei, who had been drinking, heard the words and nodded quickly.

"Let's put aside the 50,000 top-quality Lingjing for the time being, let's talk about the quenched fruit, which is definitely the treasure dreamed by the power of the gods! After taking it, it has unimaginable benefits for the tempering of the internal organs!

"Grandpa actually rewards you with two at a time. That is much more precious than 50,000 top-quality Lingjings. It is a treasure that is difficult to buy with money!"

Bai Yulong was so angry that he was lying beside Pei Junlin and thinking about it.

"Besides, there is the fruit for recuperating the gods. Do you know what it is? It is a heaven and earth spirit extract that is taken only by the supreme strong one, a rare treasure! That thing is specially used to increase mental strength!"

"Yu Fei and I have eaten once since they were so old. I didn't expect that this time Grandpa would give you a reward! It is even closer than our grandchildren!"

"Ha ha!"

Bai Yufei on the other side also drank a lot, and sneered when he heard it: "Yulong, you have overlooked a secret place!"

"Grandpa also gave Pei Junlin a chance to enter a secret practice!"

Waking up, Bai Yulong patted the table and said, "Yes, there is a secret place!"

"That is the only place where my Bai family's direct children can enter. It is rumored that there are life-long cultivation experiences left by my Bai family's predecessors, strange treasures, knowledge of formation methods, countless!"

Pei Junlin was shocked when he heard such an introduction, and was shocked by Bai Ji's generosity.

The Supreme Power is too grand-minded. A supreme Power, who is so dignified, can attach so much importance to such a small shrimp, which is very rare.

This time Pei Junlin looked down on himself a little, he didn't know how amazing the matrix method he showed this time was. The reason why Bai Ji gave him such a heavy reward was not just to thank him The help of shots is even more for the future.

A talented young king like Pei Junlin, who has stepped into the state of supremacy today, has almost 80% certainty. He can build such a future young supreme and relationship in this early stage, and so on. It's so cheap, it's a good deal.

The real strong man is not just powerful, his vision, his vision is unique, his mind, his means ... and so on, all of them are far superior to others. Within steps, but for a supremely strong person like the white season, you can see at least seven moves or even farther when playing chess.

In the noisy atmosphere, Pei Junlin was completely drunk in this way. Even if he had done his best, he was not the opponent of a group of young arrogant people who ‘publish the vengeance’.

When Pei Junlin was awake, it was already the next morning, and he felt the painful head after the hangover. Pei Junlin exercised the exercises and gently shocked, all the alcohol was immediately removed from the body, and the whole person recovered. Qingming.

"Mr. Pei, the owner asked me to tell you that after the opening of the mystery is set for five days, you can rest in peace for a while!"

When Pei Junlin stepped out of the room, a servant immediately ran over in respect and said.

"Masters Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, during this period of time, they are also retreating silently, building energy, and meeting the challenges of the mystery!"

"Levels of challenges? What are the levels in the mystery?" Pei Jun wondered.

"Of course, the mystery is very difficult. This is the consensus of almost all Bai families! Children know it!"

The servant explained, Mei Yu couldn't hide a pride: "But we don't know what kind of test it is!"

Pei Junlin nodded, thanked the servant, and turned into the room.

Since there are still five days left, he simply meditates.

When it comes to cultivation, Pei Junlin thought of those rich rewards that had been put into the space ring. 50,000 pieces of top quality Lingjing did not need to move for the time being, but the two hardened fruit and the nourishing fruit made him heart.

The quenched fruit helps to temper the golden body, and the nourishing fruit helps to improve the spiritual strength. This is definitely a treasure-level holy sacred product, which is hard to find.

Pei Junlin has been wandering in the tiankeng world for so long. Do n’t say that you have eaten a treasure like this, and you have n’t even encountered it before, so you can see how precious it is, and you do n’t know the hardened fruit and nourishment. Where did the Guobai family come from?

The thoughts fell, and Pei Junlin flipped his palm, and there was already a whole body of fruit shining with orange light. The fragrance was overflowing as soon as the fruit was taken out. The index finger was moving, and I could not help drooling.

Pei Junlin took a bite, and suddenly, her mouth was full of fragrance, but she felt that the taste buds were magnified hundreds of times, a wonderful feeling like never before, spreading all over the body.

too delicious!

He swallowed a quenched fruit into the stomach in three or two mouthfuls, and then was not addicted, and immediately ate the remaining quenched fruit in two or three mouthfuls.

This time, Pei Junlin felt the vitality in the body, an unprecedented energy like the tide, boiling from the chest and abdomen, and then running through the body.

This energy is too strong, and the internal organs can't absorb it for a while, causing energy to be spread all over the body.

"So cool!"

Pei Junlin felt that the vitality of countless cells in the body had been activated. He couldn't help standing up from the ground and moving his limbs. His movement immediately sounded a roar of sound around him, which was a powerful force of blood and blood. The sound of a thunderous wave was made.

Pei Junlin's body is full of jade light, and that is the road of Wu Sheng being excited again. Ice muscle jade bone, silver pulp, and ice muscle jade. .

The meaning of silver-medullary plasma means that the bone marrow is like the color of silver and emits dazzling silver light. Plasma refers to blood like mercury slurry, like magma deep in the volcano.

In order to reach this level, not only the painstaking efforts and sweat, but also sufficient resources to accumulate, and this time the quenching fruit is the key to unlock this silver pulp.

In the quiet room, Pei Junlin stretched his limbs, sometimes leaping and jumping, sometimes wild apes turned over the mountains, and sometimes light as flying swallows ...

He ran the original Nirvana, fully absorbed the energy brought by the quenched fruit, and his whole body was warm. Pei Junlin can be sure that this time the two quenched fruit really helped him a lot, and he can definitely change the physical quality again. Upward ~ ~ At the same time, the tempering of the five internal organs has also made great progress. From the inside, a layer of golden light is emitted.

One day later, the energy of the two hardened fruits was completely absorbed by Pei Junlin. He stood there as if he were a human beast. The strength of blood and blood was too strong, and he felt full of power!

When he arbitrarily moved, Qi and blood made a sound of shocking waves, making Pei Junlin have to suppress it and adapt slowly.

He was very satisfied with such a significant improvement. After glancing at the time, it took just one day, and Pei Junlin took out the recuperating fruit without hesitation.

This fruit is different from the quenched fruit of the yellow orange orange before, the color of the whole body turned out to be golden and bright, very amazing, and it was not ordinary at first glance.

Pei Junlin took a bite, and suddenly her face changed, and the muscles of her entire face began to twitch!

Acid, strong acid!

The sour body makes the body numb, and the soles of the feet are cramped. If it were not for strong willpower, Pei Junlin would almost spit out the fruit in his mouth.

In the end, Pei Jun closed her eyes and swallowed the jujube, swallowing the whole fruit directly into the stomach.

Compared with the extremely delicious hardened fruit in front, this fruit is simply two extremes, and the gap is too great!

Pei Junlin swallowed with great willpower, and his strong stomach seemed to contract in a while.

However, the effect is also very great. Just as Yang Shenguo swallowed his stomach, Pei Junlin felt a strange power coming from the chest cavity to the sea of ​​knowledge in his brain.

As if it was calm lake water, suddenly a heavy weight was thrown in, and Pei Junlin's knowledge of the sea suddenly became very lively!

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