Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 518: Khan Tomb

A warrior's life, if you want to be strong, there are two major factors.

One is physical quality, the other is mental strength!

Spiritual power has always been one of the must-have factors for a powerful warrior. It is closely related to the warrior himself. If he wants to improve his spiritual power, he can only grow rapidly after reaching the supreme state.

Prior to this, the emphasis of martial arts cultivation was on physical quality, and it was difficult to improve spiritual strength, both in terms of exercises and rare treasures, which were extremely scarce.

Although Pei Junlin is quite different, long ago, after obtaining the original Nirvana, he was able to cultivate the strength of the physical body and the spiritual strength at the same time, making his spiritual strength far beyond his peers.

However, with the swallowing of this fruit, in the calm sea of ​​knowledge, the spiritual force immediately received an unprecedented supply of nutrients, and began to absorb crazy.

Pei Junlin can clearly perceive that his power of consciousness grows fast at a speed that surprises him, and that is a qualitative leap, especially with the help of the sacred school of the original Nirvana. Progress is rapid.

An unprecedented and wonderful feeling enveloped Pei Junlin's heart. The cells in the brain seemed to be activated, full of vitality, and the brain became extremely clear.

Pei Junlin was perfectly immersed in this wonderful state, and waited until the effect of nourishing the fruit had disappeared before he reluctantly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, Pei Junlin was still Pei Junlin, but in his eyes, the world seemed to have changed. He could clearly see many particles floating between heaven and earth, which was composed of heaven and earth aura.

His pair of lacquered black eyes became brighter than ever before, really shining like stars and sparkling, making people dare not look straight.

In the past, Pei Junlin wanted to do all of this. He had to use the power of God's consciousness, but at this moment there is no need at all. The eyes can clearly see that this is the most intuitive change brought about by the transformation of the power of consciousness.

At the same time, Pei Junlin ’s sense of consciousness has been increased several times. The range of the previous consciousness was no more than ten miles away, but now with full force, the thirty miles should be no problem.

This powerful sense of God is enough to be worthy of many powerful people in the late stage of the gods and even the peak!

"Jingle Bell!"

Just as Pei Junlin was experiencing the wonderful feeling brought by Xiuwei, a harsh siren sounded suddenly from outside, and then Pei Junlin felt the power of countless Bai family, appearing from all directions.

"Is there anything wrong ?!"

Pei Junlin was surprised that the five days before the start of the mystery had not yet arrived. What was happening?

With doubt, Pei Junlin also stepped out of the courtyard and hurried toward the center of the village.

When he arrived, a lot of strong members of the Bai family had already gathered in an open space in the middle of the village. Everyone was talking to each other and they didn't know what happened.

"Pei Junlin!"

When a voice came, Pei Junlin turned his head and found that Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei were also here.

"Is this what happened?" Pei Junlin asked.

Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei also shook their heads, saying they were not clear.

"Are all people here ?!"

At this time, Bai Ji's figure appeared in the void, and the majestic air of majesty caused everyone to stop talking with each other immediately, and whispered.

"It's all here!"

Below is a powerful man at the peak of Divine Realm, loudly.

"Well, I have two things to announce next!"

Bai Ji said, "Just now, I received two unexpected sudden situations!"

"The first one is that the demon tribe in Nankeng Tiankeng launched a war. It seemed to want to avenge the great loss of the Central Plains Tiankeng. The battle suddenly became extremely tense and urgently needed human assistance."

"This time my Bai family will dispatch most of the elite personnel to Nanzhou Tiankeng! This assistance is equivalent to tempering!"

"Second, in the Mongolian province of China, a great khan's majestic tomb was found on a prairie. This tomb is likely to be a relic from ancient times!"

"The formations are dense and dangerous, and the real fire erupts from time to time. It stays for three days and nights, attracting many forces to flock!"

Bai Ji stands proudly in the void, and his words are concise and powerful and quickly explain everything.

"Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei are out!"


In the procession, three figures made great strides.

Bai Ji said: "Pei Junlin, because of the sudden incident, the things that originally promised you to go to my Baijia secret realm must have been delayed! And your next research and improvement of the Tushen chariot can only wait until the next time. ! "

"To make up for this accident, you will go to Mongolia with Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei!"


Pei Junlin agreed aloud.

"Suddenly, the three of you will pack up now!"

Bai Ji was very popular: "In addition, the three of you must keep in mind that this time the appearance of the Great Khan Tomb on the grassland will definitely attract some young people, such as those maggot-like evil factions, who often regard you as Young Tianjiao is stabbed in his eyes, and assassinations are possible! Be careful! "

Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei left quickly after taking orders. In less than half an hour, the three have walked out of the Bai family ancestors, rising into the air, turning into three streamers and disappearing.

"Pei Junlin, have you always wondered why my grandpa used the Khan's tomb on the grassland as a bargaining chip for my white house?"

During the flight of Yukong, nothing happened. Bai Yulong suddenly seemed to think of something, and turned around and said to Pei Junlin beside him.

Unexpectedly, Pei Junlin shook his head and said, "No! I have never wondered! Because I know that such amazing discoveries as the ancient ruins of the steppe Khan Tomb are generally exclusive to the Supreme Family or powerful forces, A warrior of ordinary identity cannot be reached at all! "

"Even many times, there is no news from outside of such a treasure land. It has been discovered in advance and possessed by a powerful force like you!"

"Well? You are so different, you know all these things!"

Bai Yufei was surprised.

Pei Junlin said with a bitter smile: "In fact, this kind of thing is quite normal. The world is not fair at all. The strong take the advantage of resources, and it should be! But the weak, want to get the treatment of the strong, only change by themselves Strong! "

The three talked with each other, and they were approaching a bustling metropolis. After arriving here, the three chose to land, and instead went to fly to fly to Mongolia.

The Qinling Mountains are not far from Mongolia, or near or close. Flying at such a distance is very tiring, and the aircraft is the most convenient.

In the premium business class, when Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei walked in, they immediately became the most noticeable focus in the entire cabin.

After all, the temperament of the three people is too outstanding, or cold, chic, or elegant, and they look good, no less than those so-called stars.

The three talents entered the business class and attracted a lot of attention. Even the beautiful figure, the beautiful stewardess was a pair of beautiful eyes, and women took out their mobile phones and secretly took pictures to send photos to friends. What.

In the face of all this, Pei Junlin and Bai Yufei have not yet reacted, but Bai Yulong is proud. A pair of eyes are discharged one after another. On the handsome face, a masculine arc of a domineering president is exposed, causing many young women. , Girl or something, blushing.

"Breeding pigs, I can warn you that this time we took the task. If you dare to gang up casually and delay things, I will never help you hide it again!"

Seeing Bai Yulong's expression, Bai Yufei immediately covered his face with black lines and warned in a low voice.

"Breeder? Is this his nickname? So exaggerated ?!"

Pei Junlin was also surprised.

Bai Yulong heard the originally romantic smile, stiffened directly on his face, turned back fiercely, and glared at Bai Yufei: "Pei Junlin, you don't listen to him nonsense, I am romantic and not indecent! Man, don't take advantage of it What a young man, what a man! "

"What's more, my warrior is so stressed every day. There is no tomorrow today. When it's time to be chic, you must hurry and chic, otherwise, if it's a shit, it doesn't mean that you are walking around the world! You say right?!"

Pei Junlin ...

What you said makes sense, I could n’t refute it for a while!

However, Pei Junlin did see a lot of this kind of things, especially in the martial arts circle. Every day, he licked his blood on the edge of the knife and suffered a lot of pressure. Therefore, many martial arts were very open to this aspect, regardless of men and women. In between, this is the case.

This is also a very effective way to relieve stress!

"Handsome guy, are the three of you traveling to Mongolia?"

Suddenly ~ ~ A nice voice came from beside Pei Junlin, and when he turned around, he saw a beautifully dressed and pretty woman sitting on the side of the aisle. The curves are touching. Under the denim shorts, a pair of white long legs are extremely charming and dazzling.

There were also several young men and women of the same age sitting with this beauty, all dressed up very cool and trendy, with a combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

Pei Junlin nodded: "That's right!"

"Really? That's great! We also travel to the prairie! Hello, my name is Su Yezi, you can call me Ye Zi!"

This beautiful woman named Su Ziye was very enthusiastic and generous, and she reached out to Sae Yu's hand to Pei Junlin. Her skin tone was very good and she could break.

When Pei Jun came to see a woman who was so generous, she smiled slightly. When she was about to reach out, she suddenly saw a young man with glasses sitting with Su Yezi, and his face was very unsightly. He frowned and said, "Leaf! What is this? Uncle and Auntie have said that when you go out, you have to be careful and unpredictable! "

"Well, I want you to control it! This is Miss Ben's freedom. If you are annoying, you should get off the plane now! I haven't forced you together!"

Su Yezi seemed very cold to the young man in the glasses. He heard the words and stumbled in the past.

"In addition, what aunts and aunts are my parents, the relationship between the two of us is far from that close!"

Pei Junlin saw all these farce aside and smiled. He didn't even need to guess such a plot. He knew that this young man in glasses was pursuing this girl named Su Yezi. Unfortunately, the girl looked very cold ...

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