Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 519: Poison Girl Rumors

A few hours later, the plane arrived in the capital of Mongolia.

Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei walked out of the airport, accompanied by a group of young men and women called Su Yezi.

However, the three of Pei Junlin were met with hostility from almost all of their male compatriots, because on the way, the limelight of all of them was snatched by the three guys, causing great resentment and dissatisfaction.

It's not just Pei Junlin's eyes, the brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, their outstanding appearance and temperament have also attracted the attention of other girls. On the way, several girls with Su Yezi have intentionally and unintentionally made peace. Bai Yulong and the brothers Bai Yufei talked to get some information.

This naturally attracted the hostility of all male compatriots. Unfortunately, in the face of such eyes, would Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei care, even Pei Junlin chose to ignore it!

After leaving the airport, Su Yezi and several female companions looked at the three of Pei Junlin reluctantly. These three were really outstanding. In contrast, their original male companions were directly set off as if they were soiled. There is nothing outstanding.

No matter the aura or temperament, or the face value, dress and dress, the body that was hit is incomplete.

"Beauties, if we have a chance, we will see you again!"

Bai Yulong waved chicly at several beautiful women.

If it is not urgent, in fact, he really wants to go deep into the relationship with a few beautiful women, so it seems that he can only wait until the mission is over.

Watching Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei take a taxi and leave, Su Yezi and several female companions have a lost expression. This kind of demeanor, let alone a few male companions, be jealous!

"Hum, **** !!! Watery poppies!"

Many men are scolding women in their hearts, but on the surface they are cowardly, but because any man present is inseparable from the temptation of beauty.

This may be the inferiority of men from ancient times to the present, and the pride that women are most proud of.

Besides, Pei Junlin, the three of them, went straight to their destination after taking a taxi.

The prairie is endless, which is their goal this time.

On the way, three people took out their mobile phones one after another, collecting information about the steppe khan tomb. After all, there were some movements in the steppe khan tomb. It is said that there was a real fire in the sun, not three days and three nights. Disappear, in this era of information flying, it must be impossible to hide.

Sure enough, when I searched the Internet, I found a lot of such news. Pictures have already been circulated on the Internet. There are all kinds of news, and many people bluntly come.

But experts soon came out and pointed out that this was just a scene of nature, magnetic fields and so on.

However, this search was not useless, at least they found the approximate coordinates of the Khan Tomb, which is located in the deepest part of the prairie, and the swamp is swamped with wild beasts, very dangerous, ordinary people are Not reachable at all.

The pictures on the Internet were also occasionally encountered by a team of adventurers, and then posted on the Internet, causing heated discussions.

"Well, I haven't been on the dark web for a long time. Look, I see an interesting thing on the dark web!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Bai Yulong shouted.

The three of them exerted a magic enchantment and shielded the driver driving in front, so they were not worried that the driver would hear it.

"Surprised! Poisonous girls are appearing in the European world again and are beginning to challenge the powerful nations in the European world! Wherever they go, the powerful nations in various countries will be embarrassed and their farts will flow!"

Bai Yufei read aloud, then wondered: "Who is the Poison Girl? Who is the Poison Girl? Why never heard of the name!"

Pei Junlin was also puzzled. He may not have been on the dark web for a long time. He really doesn't know who this character is!

"Hey, this poisonous girl is very famous. Throughout the forum, her posts were discussed everywhere. Many people are guessing which country the poisonous girl is from!"

Bai Yulong glanced at the forum record, his face full of gossip: "This poisonous girl seems to have emerged suddenly three months ago. She has unparalleled poison in the world. Wherever she goes, she can't grow a little grass, and the s-level awakening of many European countries All were defeated by her poisonous powers, and many powerful men died under terrible toxins! "

"Great! This poisonous girl! The s-level awakener is the same as my divine power in China. I am interested in this poisonous girl! I have never heard of this character!"

Bai Yulong shouted: "Well, there are still photos. Although the face is covered, but this figure is really perfect, and it looks like a big beautiful woman!"

Nearby, Bai Yufei watched Bai Yulong's breeding pig character again, and couldn't help sneering: "Be careful on the bed, others will poison you! Or you may have poisoned your little brother ..."

"Well, Yu Fei, you are cursing me! Have you been such a brother!"

Bai Yulong couldn't help but clamp his legs, staring angry.

Bai Yufei sneered: "Huh! I'm thinking about you, and my Bai family's face!"

"roll roll roll!!!"

Bai Yulong was black, and Pei Junlin watched this pair of brothers quarreling and grinning. As for any poisonous woman but not poisonous woman, he ignored it!

The earth is not big, it is small, it is not small, and the hidden powerful Taoist does not know how many, even if it is the power of a country, it may be clear, let alone personal!

So, suddenly a special genius popped up, nothing to be surprised!

The weather on the prairie changed, and the sun was burning a few minutes ago, spreading the ground. After a few minutes, it was overcast with thunder and lightning, and thick dark clouds hovering over the sky, making people panic.

"Three people, it's going to rain heavily this day, and it's still heavy rain! The car is afraid to drive any further, otherwise, I'm afraid it will fall into the ground!"

The driver stopped and shouted.

"Also, the stormy weather is not suitable for going out and playing adventures. I think the three people should find a yurt nearby, and after a night's stay, set off!"

"The people on the prairie are very hospitable!"

Pei Junlin looked up at the stormy weather at any time and asked, "How far is it from here in the deep grassland?"

"Deep prairie? How far? It depends on where you are going, if it is the deepest, it can be far away, at least two hundred miles away!" The driver said.

"That line, let's get off here! You go back slowly!"

Pei Junlin said, and then started getting off.

Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei heard the words and quickly got out of the car.

"Ah, hey! This place is not in front of the village and behind the store ..."

The driver was obviously a nice-hearted person, and he asked with concern.

"It's okay, Master! We've already called, and a friend will pick you up in a while! Just go home!" Bai Yulong said.

"OK then!"

The driver heard the words and felt relieved a lot, and drove away.

"More than two hundred miles away, let's go! Experience the feeling of flying in the rain!"

Pei Junlin said with a smile, the words fell from the sky and swept away towards the distance.

"Fuck, you're so strong and still flying, cheating!"

Bai Yulong was dissatisfied, and quickly chased him up. Bai Yufei was also very fast, and he was chasing after him. In the blink of an eye, the three figures turned into three small black spots.

It took only ten minutes to fly, and it turned out to be pouring rain, and the whole world was shrouded in a gray rain curtain.

But all this does not matter to the three of Pei Junlin. On the contrary, he really enjoys the feeling of pouring rain.

"Well, look! Someone flying there in the rain!"

Suddenly, during the flight, Pei Jun's eyes were fixed, and he saw a void from a kilometer away from them. Two figures were also galloping in the air.

Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei heard the words and looked at the past, but unfortunately the distance was too long and the rainstorm was affected. Their vision was greatly affected. They could not see the true appearance of each other. They all wore black cloaks, and their whole bodies were shrouded in black cloaks, which looked extremely mysterious.

"The appearance of the Khan Tomb and the suspected ancient ruins will certainly attract many cattle, ghosts, and snakes!"

Bai Yulong put away Dang Erlang from weekdays and said solemnly ~ ~ Should we go to investigate? "

Bai Yufei asked.

"It is not necessary for the time being. It is the enemy or the friend who will see the difference when they reach the Khan Tomb!"

Pei Junlin stopped and said, "Let's speed up, but we must take a good look at this Khan Tomb, what kind of treasure is it!"

Between the words, the three of them soared through the rain curtain and disappeared into the distance.

"Madam, what's wrong with you ?!"

Pei Junlin, the three who left at a faster speed and soared, didn't find it. Just a few kilometers away, the figure in a black cloak stopped suddenly, thousands of meters away. A pair of clear eyes, staring at the direction in which the three figures disappeared in the distance, stunned.

Hearing the voice of the cloak man around him, the maiden immediately returned to her mind, and the light in her eyes quickly recovered cold, her voice hoarse: "It's okay! Let's go on!"

"The three figures passing by just now are very strong! If not unexpectedly, it must be the most outstanding Tianjiao of Huaxia Kingdom today, alas! This time it seems that we have a rich prey again!"

"The soul and blood of these young powerhouses, any one, is the most delicious food in the world! It is unforgettable and unforgettable!"

The man in cape made a ghastly laugh, and he couldn't help getting his hair down.

"Shut up! You have to listen to me this time!"

The maiden heard the words and suddenly became furious: "Huaxia is different from those in Europe. We can do whatever we want! Here are dragons and tigers, strong as clouds. Step on land! "

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