Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 525: Jinghong 1

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Chapter Five Two Five

Hum! !! !!

The moment when the energy of the heavens and the earth formed in the formation method, it was instantly induced, which directly reversed the yin and yang and reversed the universe.

Originally, the beams of light that were directed straight toward the three of Dongfengwu, Dongfengtai and Dongfengyue changed under the four or two pounds of the matrix method, and the direction changed instantly, almost passing by the three scalps and bodies. Some of them have not been towed, and have only caused some skin trauma, completely avoiding the key to life and death.

Such a sudden scene not only stunned the three of Dongfengwu, but also the expressions of those evil strong men. Then, the monstrous killing exploded like a volcano, and his eyes instantly focused on Pei Junlin.

The critical moment just now was that Pei Junlin suddenly performed a powerful array of stunts and waved his hands to save Dongfengwu's three lives.

"Looking for death !!! I was still thinking of killing you last, since you are so anxious to die, then you will be fulfilled first! Let's go together and kill them!"

The cloak man's eerie voice sounded, the first to burst into a powerful momentum, blocking the beams of the layered array method, striding closer to Pei Junlin's position.

"Go and save the three of the Dongfeng family first, take them away from here, and give them to me here!"

Seeing the fierce evil faction strong, one after another turned the direction, Pei Junlin looked cold and said indifferently.

"So many of them, can you ... can you?"

Bai Yulong hesitated.

Pei Junlin sneered: "Maybe it won't work elsewhere, but I'll say it here!"

As soon as the words fell, Pei Junlin's hands again had dense arrays of magnets, copper plates, jade articles, etc., and threw them directly in front of them.


It seemed that the raging fire was poured into a large amount of oil and water, and the already terrifying formation was suddenly increased. The power increased again, and the complicated runes were shining on all sides.

Huh! Huh!

The dull and broken sound of laser holes piercing the body continued to sound, accompanied by the painful screams, a strong evil fell into a pool of blood, and died in a blink of five or six.

All of them were killed by a sudden burst of beams of light. Pei Junlin changed the trajectory of the formation method, and, unexpectedly, many evil fighters directly recruited.

Looking down from high altitude, the original calm formation method has completely turned into a boiling ocean of beams. There are scary beams of dense rain everywhere, and the power of these beams, if they are faced up front, is considered a divine realm. The late strong will also be very embarrassed.

"Ah! My legs!"

A wicked strong man in the early days of Divine Realm, was unable to dodge, and was directly interrupted by a powerful beam of light. The flesh flew, and then, at the moment when his screams were not completely emitted, two lightning-fast beams The oncoming blow completely broke his head.

Examples like this are constantly being staged, and some evil strongs are pierced by their beams, making them embarrassed.

Those who are proficient in array formation are better, at least a little self-protection, but those who do not understand array formation are completely out of luck. After several rounds of beam attacks, the original twenty evil fighters have been sharply reduced. half.

This is a massacre of red fruit, and the initiator of all this just put in a small detonation array.

The situation is like a match that ignited an explosives factory. The power of the match was magnified many times, which directly pried the whole array of power.

"Asshole, the old man killed you!"

An angry and roaring roar emanated from the cloak man's mouth, and the sudden change of formation directly disrupted all his plans, and he hated the abominable young man.

He can also be regarded as a master of array formation, but he never expected that Pei Junlin's array formation was so strong that he not only rescued the three of Dongfengwu almost instantly, but also ignited the entire array formation here. power.

At this moment, the terrible array beams around him were down like storms, even if he was a powerful man in the late stage of the divine realm.

Seeing the tragic death of a famous elite, the Cloakman's hatred for Pei Junlin was stronger than ever.

Unfortunately, he wanted to be close to Pei Junlin, but he was trapped by layers of formation and could not escape.

At this moment, Pei Junlin, not far away, had a cold and ruthless face, and the death of those evil strong men could not provoke any emotional fluctuations in him, but he was still murderous.

He calmly avoided a beam of light from the blast, the gesture was like an elf dancing on the sharp blade of death, calmly, and at the same time, Pei Junlin continued to add material to the formation, making this ancient killing, Power surged and turned into a sea of ​​beams.

This is the terrible part of a powerful array mage. Under sufficient natural terrain, once the array mage has successfully deployed the array, the power it causes is increased several times or even dozens of times, far exceeding the personal power.

"Pei Junlin, come here, Yu Fei, the second commodity, he can't bear the power of the array!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Bai Yulong shouted from the distance. The two of them originally wanted to leave with the poisoned Dongfengwu three. However, the ignition of the formation method also caused them to fall in. .

Although Bai Yufei's formation method is good, it is still worse. At the beginning, he can still see moves, but as the power of the formation method became stronger and stronger, it gradually became unbearable.

Pei Junlin hesitated slightly, but chose to quickly support it.

"Wangba, for you, we gave up even the golden coffin. For today's loss, your Dongfeng family must accompany us !!!"

Under the leadership of Pei Junlin, a group of people gradually broke out of the formation. On the way, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei looked at the dark air entangled in the whole body, and the three Dongfengwu who were languished in anger and scolded.

This time in order to save the lives of Dongfengwu, Dongfengyue and Dongfengtai, they really lost a lot.

The Dongfengwu three, who were very poisonous and dying in this body, had extremely complicated eyes, even if they were arrogant and arrogant as usual, but this time they did owe Pei Junlin the trio and his love.

"Just rest assured! As long as we can survive this time, there will be a good return in Japan!"

Dongfengwu said with a complex look: "In addition, Pei Junlin, I want to apologize for what you did! I really did not expect that this time you will try to save us!"

"You are more attentive. I didn't save you to make you grateful, but I felt that a godlike power like us can't die so easily. Instead, I should die upright and die on the battlefield. Whatever it takes! "

"That's where you die! There's meaning in life!"

The three of Dongfengwu were silent and did not know how much they heard. Finally, under the leadership of Pei Junlin, a group of people finally broke through the formation.

"You go first, take them out immediately, and then tell their family to treat them, this toxin is really overbearing!"

Pei Junlin said.

"What about you?" Bai Yufei asked anxiously.

Pei Junlin's chilling eyes fell into the depths of the boiling formation method, and his voice was awe-inspiring: "The current formation method is not fierce enough, I have to add some more ingredients to them! This will make it cooler !!!"

"Surprise, I suddenly regretted that I didn't learn how to play!"

Bai Yulong exclaimed: "Looking at you one by one, pointing at the mountains and the mountains, turning the stones into gold, it's really envious!"

"It's not too late to study, in fact, you are quite qualified in the formation method!" Bai Yufei said coldly.

Pei Junlin smiled at the words, then waved them to leave quickly.

After Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei left with the poisoned Dongfengwu three, Pei Junlin suddenly hugged his hands in a square shape. !! !!

A crisp collision sounded, and between his hands, densely packed magnets and jadeware suddenly floated. This time, the number of formations far exceeded any previous one.

"Do, leave, shake, Kun!"

"The Promise comes from the wind, Yin and Yang!"

"The world is upside down, the sun and the moon are upside down!"

A mantra of mantra was read from Pei Junlin's mouth, his look became extremely dignified, and his whole body mana was running wildly. At the same time, the strong sense of knowledge in the sea also became choppy and poured into each array.

At this time, deep in the formation of energy boiling, a group of strong evil men are still struggling to resist, and the situation seems to be that those who are struggling to swim in the stormy waves are all struggling to swim to the shore in an attempt to go ashore.

In just a few minutes, several strong men were lost, and one strong man in the early days of the divine realm also lost one. Only six divine powers were left, all others died!

Such a loss was unexpected by the man in the cape. What's more, it was all planted in the hands of a strange young man who had been ignored by them.

In the turbulent ocean of formations, the amazing performance is that of the other cloak man who has not shot. Her name is the maiden. After the power of the formation has been fully activated, the maiden who has been standing silently, Showing surprising array of accomplishments.

Suddenly, at this moment, the eyes of all the evil strong men were condensed. They saw Pei Junlin standing on the edge of the formation, and they started to form an array, and they saw that the whole body was boiling. It was obvious this time. The method of array is more powerful.

"Asshole, dare you !!!"

The man in cape was astounded. Rao was based on his powerful practice in the later stage of the divine realm. Being caught in such a horrific formation method was also difficult. He had been practiced as a whole, and was greatly restrained, and he could not play eight points.

At this time, I saw that Pei Junlin was preparing to put in a more terrifying formation, which triggered a greater formation power. All the evil strongs were furious and tried their best one by one, trying to break out of the formation of the formation as soon as possible. .

"Go to death! Miscellaneous !!!"

In the distance ~ ~ On the edge of the formation, Pei Junlin saw this, and on his cold face, a cold and bitter killing was revealed, and all the formations in his hands were thrown into the array without mercy. .


Suddenly, it seemed like a thunderbolt was moving the ground fire. This time, the power of this ancient array was completely detonated. Hundreds of pillars around the sky became dazzling.

Countless rays of extinction shrouded the world, and the carpet bombarded all the evil strong men.

The screams were ups and downs with each other, and a well-known evil strong was blown up by the terrible array power, and the whole body was dead.

Pei Junlin stared indifferently at the sight of this world in front of him, as if he had returned to the iron heart of the former Shura warlord, and regarded life as a mustard, a generation of Shura, sweeping the world.

But suddenly, just then, his face changed greatly!

I saw the veil on the face of a man in a cape was blown off under the bombardment of the sky's energy, revealing a shocking face ...

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