Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 526: Wang Ziyu?

Chapter 526 Wang Ziyu?

When that shocking face was revealed in the explosion of the sky array method, Pei Junlin's original indifferent iron face directly showed an unprecedented astonishment, and stared at the incomparably familiar face. Subconsciously spit out a name: "Ziyu !!!"

In the ocean of energy exploding in the sky in the distance, the appearance of the maiden who was suddenly blown off looks exactly like Wang Ziqiong's sister Wang Ziyu.

Pei Junlin can be sure at a glance that Wang Ziyu, who he and Wang Ziqiong have been looking for!

Even if it has not been seen for more than two years, Wang Ziyu ’s temperament has changed dramatically. It is no longer the saucy and playful girl of the day, and it has been replaced with a cold, noble, and aura. Pei Junlin believes that there will never be two such people in this world.

boom! !! !!

At this instant, his heart set off a raging sea, ignoring the terrible array of explosive forces at this time, and flew up, rushing into the ocean of horrible beams without hesitation.

At this time, this ancient battlefield was repeatedly added by Pei Junlin to different 'preparations', and the power of the formation caused by Pei Junlin has exceeded Pei Junlin's control. He was originally prepared to thoroughly destroy all the evil strong men He was dead, so he showed no mercy, but Pei Junlin never thought that Wang Ziyu, who had disappeared for two years, would appear here.

boom! Boom boom! !!

The snow was white, there was a terrible explosion of energy everywhere, and a beam of light was like a sickle of death, and all life could be harvested at any time.

Even if Pei Junlin had exerted all his strengths, it was a dangerous situation. He was a little careless. His shoulders and thighs had been bruised by horrible beams of light and flesh.

But Pei Junlin seemed to have no pain. His whole body was golden and his hands were shocked by the blue and red swords in his hands, which forced an approaching beam of light to explode.

"Prince Yu !!!"

Pei Junlin shouted, even in the deafening explosion, it was extremely loud.

However, Wang Ziyu, who was in danger, seemed to have no sense, but the other man in cape, his eyes tightened sharply when he heard the name of Pei Junlin.

"Boy, you must die today !!!"

A beam of lightning struck the veil on the cape's head, which made him show his true features, revealing an unusually ugly old, wrinkled old face, and his eyes seemed like poisonous snakes.

"Dead paralysis! Old thing, it's you who **** you today !!!"

When Pei Jun was furious, he burned his destiny without hesitation, making his whole body, like a scorching sun, completely burnt and dazzling.


Based on Pei Junlin's current practice, under the burning of his destiny, he has approached the strong man in the late stage of the gods without limit. The place he has passed is called Guru, and he knocks down the beams of light that come from the air Flying out or exploding in place.

Finally, he approached Wang Ziyu's body not far away, waved a chain and shouted, "Ziyu, catch it! Let's go out together!"

But Wang Ziyu's cold and noble face was indifferent and indifferent: "Who are you, I don't know you!"


It seemed that Tianlei was bombarded, and Pei Junlin's eyes showed an incredible look.

He stared closely at Wang Ziyu's eyes before him, and was shocked to find that all this was not deliberately pretentious, but really indifferent, from the deep inner rejection.

Just how is this possible? !!

Where is there in this world who looks so similar, Pei Junlin does not believe that the woman in front of him is not Wang Ziyu.

"Ziyu, do you know your sister, Prince Qiong ?! And your parents Wang Haishan and Qin Yan!"

Pei Junlin repeatedly asked several very sharp questions. His eyes were like electricity, and Wang Ziyu's eyes were closely fixed.

This time, Pei Junlin finally found a trace of anomaly. He noticed that Wang Ziyu's beautiful eyes flashed a confused look. This discovery immediately made him happy, followed by an unprecedented anger.

With Pei Junlin's spiteful eyesight, it was almost immediately obvious that there was a problem with Wang Ziqiong's memory. Otherwise, normal people should not have such confusion, especially when it comes to their relatives such as their sister and parents. No, no, no hesitation and confusion.

"Sir, kill him! This man is the biggest rumor!"

Suddenly, at this moment, the old man who was facing the ugly was also struggling to fly and roar loudly.

Wang Ziyu's hesitant and confused eyes immediately restored her former indifference, and she was so anxious that she stretched out her jade hand and patted it against Pei Junlin's body.

Suddenly, a violent wind rushed towards the face, and a black poisonous palm force rushed into the mountains, and the strength of the true power was already a strong man in the early days of Divine Realm.

Pei Junlin's heart jumped fiercely, and it became more and more certain that the woman in front of him was Wang Ziyu, no doubt. Wang Ziyu, like Wang Ziqiong, was a rare body in a thousand years.

The two sisters are pure yin and one are congenital poisonous bodies, both of which are very rare physiques in the cosmic starry sky. Once they enter the road of cultivation, they will make rapid progress and make thousands of miles a day.

In order to confirm that his speculation was correct, Pei Junlin ducked away from the highly toxic palm force and quickly approached Wang Ziyu's body.

Wang Ziyu uttered a cold slap, and showed no mercy. Her tricks were extremely vicious. They were all tricks of the evil strong, but her strength was far worse than Pei Junlin. Soon, a slight tingling sensation passed Out, Wang Ziyu quickly reached out and touched a white neck.

I saw an extra drop of scarlet blood wrapped in energy in Pei Junlin's hands.

In the end, isn't Wang Ziyu himself, there is nothing more accurate than a blood test!

At this time, the ugly old man was approaching. After a little hesitation, Pei Junlin chose to retreat.

Now Wang Ziyu is obviously having a big memory problem and is extremely repulsive to him, so it is not difficult to take away.

In particular, the strong man in the later stage of the divine realm threatened at any time, making this move even more difficult. In the end, Pei Junlin was still unable to determine 100% of Wang Yu's identity, so it was better to choose to evade temporarily.

If this woman is not Wang Ziyu, then everything is fine, but if she is really Wang Ziyu, that is also very good news.

At least I know that Wang Ziyu is still alive in the past two years, and the cultivation has increased very quickly. He is already a powerful divine powerhouse, much faster than Wang Ziqiong's cultivation.

As long as you are alive, you will definitely meet again, and it will not be too late to think of a solution.

With such thoughts, Pei Junlin rushed out of the ocean of formations. In just a few minutes, his whole body was **** and his body was wounded lightly. All this was brought by the destructive power of formations. of.

However, although the power of this array is very strong, Wang Ziyu has the protection of the powerful man in the later stage of the divine realm, and his life is not worrying, which makes Pei Junlin feel relieved a lot.

The most important thing now is not to kill any evil strong. At this moment, I am afraid that except for Wang Ziyu and the late evil strong, the chances of others being able to survive are very slim.

The thing that Pei Junlin wants to know most is whether Wang Ziyu is Wang Ziyu or not. This may sound a bit ridiculous, but it is Pei Junlin's most concerned thing.

There was that drop of blood. After going out, I believe that the final result will be identified soon.

When Pei Junlin quickly rushed out of the underground tomb, the three people outside Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei with poisoned Dongfeng Wu were already anxious.

"Pei Junlin, you can come out! If you don't come out again, we are both going to enter the grave to find you!"

Bai Yulong said, suddenly he noticed the blood on Pei Junlin's body and his tattered clothes, and his gaze was instantly fixed: "You are ..."

Pei Junlin didn't care to wave her hand and said, "It's okay! Have you notified the people in their family?"

"It has been notified, but even if the top powerhouse comes, it will take some time! Now the first task is to suppress the toxins in their bodies. This toxin is really arrogant!"

Bai Yufei said, in a short period of time, the dark air on the three faces of Dongfengwu, Dongfengyue, and Dongfengtai became more and more serious, almost condensing to a substantial point, and a vague evil ghost could be seen faintly. Shadows, unceasingly spreading their teeth and dancing claws in the place of their eyebrows.

At this time, the three members of Dongfengwu were almost in a coma, and their expressions were very painful.

Pei Junlin looked at the thick poisonous gas on the three of them, and his expression became very dignified. Such toxins were also rarely encountered by him. Perhaps there is enough time for him to study slowly, but it is obvious now. No way.

"Hurry them out of here and find a more secluded place. I see if I can use my real fire to temporarily suppress the toxins!"

Pei Junlin immediately fell off the road, and then said the words. He first took Dongfengyue on the ground and walked away from the air.

"Fuck, I didn't expect that Pei Junlin, you are also a superficial person, why throw two big men to us!"

Bai Yulong shouted in the back.

"Women are at least uncomfortable, men are left to you!" Pei Junlin shouted.

After more than a minute or so, they found a relatively low-lying herbal ditch. Pei Junlin put Dongfengyue on the ground and said indifferently, "I'm going to start treating you now. Can I use it for two words? But this is painful You have to bear it. You better stand it up! "

In other words, a faint cyan flame suddenly emerged from the palm of Pei Junlin's palm, which is the Nether Industry Fire ~ ~ This Nether Industry Fire has increased with the repair of Pei Junlin, and there are constant Tiancaidibao swallowed up, the power became more and more powerful, and faintly sent out a dangerous breath.

With a pair of nervous eyes watching, Pei Junlin raised his hand and put his palm directly on Dongfengyue's chest ...

"I rely, beast!"

The brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, who stood beside them, opened their eyes wide. This cheap accounted for such a bright and upright man.

Although Dongfengyue's personality is not pleasing, she is also a rare and beautiful woman. She comes from a supreme family and has a very noble temperament. She can be listed as a goddess.

Such a big beauty, so bright and upright, is very enviable.

And the heroine Dongfeng Yue, at this time, her face full of poisonous gas flashed a sense of anger, but unfortunately, this anger was soon replaced by the pain in her body ... Shura, the rebirth

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