Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 545: 10,000 points to buy equipment

The teaching process took two days.

In these two days, almost all the information about the flood-desolated sea area was imparted, including the division of forces, which races, and which places are forbidden.

The flood waters are too big. Even after hundreds of years of human exploration, we still can't fully understand them. The clear 5D three-dimensional map on the screen alone does not know how many seniors paid the sacrifice to achieve today's results.

According to the map, the so-called flood-harnessed sea area is actually a low-concave basin, but this basin is really a bit large, which is equivalent to the integration of the four earths.

In some deep places, it is as high as two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand meters, and in shallow places it is more than one hundred thousand meters.

In order to suppress the fierce marine monsters, here for short, the monsters of the plant, animal and animal families, and even humans have to join forces to resist the suppression, making the monsters unable to cross the restricted area for years.

After the two days of lectures, everyone had a simple understanding of the Honghuang Sea area, and they were shocked. If it were not for this course, many strong people would be hard to imagine. There is such a place in the demon world.

Moreover, the battle between the monsters is so fierce, and the internal fight between the monsters of the animal system and the animal department is just fine. Nowadays, a more powerful and beautiful Siren has emerged. It needs the monsters of the animal system and monsters of the animal system and even humans Only by joining forces can we resist repression.

When the course is over, Cai Shen, who hasn't seen him for a long time, will walk up to the podium and tilt the table and say, "One week! After one week, everyone will be led together and go directly to the destination-the flood waters!"

"So in the next week, everyone should prepare well, it is best to be fully armed, don't be afraid to consume points or something!"

"Points were originally earned to equip themselves and to improve their lives, so don't use them now, but when ?!"

After the meeting, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong walked out of the conference room and saw everyone swarming in the direction of the logistics department. Pei Junlin pulled Wang Ziqiong's hand to say: "Let's go together for fun!"

This trip to the floodland is bound to be full of hardships and dangers. They will face a race that has never been contacted—sea monsters, sea monsters are even more powerful than plant and animal monsters. Therefore, equipment It is necessary to look at yourself.

With the flow of people, the couple came to the huge logistics department. This is always one of the most lively places. Every day, a large number of warriors come in and out, exchange points for resources they need, or collect them on the battlefield. Come to redeem points.

Standing in the bustling logistics department, this couple of couples really envy a lot of people. There are many men and women in the warrior team, but there are few real couples, especially they are also gods. The combination of strong players is even more rare.

While waiting, the combination of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong naturally became the focus of many strong debates.

"Looking at your husband and wife spreading dog food like this every day, I think it's time to find a mother-in-law and live a small life together!"

Li Tianpei said with emotion: "Otherwise, if one day really gets braided, my Li family is going to die! I'm a little sorry for my parents!"

He is the only seedling in the family. As a warrior, he lives a life-line life every day. It is really time to think about life events, even if he is not very old, and he is only three years to thirty years old.

As soon as Li Tianpei's sentiment sounded, it was echoed by many people almost instantly. This is indeed a question worth pondering.

It is almost an indispensable law for human heritage to inherit the marriage of a man and a woman.

Of course, some people think that the life of a warrior is too dangerous. Sometimes I really find a woman. In the event of an accident, it is equivalent to delaying others. This is a great responsibility. Many people are not responsible for it. Up.

Because of this, many martial artists prefer to be alone rather than to get married.

This is a matter of personal choice, a distinction between values.

"Actually, you do n’t have to envy us at all. Which one can stand here is not the pride of the sky. There is no difficulty in finding a girlfriend or a boyfriend, except that you people generally have high visions and the outside world. Many of them are obviously downplayed! "

Wang Ziqiong said, "So, sometimes I feel that since everyone has this kind of thought, it is better to simply let the fat and water not flow outsiders' fields, and try to contact each other!"

"You see, whether it's Phoenix, Frost, or Feiyan, they are all beautiful women who can choose from thousands of miles. If such a woman can be a wife, it is definitely a great thing in life!"

"The qualifications of future generations must also be very strong!"

"Of course, if you have the ability, you can also try to reach the more noble Lords in the distance, but the children of the Supreme Family ..."

With the words of Wang Ziqiong, everyone laughed at each other and quarreled with each other. The children of the Supreme Family generally did not provoke them, for nothing else, the pressure was too great.

However, as Wang Ziqiong said, their group of people are quite similar, but they can try to contact each other. For a time, the atmosphere seems a little ambiguous.

A group of male compatriots set their hot eyes on several female members ...

There were fewer and fewer teams in front of each other. It was the turn of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

"Pei Junlin, long time no see! What do you want to come?"

There was an old acquaintance at the counter, the grandson with a broken leg.

"Hello Sun!"

Pei Junlin greeted with a smile, and then said, "Give me two battle armors, a set of ladies and a set of men. It's best to prevent the kind of peak of the demon god!"

Sun Lao's smiling face was stiff, and Pei Junlin glanced up and down: "Are you sure? Do you know how many points this S-Class Warframe requires?"

Not only Sun Lao, but a group of people behind Pei Junlin was shocked by Pei Junlin's words. No one expected that Pei Junlin would buy an S-class armor, which is definitely a present. Today's top-level equipment is out of the reach of even the most powerful spectacles.

Each set starts with 700,000 or 800,000 points, and the full set even has one million points. It is definitely a tyrant who can no longer be a tyrant. Even if it is a child of the Supreme Family, it may not be affordable.

"Is it expensive? How many points do I need ?!"

Pei Junlin really doesn't know much about this knowledge, and his assets are indeed rich, so he is so arrogant.

"Ha ha!"

Sun Lao chuckled and explained, "S-Class Warframe is the most advanced equipment today, enough to withstand the multiple hits of the demon **** peak, and the next one is 700,000 points. All broke through the million points, what do you say? "

Pei Junlin, who was very indifferent at first, finally frowned, showing a look of surprise.

This price is indeed amazing, completely beyond expectations.

I thought it would be sky-high with 500,000 points, but I didn't expect it to be so expensive.

"Then help me out with a set of ladies' armors!"

After a little groaning, Pei Junlin said.


The prince Qiong, who had been standing beside him, heard the words and immediately stepped forward and grabbed Pei Junlin's arm. Could she not understand the other party's meaning? This made it clear that she was ready to buy it for her.

"It's too expensive, let's choose something else! Moreover, all your points have been spent for me, but you have nothing!"

"Relax! I still have points! I haven't gotten anything else in the Tiankeng world these years, but I got a lot of points. I'll pick one for myself later!" Pei Junlin didn't care.

After a while, the old man inside the counter made someone find a delicate sealed box, put it on the counter, and opened it directly: "Well, this is the S-Class Warframe!"

I saw in the sealed box a beautiful, exquisite and exquisite warframe and a helmet. At first glance it was a lady's. The warframe had only the upper body and no lower body.

Suddenly, it attracted a lot of hot eyes, many strong men rushed to the window to watch this S-Class Warframe, and many female strong men were full of faces.

"Although this armor is very expensive, it also has its reason. For example, the fur and scales on it are made from the fur on the top of the demon god. They are made through special processes!"

Sun Lao helped explain.

"Even the silk threads above are known as one or two gold and one inch silk, and they are stitched together exactly. In addition, this battle armor adds the hardest but lightest nano-alloy in the world today. At the same time, there are special protective goggles on the chest to protect the most important heart! "

"In the alloy material, there is the most powerful array mage, which is branded into a powerful defensive array, which is enough to withstand strong attacks ..."

With Sun Lao's explanation ~ ~ Even if Wang Ziqiong was always cold, he couldn't help showing excitement at this moment, constantly touching the excellent touch with his hand.

Such a perfect warframe is definitely one of the most precious treasures in the world. It is difficult to measure by value, and it is impossible to buy a set of 10 billion.

"In addition, this helmet also uses the most advanced nano-alloys, which are arranged by top array masters in a variety of array methods, which can not only defend against heavy blows, but also play a role of calming and calming ..."

"How many points are in this set of armor?"

Pei Junlin asked.

"One hundred and thirty thousand, you are an acquaintance who can help you erase the odds and charge you one million whole!" Sun Lao raised a finger and said.


The crowd who had gathered in front of the window suddenly took a sigh of relief. Although this armor is very good, the price is really sky-high!

With one million points, I don't know how many good things can be bought, and a little bit of the armor can almost buy three or four sets!

"Buy it!"

However, beyond everyone's expectations, Pei Junlin did not hesitate, he directly took out the score card and handed it to Sun Lao.

Seeing that Pei Junlin is so simple, Sun Lao is also unbelievable. He can also be regarded as the old man here. In the logistics department for decades, similar top-level armors have not been sold so far. I did not expect that Today came such a big patron.

Sun Lao quickly took the machine to check the balance on Pei Junlin's score card. When he saw that the points on it reached more than 1.5 million, his fingers were shaken slightly, raising his head was difficult to set up the channel: "Pei Junlin, you are Did you blow up the Lingjing vein again? There are so many points! "

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