Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 546: Extreme escort? Target flood waters!

When Pei Junlin swiped the card to purchase the set of women's battle armor, all the encircled strong men showed an envious light that could not be concealed.

A small part of this gaze was facing Pei Junlin, but the bigger focus was on Wang Ziqiong, which caused Wang Ziqiong's unparalleled and beautiful face to be full of red clouds and full of happiness.

"Sister-in-law, you are so happy !!! I want to hug, for comfort!"

Bailifeiyan flew to Wang Ziqiong's arms and began to coquettishly.

"If someone is willing to spend millions of points just to buy me a suit of armor, then I will give him the whole person without hesitation!"

Huangfu enviously said, his hands were folded together, and his face was full of longing.

These words immediately made all the men present to suffer tons of injuries directly, with a smile on their faces and helplessness.

"Scolded a bitch, there are several men in the world who can compare to non-humans like Boss Pei. The million points reward seems to be many, but it is just the reward for killing the enemy in a war!

Nalanhao's voice was sour. In the war in Nanzhou, not long ago, Pei Jun came to power and killed seventeen or eight demon gods with one person's strength, and as many as ten were seriously injured. Therefore, Xu He led the decision directly. , Rewarded him one million points.

At that time, many of the strong men present were witnessed by themselves, but they had no temper at all, because such a reward cannot be achieved by anyone alone.

Just at this moment, a group of people walked into the lobby of the logistics department. Within a few dozen meters of this group of people, all the warriors avoided each other with a look of awe.

The comer is a group of children of the Supreme Family, the Supreme Bai Family, the Supreme Pang Family, the Supreme Flower Family, the Supreme Yang Family, the Supreme Sun Family, the Dongfeng Family, and the Zhuge Family.

This time, seven of the nine supreme families came to the scene, which is enough to see the importance attached to the action in the flood waters.

With more than a dozen supreme children together, it is definitely a terrible lineup in China today and the world. No one dares to provoke it casually.

That powerful aura, oppressed by all the warriors around, in awe.

With the identity and resources of a group of Supreme Family children present, there is no need to come to the logistics department. When they set off again, the family had been given enough equipment to carry on their bodies.

"I just heard rumors from the outside that there are local tyrants, but he did not hesitate to throw millions of points, but he was just to buy a piece of equipment for his own woman, so let's take a look together!"

Zhuge Yunfan, who was walking in the forefront, was still domineering as usual. He looked at the wolf and glanced at the audience. Finally, his eyes focused directly on Wang Ziqiong's face. First, he showed stunning colors, and then his eyes focused directly on the delicate It's hard to hide the heat in the warframe.

"Beauty, what's your name? Who was the one who bought this suit for you ?!"

Zhuge Yunfan's figure approached lightningly and stood in front of Wang Ziqiong. He did not know Wang Ziqiong, so he was very puzzled.

However, Bai Yulong, Yang Xue, Sun Kai, and the Dongfeng family, who stood a little behind, saw the appearance of Prince Qiong's appearance and blinked.

"It's me! What's wrong? Brother Zhuge has a problem ?!"

Pei Junlin's figure was standing in front of Wang Ziqiong, smiling.

"It's you who spend millions of points!"

Zhuge Yunfan was surprised. In fact, not only Zhuge Yunfan, but the master who spent millions of points turned out to be Pei Jun. Pang Yue, Hua Muzi, Zhuge Longteng, and Zhuge Breaking Dawn were all difficult to hide.

Such a huge point, even for them, did not accumulate in the point card, so after hearing the discussion of the outside crowd, they would become interested, and one piece appeared in the logistics department.

"Ha ha!"

Pei Junlin chuckled: "Did Zhuge be laughed at, we poor people like grassroots can't be compared to the supreme children like you, so we can only buy such things as simple equipment!"

Zhuge Yunfan ...

Are you sure that you are not pretending to beep? Millions of points are just for the purchase of a set of warframes. We ca n’t afford this kind of writing, right?

However, it is clear that Zhuge Yunfan would not say so. What would he do if he forced it? At the moment, he just snorted slightly in his nose.


A week later, dozens of young strong men of the young generation in the Demon World Base in Dongkeng Tiankeng gathered together, and all of them were dressed up and wearing armor, and seemed to be waiting for something.

A moment later, a beam of light fell from the sky, as if a meteorite fell in front of everyone, and immediately caught everyone's attention.

"I've seen Supreme Pang!"

Hong Liang's thunderous voice resounded throughout the base, and the person who came was not someone else, it was the Panghu Pang Supreme who had not seen him for a long time, that is, Pang Yue's father.

"Are you ready?"

Pang Hu's voice was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

"Ready at all the time!"

Shouted everyone.

"That's good! Let's go now, the goal-Honghuanghai!"

The words didn't fall, everyone suddenly felt an uncontrollable force restraining the whole body, and then each person's body could not help but vacate.

This is the first time that Pei Junlin has experienced the Supreme Strong, and it feels as if he has become a baby without any chance of resistance.

Strong, really too strong!

A burst of time and space, the star-studded sensation of shuttle through the famine, spread throughout the body, this is the illusion caused by too fast.

The Supreme Strong broke out at full speed, reaching a speed of ten times the sound barrier per hour, really fast!

If it weren't for the Panghu protecting everyone, the gale caused by such speeds would instantly hurt everyone.

Pei Junlin exerted his eyesight with all his strength, and finally barely saw that the huge cities below flashed across, which was the city of the demons and the enemy of mankind.

Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin faintly saw that where Pang Hu's body passed, it seemed that he was constantly killing a powerful monster.

Many demon races are flying demon beasts, belonging to the demon scouts, and extraordinary monster-level powerhouses, as for the demon emperor powerhouse, they are directly blasted into powder.

The Supreme Strong debuts, all the creatures blocking everything make way!

Otherwise, only those who were killed!

However, Pei Junlin felt like it was anything, as if Panghu deliberately released the horrible supreme power, pushed invincibly, and crushed all the creatures who blocked the road.

Sure enough, it seems to confirm Pei Junlin's conjecture. At this moment, a magnificent voice came from the vast area of ​​the demons: "Pang Hu, next time I will wait for your strong man to appear, deliberately hit Dead man, just hit yourself! "

"Haha, the Supreme is in a hurry, and they dare to stop, wouldn't they find their way!"

Pang Hu didn't care about the sneer, but the speed also dropped a little, this time finally let everyone see the scene outside.

I did not know when, they had already penetrated into the hinterland of the demon tribe, and did not know where the area was.

At the foot is a huge monster city, but all the monsters are shaking in trembling, it is really the power of the Supreme Strong is too strong, crushing all low-level creatures.

In the presence of such strong men, even the strongest of the demon gods is terrified, afraid to have any disrespect, fearing that one is not good, they will be killed by the strong men of the lord, and death will be vain.

Until Panghu supreme left, all the monsters in this city just breathed a sigh of relief, quite a feeling of the rest of their lives.

Next, under the leadership of Pang Hu, the team quickly rushed through the cities of the demons. The feeling was really special and brought everyone an unprecedented feeling.

It's as if watching a movie, and the scenes of the monster city or the outline of the city are clearly reflected in the eyes.

This experience is the first time for everyone. In normal times, everyone flew through a few small villages, market towns, or small cities, etc., facing millions of monsters or more. Tens of millions of big cities, few strong people dare to fly directly over the city.

There was only one consequence of that kind, being attacked by the strong demons and falling into danger.

"This **** cool!"

"I don't know when we can reach such a state, and then we push horizontally without hindrance, but there are obstacles, and we will be killed directly!"

On the way forward, countless young strong men expressed such feelings, even the children of the Supreme Family.

This time it was a real insight into part of the demonic world and it was an eye-opener.

Soon after, everyone came to the territory of the Botanical Demon Clan, and they saw a magnificent plant standing up in the sky, towering into the clouds.

It is a real sky-grass vegetation, very huge and magnificent. I don't know how many times it is larger than ordinary plants, which is very noticeable.

In some cities, many tree people who have not transformed successfully walk on their roots and have trunks with eyes and mouths. Low-level demons like this have no home at all and take root wherever they go.

The arrival of Panghu also plagued the city of the Botanical Demon Clan into a large panic. The countless low-level tree people were simply overwhelmed by the mighty Supreme Coercion and were directly killed by the explosion.

In the face of all this, those so-called Demon Peak Powers did not even dare to put a fart. They just huddled in the city until Pang Hu left the team, and then gave a gloomy order.

In this way, under the leadership of Pang Hu, the people passed by the monster towns one after another. I didn't know how long the flight took. At last, someone finally exclaimed with a cry and pointed his finger forward: "Look ahead! Arrived!!!"

Everyone looked up ~ ~ and then were shocked by the scene ahead!

I saw a distant edge of the sky, a majestic mountain range that was difficult to describe in words, as if it were a heavenly divine book, running sideways in front.

Large, difficult to describe in words!

Endless, endless!

Seeing the mountain ahead seems to have the illusion that there are no mountains in the world. It is really that the other mountains are really too small compared to the one in front!

This mountain range is endless, almost stopping the whole world!

"Huh? No! This may be a mountain, but not all of it!"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin's lacquered eyes were deep, and there was a burst of divine light. He sensed the huge formation fluctuations in the mountains in front.

It seems that there are many parts of such a magnificent mountain, which are composed of formations, but the formation here is too vast, so it gives people the illusion that they are endless mountains.

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