Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 562: Breakthrough, late in the state of God!

The mermaid princess who was pressing Prince Qiong, Li Tianpei, and Huangfu Phoenix with all their strength, felt the sudden pressure of the soul, and instantly a pair of beautiful eyes turned into needle-like shapes and pulled back.

Her pair of sharp eyes fell to the face of the young human with open eyes behind her, and saw that Pei Junlin's whole body was shrouded in a thick layer of golden light, like a god.

This is a very pure golden light, as if there are no impurities, it really looks like a bright sun, dazzling.

"Breakthrough, late in the state of God!"

Feeling the rich and pure golden light on Pei Junlin, and the powerful coercion from the depths of the soul, the mermaid princess changed her face for the first time and was surprised.

With the help of the dragon grass, Pei Junlin finally successfully perfected the five internal organs and six concubines, straddling the middle stage of the divine realm and reaching the later state.

At this point, except for the skull, his gold body has really been completely tempered. Now even if the heart is destroyed, he will not die, and he has truly reached a state comparable to the gods.


At the same time, I felt the changes in Pei Junlin Jin, Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, Huangfu Fenghuang, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Ye Tianxing, Baili Feiyan, etc., all also widened their eyes, first shocked and then It was an unprecedented surprise.

At this critical time, Pei Junlin's breakthrough was definitely an unprecedented great event, and Pei Junlin's breakthrough was extraordinary, directly surpassing the middle of the divine realm and reaching the late of the divine realm.

Such leapfrog breakthroughs are rare in the history of the entire martial arts world!

"Mad, it's a higher level than me!"

Bai Yulong mumbled softly. He is a dignified supreme family child, and now it is only the middle stage of the Divine Realm, which is still a little behind the breakthrough. Now he is fine. Pei Junlin directly surpassed him.

"It's just that the tactics of formation are powerful. Nowadays, we are better than us. Who is the true Supreme Family member?"

Bai Yufei also had a complex look and was very stimulated: "No, this time we must also get treasures like Hualongcao, and take the opportunity to break through, otherwise, I really can't afford to lose this person!"

For the time being, let ’s not talk about the complex emotions of everyone. At this moment, Pei Junlin, who is sitting cross-legged in the void, has risen. When he moved, the sound of dragons exploded directly inside the golden body. Long Qi was completely absorbed by Pei Junlin.

An unprecedented and powerful feeling rose from Pei Junlin's heart. He gently fisted, and there was a look of nostalgia in the deep black eyes.

For many years now, I finally found the familiar and powerful feeling of that year.

After the golden body was completed, Pei Junlin's strength was definitely not the growth of one plus one equal to two, but a qualitative mutation occurred. He did not know how strong it was, but looking at the powerful mermaid princess opposite me Pei Junlin evoked a confident arc at the corner of his mouth and slowly said: "I need only one punch to defeat you !!!"

"Arrogant !!!"

The mermaid princess heard the anger burning, and did not hesitate to turn into a flash of lightning and flew to Pei Junlin.

I do n’t know when the big bow appeared again in her hands. The slender fingers seemed to be wearing flowers and butterflies, and quickly pulled the bow like a full moon. In a flash, the arrows of light and destruction that contained destruction were shot like Pei Junlin.

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of attacks, and these arrows became a piece, covering all the life and death caves of Pei Junlin, with fierce fierceness.

"Sculpting worms, can't get on the table!"

However, Pei Junlin just gave a sneer, raised his right foot, gently emptied the void, and spit out four words in his mouth: "God protects the light!"

Suddenly, the originally invisible void was like a lake, and ripples erupted. The shock wave passed by, overturning countless Siren Powerhouses around it, and many weaker direct bodies exploded. In order to shred, it caused panic.

Then with a pair of shocked eyes watching, Pei Junlin emerged with a golden mask covering the whole person.

Hundreds of light arrows with extremely sharp attacks all hit the golden mask, but no matter how these arrows rotate, it is difficult to break through the golden mask half.


In the end, Pei Jun's tongue burst into a thunderbolt, and the golden mask suddenly burst open. Suddenly, the hundreds of light arrows also shattered, as if they were glass slag.

Countless exclamation sounds, Li Tianpei, Xia Houping, Ye Tianxing and others were pleasantly surprised. They played against the mermaid princess. Naturally, they were very aware of the power of the arrows. However, at this moment Pei Junlin was so easily broken.

The power of the sea monsters is overcast, and Pei Junlin suddenly revealed the powerful strength, which immediately caused all the sea monsters to have a strong pressure on their hearts.

Although their mermaid princess is very strong, is it really the human opponent in front of them? !!

"I said that you only need one punch to defeat !!!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Jun in the void moved, his body turned into a golden light, and rushed to the mermaid princess hundreds of meters away. The speed was incredible, and it was comparable to three times the sound barrier. .

After breaking through the strength, Pei Junlin now does not need to burn his destiny, and can easily reach three times the sound barrier, which is definitely the king in the same stage.


The mermaid princess was hurt by the arrogance of Pei Junlin, and her blood-red light was strong again. She quickly discarded the big bow in her hand and switched to the bronze sword. .


Bronze sword erupted into a dazzling sword, which actually caused the instability of this city formation. The mighty coercion spreads throughout the audience, making all the strong people who feel this courage feel chills. .

This mermaid princess is indeed a arrogant party, and she is really very strong.

"Oh, you're too slow!"

However, when Jian Mang split, Pei Junlin, who was coming forward, turned in an instant, avoiding the edge of the sword, like a ghost, pulled out a long golden light, and appeared behind the mermaid princess. .

The mermaid princess's hair was upside down, and she did not hesitate to swing her sword to counterattack, but it was too late!

A golden fist print broke out, accompanied by bursts of dragon yin, and Pei Jun came out like a thunder, with a potential like thunder, and banged directly on the mermaid princess.

Suddenly, the body of the mermaid princess was blown out, and blood splattered in the air, causing a lot of exclamation.

In this retreat, the mermaid princess retreated a distance of thousands of meters. When she could not stand her body shape, her face was gloomy and terrible, and the blood on her mouth was dazzling.

A punch is just a punch!

The extremely powerful Mermaid Princess, as Pei Junlin said, was defeated!

If it weren't for wearing the best body armor and the secret treasure body, the fist would have suffered more than that.

There was a dead silence over the noisy city main house, and all the sea monster powers, including Bai Yulong and others, slightly grew their mouths at this moment.

Although they have expected that Pei Junlin will definitely be strong after the leapfrog breakthrough, as early as the beginning of Divine Realm, Pei Junlin's combat power was exceptionally sturdy, and he could leapfrog to kill and defeat the mid-powerful strongman. If you directly leapfrog to the later stage of Godland, do you want to dominate the king in the later stage of Godland? !!

The answer is unknown. No one knows how powerful Pei Junlin is at this moment. They only know that what a powerful Mermaid is defeated!

Wang Ziqiong's beautiful eyes are even more brilliant, and she can see her husband so powerful, even if she is to be able to bear ten times more serious injuries than this.

"I said that you only need one punch to defeat!"

At this time, Pei Junlin stood proudly in the void, and on the face that was cut with axe and axe, a state of indifference, like a **** above, looked down at the mortal ants, and returned to the aura of the Shura war general.

"I don't believe it! The princess is not defeated !!!"

A sharp hissing sounded and retreated to the mermaid princess a kilometer away. On that stunning face, a piece of iron was blue. Suddenly, her whole body's blood began to burn, and the whole momentum was rising. It seemed to use some powerful secret method. .

At the same time, a piece of ancient golden paper full of years was taken out by the mermaid princess carefully, and a thick flesh pain was revealed in her eyes.

Pei Junlin, who didn't care about it in the void, saw his golden ancient paper suddenly, and his pupils suddenly shrank. The paper actually gave him a strong sense of danger. Incurs a fatal calamity.

At this moment, a character like Pei Junlin has an impulse to scold his mother!

There are so many treasures on this mermaid princess.

Could the Siren really be rich to such an extent? !!

With so many treasures to defend yourself, it is very difficult to kill this mermaid princess.

After all, his realm has just broken through. The current repairs are erratic and need to be consolidated, and this time the most important treasure house has been successfully looted. This mermaid princess will not kill for the time being, and stay for the future!

"Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, prepare for the spaceship, we leave here!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and waved his hands directly. The dense array of bases fell in all directions, and the matrix method began to work, and the white mist covered the sky.

"Stop them, they're leaving in chaos !!!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's movements, the mermaid princess immediately ordered aloud, and at the same time, her body was burning, and she flung forward madly.

But soon she lost the figures of Pei Junlin and others. The operation of the formation method disturbed her spiritual sense, and it became a place of great chaos.

"The formation method is such a powerful formation method that this human being must die, otherwise it will definitely be the enemy of the future !!!"

The idea of ​​the mermaid princess was determined, and the strength shown by Pei Junlin had already raised her a strong sense of caution.

The sacred sea people and humans are destined to be deadly enemies, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides. Therefore, such human geniuses must be strangled earlier.

"Goodbye ~ ~ Everyone!"

"Thank you for your generous treatment this time. We are very satisfied with the resources of the treasure house. We will see you again in the future!"

When the mermaid princess and all the sea monster powerhouses were in chaos, a loud voice suddenly heard in the void, and then all the sea monsters saw a spaceship rise, and quickly rushed out of the city.

"Damn !!!"

In the city, the mermaid princess was so angry.

"Notify me the royal court of the mermaid tribe, quickly mobilize the spacecraft, you must kill this abominable group of humans!"


The strong man of the mermaid family left quickly.

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