Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 563: Getting rich? 1 city resources

The spacecraft exploded, quickly traveling through the deepest part of the ocean at three times the speed of the sound barrier. Wherever you go, many Siren in the depths of the ocean even feel a powerful air stream flashing through. When you look back, you find nothing behind Objects, only strong currents fluctuate.

At this moment, although everyone in the spacecraft flying at high speed suffered a lot of damage, the golden body was severely damaged, and his face was pale, but everyone's eyes were actually bright, like a light bulb, staring at Pei Junlin.

Although everyone didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious. This time, to help Pei Junlin get enough time, everyone really tried his best, one by one, the injuries were not minor, and the cost was high.

Therefore, after the battle is over, you are naturally cared for!

"Boss Pei, have you really got all the resources of the treasure house?"

Finally, Xia Houping couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart first, and asked urgently.

Even the Prince Joan was intrigued and curious.

"How is that possible? The resources of a city treasure house are an astronomical figure. Even if I want to take all of them, there is not so much storage space!"

Pei Junlin said.

"Then how much did you get ?!" Nalanhao stepped forward, his expression on the face was almost written with the word 'Fortune Fan'.

"Not much, almost what I think is a precious resource in the treasure house, all ransacked almost nine tenths!"

Pei Junlin said with a smile: "So, this time, all of us here will make a fortune and get rich overnight!"


When Pei Junlin's words fell, a large amount of excited cheers burst into the spacecraft. Everyone was excited by the news, and all the pains on his body were forgotten.

"Since everyone is so anxious, let's come to Fenbao now!"

Pei Junlin didn't continue to tease his mind, but instead he talked, and there was a large thick liquid of vitality in his hands. The purple brilliance, which is unique to the spiritual fluid, reflected a purple light in the entire cabin, noble and gorgeous.

"This time I got a total of almost 100 kilograms of life fluid in the treasure house ..."

"One hundred kilograms ?!"

Pei Junlin's words just started, and Ye Tianxing stood up and interrupted with excitement.

"You must be kilograms ... not grams ..."

You must know that kilograms and grams are definitely two opposite terms. Life fluid is one of the most important resources for the training of warriors. When you practice, everyone is calculated in grams, and each gram is not allowed. No waste.

Now one hundred kilograms of life fluid suddenly popped up. According to one kilogram equals one kilogram, one hundred kilograms is one hundred kilograms and two hundred kilograms of life fluid. What kind of concept is this? !!

Hearing this amazing number, even the Bai Yufei and Bai Yulong brothers who were dedicated to driving the spacecraft suddenly snapped their fingers, causing the spacecraft to almost collide with a mountain on the bottom of the sea.

Although they are the children of the Supreme Family, they are very wealthy, but so many living spirits have never seen them.

Pei Junlin said, "Of course! Although my math was taught by a physical education teacher, I still know this simple math formula. It is indeed one hundred kilograms, or two hundred kilograms!"

"Because everyone has exerted a lot of power this time, and they are all in a lottery. I think that the two hundred pounds of life and spirits will be evenly distributed by everyone!"

"We are fourteen people in total. Each one of two hundred pounds of life fluid is evenly distributed to 14.28 pounds. What do you think?"

"No problem! Of course no problem!"

Everyone seemed to nod their chickens after eating rice. If you want to say that the credit is Pei Junlin's biggest, since everyone has no objection, others naturally have no opinion.

Soon, as Pei Junlin evenly distributed the dazzling purple life fluid to all people, everyone's eyes widened, and their faces were amazed and excited.

Until the life fluid really arrived in their hands, all talents found that this was not a dream.

Just to say nothing else, everyone feels that the injury is worth so much with so many life fluids in hand!

"Looking at you one by one, you are just satisfied with a little bit of life fluid!"

Looking at a group of friends who have never seen the world, Pei Junlin scolded a bit of hatred.

His words finally made everyone in the daze sober, staring at each other, embarrassingly smiling at each other. This is really uncomfortable everyone, so many people see this for the first time.

Don't look at the big guys, all of them are geniuses, but there are really no rich people. The reason why geniuses are geniuses is that they consume a lot of resources, so of the fourteen people present, except the Bai family brothers, everyone is actually very poor. of.

"In addition to the spiritual fluid of life, this time I also got some Lingjing, there are some high-quality and high-quality, I did not get a low-quality Lingjing!"

Pei Junlin continued: "I haven't counted the exact number, but at least it is estimated that there are almost 500,000 pieces of Zhongpin Lingjing and almost 300,000 pieces of High-grade Lingjing!"

hiss! !!

The sound of sucking air-conditioners is connected, even if there is a previous life fluid as the foundation, but everyone is shocked by the amazing number of Lingjing, 500,000 medium quality Lingjing, 300,000 high quality Lingjing ...

"Let's share these spirits evenly, it's a reward for everyone's performance this time!"

"Long live Pei !!!"

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao shouted in unison.

"Boss Wanshou!"

Ye Tianxing also shouted in excitement, and Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping and others showed unstoppable excitement on their faces.

Many people have already begun to estimate how much Lingjing they can get. According to the calculation, almost every person can get about 36,000 pieces of high-quality Lingjing, and high-quality Lingjing has 21,000. This kind of harvest is really a night storm. Get rich and make a fortune.

"I said a long time ago, there is absolutely no meat to follow Boss Pei, this is fine!"

Huangfu Phoenix said excitedly: "I dare to pack tickets. This time, our small team is definitely the most rewarding, no one can compare!"

"This is a treasure trove of a city. Who can match such resources!"

The monk who quit stunned was also bright-haired and blushing.

"You dead bald donkey, but the six roots are completely unclean! Eat meat and drink to kill greed, everything!"

Xia Houping joked.

The monk who abstained from the monk had a look of disapproval: "Amitabha, the Buddha said that I would not go to hell, who would go to hell, the little monk is self-denial and dedication, you ordinary people, don't understand!"


This time, all of them started attacking monks who abstained from their lives. Everyone was frolicking, and the atmosphere was very good.

"With so many resources, I believe that it won't be long before we can break through to the middle of the realm of gods!" Bai Lifeiyan said.

"That is of course. With so many resources accumulated, if you can't break through the mid-level of the realm, then you might as well hit yourself!" Leng Shuangshuang said.

"Boss Pei is now in the late stage of Divine Realm. If we don't break through, we will really be completely thrown away!"

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at the enthusiastic crowd, then he summoned a large number of weapons from the space ring, and said, "This time, in addition to the life fluid and spirit crystal, I also got some weapons, including several magic weapons. , Who has no magic weapon, can take it if appropriate! "

"Of course, if the magic weapon is taken away, other treasures will definitely be reduced! After all, these things are not as much as Ling Jing and Life Spirit ..."

"I lack a pair of gloves, is there ?!" Xia Houping asked first.

Pei Junlin nodded and said, "Your luck is good. You really have a magic fist, the quality is very good!"

During the conversation, Pei Junlin took out a pair of gloves and handed them to Xia Houping.

The whole pair of gloves was sculpted and full of barbs. Han Guangping was overjoyed. Xia Houping was overjoyed, and his mouth was about to crack into his ears.

"I lack a suitable long sword ..."

"I lack a suitable spear ..."

"I need a set of boots ..."

When the weapons were divided, except for the flying boots of Baili Feiyan, everyone else had the weapons at their disposal.

Next, Pei Junlin took out some elixir, rare ore, and exotic fruit, and began to allocate people. The time passed by one minute and one second. When all the resources were allocated, everyone could almost be regarded as rich. Every time The personal gains are amazing.

After all, this time they ransacked a treasure house of the Kraken City Pool. The resource of the city is definitely an astronomical figure. This is why Pei Junlin's current space ring capacity is too small. Otherwise, you can really gain more.

In the current Pei Junlin space ring, the vehicle of the God of Slaughter occupied two-thirds of the space, which caused the space ring to shrink significantly. Pei Junlin wondered if it was time to expand the space ring capacity. He still has one The empty meditation stone can just expand the capacity of the space ring.

The spacecraft continued to fly, and the inside of the lively spacecraft finally quieted down, and everyone began to meditate to repair the physical wounds.

Although this time the harvest was very rich, but each of them suffered minor injuries, even if it was Pei Junlin, he was very unstable after the breakthrough, so everyone worked hard to recover their injuries.

With sufficient resources in place, none of this is a problem.

"Yu Fei, Yu Long, it's not a problem for us to shuttle on the sea floor all the time, and the space of the spaceship is too small to be practiced by so many of us ~ ~ so we need to find a place suitable for submerged repair! "

On the way to a smooth flight, Pei Junlin said, the area they choose to fly is to try to bypass the sea monster city pool and try to fly in a remote and remote place.

But even so, where the spacecraft passes, you can often encounter some sea monsters. The sea area will always be the world of sea monsters. The number of sea monsters is large, which is difficult to estimate.

Fortunately, the concealment of the spacecraft is very high, it is difficult to see the inside with the outside eyes, and there is no basket.

Soon after, the spacecraft broke out of the water and finally found a very deserted island. All the sea monsters on the island were slaughtered. This is the place for everyone to repair!

Pei Junlin knows that it won't be long before, under the control of abundant resources, the strength of their squad will be completely doubled, and many people will smoothly and smoothly break through to the mid-level of the realm of God. The moment when the squad stretches out!

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