Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 582: Demon posture

boom! Boom! !!

The terrible sound of energy collisions continued to pass from the top of the void, and the earthquake caused this area to be quake. The mountain peaks were falling and falling, and they were almost falling by a thousand meters!

Pei Junlin is alone, fighting the three geniuses of the Kraken World. This battle is destined to be glorious and dazzling.

call out!

In the void, a rope glowing like a spirit snake shuttled as fast as lightning.

The horrible swordman enough to smash a mountain fell on this rope without any harm, but just shook the bundle of spirits and flew out.

The mermaid princess Hailian Qing, Saitama poked out her hand, quickly retracted the bundle of spiritual rope, and then directly turned into a soft whip, swept again.

The bundle of spiritual rope erupted into a bright light. Wherever it passed, the pumped air exploded, the sound boomed, and the power was enough to open the mountain to crack the ground.

"Slut, I will catch you back sooner or later and put it in the pond as an ornamental fish! Let you dance to Lao Tzu every day!"

Pei Junlin yelled. The bundle of spiritual rope in Hai Lianqing's hands was really hard to tangle. It was more sinister and heinous than that of the desert and the sky.

Hailian has a beautiful face and a cold face. She is an extremely mermaid princess, coupled with the stunning beauty of the city, whoever is genius you see in her weekdays is not a kind person who is kind to her, shows her affection, and only wants to go together. Dinner was overwhelming.

Now this rude human being dares to insult her so much, threatening to catch her and put her in the pond as a fish to watch, and to dance every day to show off her charm, it is really looking for death!

"kill him!!!"

Hailian Qing Qiao's face was frosty, her whole body was cold, and she was obviously completely angry.

The next generation of tiger and sharks is a deserted genius. With a heavy lifter halberd in their hands, each time they summon the power of thunder and lightning, the attack is very violent, the move is heavy, the rage is lightning, and the momentum is soaring.

It ’s even more horrifying. After burning the destiny, he used the secret method to temporarily rebuild a new energy arm with abundant energy. Then he took a spear from the storage equipment and launched a fierce attack. .

The three shot together, even if they were the strongest of the demon gods, they were not opponents. The vast energy fluctuations erupted from the depths of the void again and again, attracting countless gazes.

This battle, even if Pei Junlin really lost, is enough to make the world famous, because he alone fought against the peerless genius of the three sea monsters. In this record, few strong players can match.

Moreover, now that he has not lost, the greater the pressure on the opposite side, the more intense the war will be on his body, his body will be dazzling with gold, his eyes will be radiated with substantive light. The sharp sword, destroy everything, tear everything.

The opponent is really too strong, very strong, and even after the wars, even Pei Junlin felt a deep exhaustion, especially that Shahuang and Hai Lianqing both had powerful artifacts in their hands. The use of various supernatural powers poses a great threat to his life.

Even if Pei Junlin exerts his supernatural powers such as the power of darkness, the power of darkness will be quickly broken by the combination of three peerless geniuses. Therefore, Pei Junlin is now devoting himself to the secret of breaking the sword in his hands.

As long as you have mastered the know-how of the sword, and successfully used the magic power of the sword, then this battle will have a turn for the better.

boom! Boom! !!

Between heaven and earth, the amazing energy is still boiling. The three geniuses of Sandy Desert, Earthquake Capital, and Hai Lianqing, each of them have inspired a powerful lore killing technique and oppressed Pei Junlin.

Originally, they thought that the three of them should end with a fighting method that destroyed Gula. However, Pei Junlin's entanglement was unexpected again. Even if he was beaten with blood, the human was still stubborn and terrible. !!

"You guys, it's time to do a trick! While he hasn't successfully cracked the secret of the sword of breaking the domain, we must end the battle as soon as possible!"

Suddenly, Jingtian made a cold and faint voice. He had already seen Pei Junlin's intentions, and he seemed to be distracted to break the mystery of the sword breaking the realm.

After that, his whole body's breath suddenly changed again. The original figure of only about two meters instantly seemed to be full of gas, and he steadily rose up. In the blink of an eye, he became a giant with a height of 100 meters. His breath was violent and destroyed. all.

One of his fingers is higher than Pei Junlin himself!

Click! Click! !!

When the shocking heavens transformed into a hundred-meter giant, the sand desert and Hailianqing next to each other transformed instantly, their heights increased, and they also became giants with a height of 100 meters.

Suddenly, the three giants with a color of 100 meters in high definition stood proudly in the void, like the ancient demon, shaking the sky and shaking the audience.

"Ruyi size! This is Ruyi size!"

"How is it possible! Isn't Ruyi big and small can only be performed by the strongest of the demon **** peak or the **** state peak? How can they use the demon god's later cultivation to perform such a stunt!"

When the three sea monster geniuses transformed into a hundred-meter giant at the same time, an exclaiming sound sounded outside the field, not only the human strong, many of the plant-based monsters, animal-based monsters were stunned, He stared at the three giant figures in the void.

The size is as good as the skill that can be mastered by the pinnacle of the **** state or the pinnacle of the demon god.

It is a kind of exercise of the physical strength of one's own body. It can change with the size of one's mind. One thought becomes a giant, one thought becomes a baby, and the physical training is extremely demanding.

To achieve this kind of achievement is by no means a day's work. It is difficult and hard. No one ever imagined that the three geniuses, Jingdudu, Shahuang, and Hailianqing, have already mastered such great and small abilities.

"Huh? No! They are not really big and small, but they are being forced by some secret method!"

Suddenly, in the chaotic battlefield, Bai Yulong shot two fine lights in his eyes and yelled.

As a child of the Supreme Family, he knew a lot of nature, and mastered all kinds of peerlessness, and penetrated the essence of the three hundred-meter giants at a glance.

This is forcibly urged by some secret method, which briefly exchanges for terror.

If we have to use an analogy, it is that these three giants are actually physically weak, just like the giant that has been stuffed with straw. It only has its appearance and does not have its god.

But even so, this secret method is very powerful. If it is one, it is three giants. Pei Junlin is really dangerous!

Boom! !!

It seems that the legendary giant spirit **** is trampled. The three giants 100 meters tall are full of violent power. One finger is taller than Pei Junlin's body. They lift up the feet of a mountain, like The trampled ants seemed to step on Pei Junlin.

At this step, the backlog of space seems to be bursting, the sound of sonic boom is endless, and the mighty coercion is spread throughout the hall. Many strong men who are squeezed out spray blood from the mouth and nose, and fly out.

Pei Junlin has also been affected by this. Even if he has tried his best to avoid it, the three giants attack him at the same time.

At the same time, their speed is also very amazing. One step away is a few miles away, which is comparable to the speed of the sound barrier.

At this moment, Pei Junlin was faced with unprecedented danger. It was as if that flat boat floated up and down in the stormy sea, and there was the possibility of overturning at any time.


A big hand from heaven fell from the sky and grabbed Pei Junlin's body. He seemed to want to pinch him to death. Pei Junlin brazenly lifted his sword to compete.

Unexpectedly, this giant hand should be caught quickly. The force of the mountains and the sea came violently. Pei Junlin once again suffered a huge trauma, spraying blood from his mouth, flying backwards, and cracks appeared in his powerful body.

"Jinglin !!!"

The prince Joan saw the scene with his own eyes, and his eyes became red immediately, and everyone else was showing anxiety.

"Pei Junlin, today you will die !!!"

The thunderous voice spread all over this world, turning into the shocking capital of the three giants, the deserted sand, and Hailian Qing showing the meaning of killing, and the weapons in their hands also turned into heavy weapons with a height of 100 meters, each hit was enough Down the mountain.

"Who doesn't know who died, really when I don't have a chassis ?!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin burst into flames all over his body. He burned his destiny without hesitation. The momentum rose and the speed soared. The whole person turned into a golden flame and burst into extreme speed.

"The Nine-Story Mantra of Swords-Demons!"

Pei Junlin yelled, and the sword breaking in his hand burst out with a hundred feet long, amazing energy, and the sword shone to the nearest shocking city.

Jingtian sneered with a spear in his hand, but suddenly, the smile on his face froze, and he saw that the amazing sword-monger inspired by Pei Junlin disappeared.

"not good!!!"

Shocking is too aware of such a move, which is a magical power that the sword of the realm has. He wants to react, but everything is too late. An amazing sword-mongering ghost appears behind him, and there is nothing directly. A fancy blow on his back.


If the 100-meter giant transformed into the sky is struck by lightning ~ ~ visible to the naked eye, a huge transparent hole directly penetrates his chest and abdomen, and the internal organs are clearly visible.

Like a balloon that has been pierced through a hole, the shocking shape of the giant that was once a hundred meters has shrunk sharply, and it has transformed into a normal human body in a blink of an eye.

He was spitting blood from his mouth and nose at the moment, and a huge transparent hole appeared in his chest and abdomen, showing an incredible color. He stared at Pei Junlin's broken territory sword in shock and said, "This is impossible? How can you So soon, the secret of the sword of the broken domain was broken and its magical power was inspired! "

Pei Junlin was holding a sword breaking through the ground, and his body was burning with golden flames. He sneered, "It's nothing complicated! If I don't share a lot of my mind, you think you can hurt me like that ?!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin was full of blood and his armor was smashed. The flesh had more dense cracks, even on his face. It looked like the porcelain doll was cracked by great force. terror.

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