Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 583: God assists!

But the intense warfare emanating from that body was like the hot sun, dazzling, and it was difficult for the eyes of people to open.

Pei Junlin took out a group of life fluid from the space ring, swallowed it with his mouth open, and immediately, the strong breath of life began to repair the golden body.

"Remember, today is your death date next year!"

Pei Jun faced the coldness of his face, and the sword breaking in his hand trembled, sending out a dazzling sword awn, and a sword split.

But suddenly, at this moment, he felt a deep crisis deep in his heart, and without hesitation, reversed the sword awn of the sword of breaking territory and smashed behind him.

Huh! !!

Mars is radiating, the shock wave is vast, and a glowing rope like a spirit snake is knocked out by the sword.

Bound Spirit Rope!

The mermaid princess Hai Lianqing came out to make trouble again at a critical moment. When Pei Jun turned around, she saw the terrible body of the severely injured and urged her whole body energy to avoid it far away.


Pei Junlin looked up at the sky, and a pair of lacquered black eyes shot a strong killing intention. This mermaid princess made him completely kill.

"Since you're so active, you'll replace the whale's life!"

After that, Pei Junlin's figure suddenly unfolded nearly four times the speed of the sound barrier, and appeared instantly in front of the hundred-meter giant formed by Hai Lianqing and Sha Huang.

At this point, the shocking sky can be said to have been almost abolished, and Pei Junlin also successfully cracked the level of the sword of breaking the domain, which can stimulate the magical power of this artifact, once again facing two geniuses, the pressure suddenly reduced.

"Amazing, you **** !!"

In the void, the deserted sand who turned into a hundred-meter giant issued merciless scolding, which made the astonishing capital who had been hiding under the protection of a group of powerful whales, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his teeth were about to bite!

This time, the biggest shame is him. He is also a peerless genius. He was not only snatched by Pei Junlin, such an artifact like the sword of breaking the field, but also was broken by the flesh, and there were many transparent holes, almost lost his life. Really shameful!

It's just that he lost the sword of the broken domain at this moment, coupled with serious injury and dying, it can really be said to be a wasteful man, and there is no courage to step forward, otherwise, the only thing to meet him is death!

Boom! !! !!

The dull thunderous explosion came from the void. At this time, Pei Junlin had once again waged a life-and-death battle with Shahuang and Hailianqing.

All three are in possession of the big killer at the same time.

Every collision seems to open the sky into a transparent hole, and the energy is exploded again and again!

Pei Junlin wanted to use the space ring to collect the intricate bundle of spiritual ropes, but this artifact had the spiritual idea of ​​Hai Lianqing on it, and the resistance was very strong, which was difficult to achieve.

The heavy weapon Euphorbia in the hands of Sha Huang was even more lethal, and every swing brought the power of the thunder in this heaven and earth, bombing all the way.

As a last resort, Pei Junlin could only exert the power of darkness again, dragging the two geniuses into the darkness, and at the same time, he urged the magical powers of the sword breaking into a ghost, turned into a ghost, and launched the lore.

This broken-field sword is indeed an artifact of the whale family. It has the ability to shuttle space and ignore any defensive magical powers, which has given Pei Junlin great benefits.

Because no one can guess where the invisible sword qi inspired by him next time will attack his opponent.

Under the control of Pei Junlin, under the control of Pei Junlin, he sometimes attacked the heads of Shahuang and Hailianqing, sometimes attacked the soles of their feet, sometimes attacked their backs, and sometimes their predecessors ...

If it were not for the top geniuses such as Sandy Desert and Hai Lianqing, the prediction of the danger of battle is very accurate, and they also have artifacts in their hands, now they are already dead.

This is so for Rao. With the passage of time, both of them were left with terrible sword wounds by the broken sword, their armor was shattered, and blood splattered!

Together, they broke the envelope of the power of darkness, and escaped hard. They stood in the void and panted fiercely. At the same time, they removed the giant mystery, restored their normal shape, and quickly swallowed a large amount of life psychic fluid to replenish the consumed energy. And the flesh.

At the same time, Pei Junlin, who was full of blood and rags in his body, also appeared on the opposite side, swallowing a huge amount of life and spiritual fluid, and supplementing himself.

From the beginning to the present, the three of them are really a means of emergence, and each of them consumes a lot.

Especially Pei Junlin, it is very scary to consume.

In the beginning, he fought a battle with Shocking Sky, and then joined the battle with Sha Huang. One enemy was two. In the end, Hai Lianqing also participated, which caused him to increase his pressure to one enemy and three.

Such an astonishing battle would have been impossible if Pei Junlin hadn't repaired it enough to change to someone else!

Not to mention that in the end, Pei Junlin almost killed the shocking city, making the whales a peerless genius who was directly abolished and could no longer participate in the war.

Even if Pei Junlin ended this way, this battle was enough to make him famous throughout the Kraken world. The name Pei Junlin made many of the Kraken powerfuls remember in his heart.

At the same time, it wasn't just the Siren Powers who were shocked. The monsters of the plant and animal families were also blinking.

Nowadays, the war situation in the entire world is very delicate. It can be described as a three-legged stand. Humans, plants and animals are monsters and sea monsters.

In order to resist the siren, the demon clan of human and plant animals had to be forced to join forces, but at the same time they are also the enemy of life and death, and it is doomed to be difficult.

So after seeing Pei Junlin becoming more and more powerful, not only did the monsters of the plant and animal series not be very happy, but each one was very gloomy, and the intention of killing quietly gathered.

"You can't kill me!"

In the void, Pei Junlin's slender figure stands proudly. He is covered in blood and dressed in embarrassment.

Opposite the sandy desert and Hai Lianqing, the two geniuses looked dull and watery.

The strength of Pei Junlin really exceeded their expectations too much. They thought it was a battle to destroy Gula ’s victory. No one expected that the ending would be like this.

The three geniuses joined forces, but in the end the shock was completely maimed, and the two of them were seriously injured and had to stop in midfield and recover.

"Can't let him rest and recover!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's look like that, Sha Huang and Hai Lianqing spoke in the dark. The next moment, the two broke out again and rushed to Pei Junlin at the same time.

"Haha! How can such a terrific battle be defeated by the king! Pei Junlin, you have killed my people so much, so let's meet!"

At this moment, a demon-like figure suddenly rushed in outside the court, instantly attracting the attention of all the strong.

"That's ... Prince Haiquan of the Sea Snakes!"

"Damn, how did the sea snakes get involved!"

"This guy didn't show up before, but now it is clear that he wants to pick up cheap, so shameless!"

At this moment, not only are the strong human beings scolding, but even the Kraken world, many strong men are also gloomy and scold them.

When Haiquan appeared, the choice was really good. It was when Pei Junlin, Sha Huang, and Hai Lian Qing were exhausted.

As early as the beginning, the strong men of the sea snake family wanted to take the lead and kill the strong human beings, but they were unexpectedly beaten by Pei Junlin's dark powers. They were very embarrassed and lost a lot.

It's insidious enough to think of it again today.


The light rushed into the battlefield, revealing Haiquan's ugly face, and a pair of triangular eyes twinkling with the gloomy light.

He was full of hatred and stared at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin frowned. As a prince of the sea snake family, Haiquan was also very strong in natural cultivation, even if it was a bit of a genius like Sandy Desert and Hai Lian Qing, but it was almost equal to Helena.

If you encounter it alone on other occasions, Pei Junlin can definitely guarantee that killing the other party is like killing a chicken, but now it is different!


The terror broke out. When Pei Junlin's face was gloomy, another strong man broke through the obstacle and broke into the center of the battlefield.

"Haha, how can such a wonderful and spectacular occasion be without my **** turtles!"

A young man with a heavy tortoise shell on his back appeared in the void. This is also an acquaintance, named Gui Xuanjun, who once hunted and killed the strong humans.

Suddenly, the situation in the center of the battlefield changed greatly. Pei Junlin, who had just defeated the astounding capital, became more serious, and turned into one enemy and four!

"My grass is Nima, Siren, you are so shameless !!!"

On the human side, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Bai Yulong and others scolded, but they were entangled by the dense sea monster powerhouses, and it was difficult to break through the support.

In the void, Pei Junlin looked at Hai Quanyi and Gui Xuanjun who suddenly joined the battle. The original gloomy face suddenly smiled, and his smile did not hide his inner taunt: "Okay! Good! Haha! Today I am Pei completely understand the style of the Kraken World! "

"If we do not change the green mountains and the long river, you will soon pay a heavy price for what you have done today!"

Then, under the gaze of all eyes, Pei Junlin was suddenly full of golden light, unparalleled, and turned around and left.

Just kidding, he's not an iron man, and he can go on for a long time.

Originally, Alexander was defeated by one enemy and three, but one of them was broken. Unexpectedly, two more emerged and became one enemy.

Based on the repairs he consumes a lot today, there is absolutely no hope of victory for one enemy and four.

Instead, the fool will continue to harden!

Suddenly, Pei Junlin's figure dragged out a long golden light and quickly rushed out of the kilometer.

"Asshole !!! Don't let him run away !!!"

Haiquan Yi and Gui Xuanjun yelled immediately. The excitement of unprecedented excitement appeared in the eyes of the two, and they pursued directly. Obviously, they were ready to take advantage of the opportunity ~ ~ to gain benefits.

In the subconscious consciousness of the Kraken Strong, Pei Junlin has three treasures: the broken sword, the **** of slaughter, and Ding Haizhu. Any one of these three treasures is a big money.

On the contrary, peerless geniuses such as Sha Huang and Hai Lianqing reacted slowly for a while. The two stared at each other in the air, and they saw a thick shade of Yin from each other's eyes.

"Things that don't have enough to fail! Damn it!"

Suddenly, Hai Lianqing yelled, and one of Sha Huang's face was very ugly. With a murderous look, she glanced fiercely at the direction of the sea snake and the tortoise.

The so-called pig teammates, is it so!


Whether they can catch up or not, they all have to try!

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