Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 884: The Way of the Cruel (Part 2)

"Stand up !!"

At the moment when these two words clearly fell, mysterious and complicated runes and patterns appeared directly from the ground, and the light was shining!

The big buffalo immediately panicked, and quickly emptied, trying to leave.

But everything is too late. Pei Junlin has already set up the Tianluo array, and the power of the formation method directly seals the square.

With Pei Junlin's current practice, it is no problem to fight against the bull demon, let alone use the matrix method to imprison, but in a blink of an eye, that bull demon has been imprisoned layer by layer by the rune of the Tianluodi network. Difficult to break through.

"Human, you are despicable!"

"I have the ability to let your grandpa cow out. Grandpa cow, I will kill you like a chicken!"

The big buffalo's blood and blood rushed, and he actually caught this human trick and was trapped by the formation method.

Pei Junlin stood outside the array, standing with his hands on his face, sneering: "Stupid! You should be grateful that I only want your baby, not your life, otherwise, a rare bull monster like you, cooked to a certain degree delicious!"

"Bake ... Bake ..."

The bull monster that was still roaring suddenly stopped all the actions. It seemed that he didn't return to God at once. Finally, when he reacted, he found that Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong had already drilled into the bottom of the lake and disappeared.


As long as I think of the babies that I have accumulated for so many years, all of them will be snatched by the two shameless humans.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, who had already drilled down to the bottom of the lake, ignored the sound of the cow and ignored them. The couple began to search carefully for the treasure belonging to the cow demon in the bottom of the lake.

"Find it! Here!"

After a short time, the two found a cave house in a natural cave at the bottom of the lake. When the two walked in, they opened their eyes.

In the depths of Dongfu in front of you, there are piles of glittering treasures, gems in piles, and bowl-sized gold and silver are thrown everywhere. If this is an astronomical wealth in the world, it is worth billions of dollars. More than that.

But these things were directly ignored by Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong. Their eyes fell on the piles of elixir not far away, and there were a large number of them. More than a thousand.

The race that lives on this year-old star does not understand the refiner, and naturally does not have any space magic weapons such as storage rings, which is much more convenient.

"Seven stars with Phoenix?"

"The purple root carved wood leaf?"

"Bihai Shengbo fruit ?!"

Pei Junlin seized three unique drugs, all of which are rare elixir that is extinct on the earth, even in the thousands of worlds, each one is of great value, worth hundreds of thousands of high-quality spirits. !!

Unexpectedly, I encountered three strains at one time. This cow demon really stores babies!

"Junlin, look at what this baby is ?!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin heard Wang Qiong's call and immediately put all the elixir on the ground into the space ring and walked over.

When he saw the treasures around Wang Ziqiong, he first looked at them, shot a look of suspicion in the pair of lacquered black eyes, and then squatted and looked carefully.

Appearing in front of him is a purple-gold ore with an area of ​​40-50 square meters, which is horizontally spread in the cave. The whole body is shining with mysterious starlight. It is like a starry sky spreading on the sea floor.

Pei Junlin reached out and touched. As far as possible, not only was the coldness of any ore, but he felt a warm, jade-like feeling. He tried to inject energy into it, and the whole stone began to become hot. Woke up!

"This is ... amethyst warm jade ?!"

"It's so big!"

Pei Junlin whispered, and the joy in his eyes was hard to conceal.

"Husband, what's the amethyst warm jade? Is this amethyst warm jade useful?" Wang Ziqiong wondered.

Pei Junlin turned back and smiled and said, "This amethyst warm jade is a rare treasure. It is most suitable for the cultivation of the gods. It is a rare restoration sacred object in the world. Whether it is a physical injury or a spiritually injured person, Practice on this, do more with less! "

"I understand. Why is that bull monster stronger than that bee queen? There are treasures like amethyst warm jade, and you practice on it every day when you eat and sleep. Hell!"


Wang Ziqiong asked, "And what?"

Pei Junlin came to the edge of Prince Qiong Jingying's earlobe, and said in an ambiguous voice: "And this amethyst warm jade also has a name-a man's root, a woman's water!"

"If you exercise on it, it will have unexpected results!"

"Ah !!! You hate, hooligan!"

Prince Qiong Qingli's peerless face turned red, even if she and Pei Junlin are only two now, and they are already old couples for many years, they still can't stand such arousal ...

"Then we want to experiment here?"

Pei Junlin continued to step forward and reached out to embrace Wang Ziqiong's soft and boneless *. His eyes were hot and his voice was low, full of irresistible charm.

"Husband, we have just played a short time ago. My body is still soft now. How about next time?"

Wang Ziqiong begged for mercy. She now has a very strong physical fitness, but in some respects she still can't stand the brutal power of the bad guys around her, which is really love and hate.


It was also when Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong were flirting with each other. At the same time, there were a group of guys in all directions of this star-struck star, who was disturbing the world and disturbed the entire star-struck star's soul. .

One by one, the racial desperation is at the expense of the entire clan, and hunts down those shameful predators, robbers, because of their treasure accumulated for many years or guarded for many years, have been plundered!

For example, a very powerful family of poisonous scorpions. This race is definitely one of the most powerful beings on the entire Taisui star. Nothing is poisonous, the horror of toxins is extinct, and no creature dares to approach.

But it is such a race that has recently been met by a devil who claims to be the "Great Sun Poison Emperor", a family of poisonous scorpions who have always been good at playing poison. Tens of thousands of people have been poisoned by death. Misery, made the entire family of poison scorpions completely messed up!

This woman, who claims to be the Japanese emperor's poison emperor, may not be the most powerful, but with her virtuosity and earth-shattering power, many powerful men who are comparable to the heights of His Holiness are afraid to approach.

The entire family of poison scorpions has suffered unprecedented shame for many days, and many resources within the family have been plundered.

In addition, there are other races that have also suffered great misfortunes. Among them, the mysterious and powerful treasure box has been turned into a towering building, and the entire race has been collected by the magical powers.

There is also the tendency of Dading to suppress mountains and rivers, refining a Baoshan and a large river out of thin air into a pile of ruins, and the scene is horrible.

More mysterious golden buckets bloomed with hundreds of millions of golden lights, and took away all the treasures from thousands of miles in a vacuum, making thousands of miles ...

All kinds of unbelievable scenes are constantly being staged, causing the entire Taisui star to be completely chaotic, and countless races are panic-stricken.

When Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong stepped out from the bottom of the lake, they learned that Pei Junlin didn't matter, but Wang Ziqiong couldn't bear it and murmured to himself, "Are we too cruel? some?"

"After all, we have no resentment against any race on this planet!"

"Ziqiong, your thoughts are good, but you have to understand that this is the real path to spiritual practice. Weak and strong!"

Pei Junlin said, his voice is very calm: "The way of heaven, there is more than loss, but not enough, but the way of humans is not, there is more than damage, but weak enough! Weak meat and strong food is the most basic natural law!"

"For example, the human beings on our planet have provoked anyone. First, there was the invasion of the demon clan. Now even the powerful races of all the races in the outer world have arrived. Look at it!"

"So, this is humanity!"

"The strong will rob the resources and naturally become stronger, but the weak will only become weaker after losing resources!"

Wang Ziqiong was silent, even though she had already experienced the trials of menstrual blood and fire, and the tide and the waves, but when the real facts were cruelly in front of her, the upbringing and culture she had accepted since childhood made it difficult for her to accept this.

In the following process, the couple galloped southward, because Dong Haiquan's eyesight had said that Taixu Shenzang was in the far south. After a period of recovery, Wang Ziqiong gradually accepted this cruel human way. When the couple encountered the treasure, they went down and plundered, and left after leaving.

However, the methods of the two were fairly mild. As a last resort, they did not harm the weak races, but took away the treasures.

In this way, a month has passed without knowing it.

During this time, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong crossed almost half of the Tai Sui star, and the treasures they have harvested have reached a horrible figure.

On this day ~ ~ while the couple were moving forward, they suddenly received the divine thoughts sent by their respective spirits. They had found the true too-virtual **** possession, and sent the location.

After receiving the information, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong immediately unfolded the fastest speed, and the wind rushed toward the direction of positioning.

A few days later, they descended over the endless plains. It wasn't that the husband and wife were not ready to move on, but that a huge enchantment appeared in front of them, blocking the way.

This enchantment is huge, unimaginable, and the end can not be seen at first glance, just like the legendary nature, blocking the passage between the immortal and the immortal.

And through this transparent enchantment, a magnificent and magnificent palace that is difficult to describe in words, is located in a group and stands in that enchantment, with at least tens of thousands.

This is the palace of the legendary Taixu Xianzun! !! !!

It is a palace, but it is comparable to a second-tier city on the earth, or even a first-tier city. It is luxurious and spectacular.

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