Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 885: The strongest back pot man in history!

Huh! Huh! !!

Just when Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong had just arrived at the enchantment outside Taixianxian Zongxing Palace, suddenly a few dazzling rays of light shot in the originally calm space and stopped in front of the two.

The two men and two women are the three great spirits and the spirits of Dong Haiquan.

Any one of these four powerful instrumental spirits can reach the sky and unite together, which is really no disadvantage.

This time the disaster on Tai Sui Star, Pei Junlin and others are drizzling. The four major spirits are the real culprits. As the lowest are all top-grade spiritual treasures, each of the magical powers of the spirits is completely devoured .

"Have everyone else come yet?"

Pei Junlin asked and looked around, but found that there were no one else besides them.

"Not yet, you are the first to arrive!"

Jin Dou answered, "But I have informed them all!"

Before he set off, he left a powerful divine thought on each person, and he can communicate with anyone at any time. This is his power. This method seems simple, and Pei Junlin and his party can't do it. .

Distance is the biggest problem. Now all the people are separated in the entire South Taibei Tiannanhai. The distance between the distances may be hundreds of thousands, millions or even more. Such a distance, even in the realm of Yin and Shen It is impossible for a strong person to spread a voice across hundreds of thousands of miles, but Jin Dou has such a skill.

"Should we go ahead or wait for someone else?"

At this time, the woman in Donglingquan's eyes asked the instrument.

"Crap, of course I'm waiting for someone else!"

Pei Junlin did not hesitate to yell at him, and he would never have any good face in the face of this treacherous, typical white-eyed wolf Dong Haiquan.

"Moreover, this is too fictional, in fact, it does not belong to us. Naturally, it seems fair after his master comes!"

Perhaps the treasures hidden by the gods are really shocking and hard to imagine, but Pei Junlin has never seen any strong winds and waves. In his heart, he actually pays more attention to the hard-won friendship.

This was something he hadn't owned in the previous two lives. In this life, his parents, sisters and other relatives were all alive, living happily and happily, and there were beautiful and beautiful daughter-in-laws. This is incomparable to any treasure.

Hearing Pei Junlin's decisive words without hesitation, the eyes of the three major spirits were all flashed, and they didn't speak anymore. As for the woman who was ravaged by the blue dress, her face was blushing but she also knew I'm embarrassed at this moment and I don't dare to shout.

In this way, everyone is waiting for the arrival of others during the cultivation.

A few days later, a dark cloud rolled over the edge of the distant horizon, imposing.

"It's Ziyu here!"

The desolate **** Ding who is practicing is the first to speak. Wang Ziyu is now his master. As the instrumental spirit and the master have the deepest connection, the first one is felt.

Sure enough, after the rolling black clouds approached, Wang Ziqiong's long and tall figure jumped from the sky gently.

After a lapse of more than a month, the breath on Wang Ziyu's body has obviously become a lot stronger.

Obviously, in the past month or so, she has gone through many life and death killings, making her strength even further, and her virulence has reached a terrible level.

This woman, who is determined to become the "Dairy Poison Emperor", wants to be comparable to the gods of the heavens, is extremely resilient, and is working hard step by step.

Seeing Wang Ziyu's return safely, both Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong were very pleased. Both greeted them enthusiastically and asked about all the events that had happened in the past month.

Two days later, Yuan Fei, Lei Xuan, Bai Yulong, Pang Yue, Hua Muzi, and Sun Kai arrived hurriedly. Each of the five of them was filled with a breath of wind and dust, and it was clear that the journey was not easy. .

However, it is gratifying that the breath of the five people has also become much stronger. Obviously this training has helped a lot, and Yuan Fei and Lei Xuan have signs that they are about to break through the middle of His Holiness.

"Six of you are together, what about Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, and Li Tianpei?"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin asked anxiously.

He always thought that the rest of the people were together, because everyone ’s cultivation practices were similar, and they were all in the early stage of His Holiness. Such cultivation is considered dangerous on the strange planet of Tai Sui Star. Gathering together is the best way.

Unexpectedly, this was not the case. Yuan Fei and six children of the Supreme Family were together, but Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, and Li Tianpei were not there.

Looking at Yuan Fei's six people covered with scarred bodies and the exhausted look, it is not difficult to imagine that the situation of the three guys who are weak and weak will be more difficult.

"Relax! The gods I imprinted on everyone are intact, proving that the three little ones are alive at least!"

Jin Dou suddenly said, but it made Pei Junlin's worry a little relieved, but his heart was filled with another helplessness.

From ancient times to the present, in the human life, there has always been an invisible but real circle. This circle invisibly pulls the distance between people alive, and it is difficult to close.

The two most intuitive examples are Hanmen and the giants. Although Hanmen and the giants are only one word apart, that is a big difference.

There is no doubt that the children of the Supreme Family, such as Yuan Fei, Lei Xuan, and Bai Yulong, are the representatives of the top giants. Each of them was born with the golden key, and enjoyed the golden clothes and jade clothes. Zhangkou's luxurious life is never anxious about resources.

However, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, and Zhang Pingping who were born in the cold are different. These three people are from ordinary families. It is difficult to imagine. They have suffered so much hard work and hard work behind the title and honor of young supreme today. .

Even now that he has achieved fame, he has become an idol of countless people today, ranking among the youngest and supreme ranks, and has the same status as Yuan Fei, Lei Xuan, Bai Yulong and others.

But the three guys from Hanmen never really had a relationship with Yuan Fei and others. The reason they were together was because of Pei Junlin.

Similarly, I am afraid that the six members of Yuan Fei have not interacted with Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, and Li Tianpei, which can be clearly seen from the combined team this time.

Take Pei Junlin as an example. At some time, he still prefers Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, and Zhang Pingping because he is also from Hanmen and is a model for the rise of Hanmen. Naturally, he is closer to the three people who also came from Hanmen.

Not to mention, Pei Junlin has known Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping and Ye Tianxing for a long time, and their friendship has deepened ...

Waiting was tormenting. After waiting three more days, Jin Dou finally told Pei Junlin that the three little guys were back, right in the north.

After receiving the news, Pei Junlin quickly rose into the sky, unfolded at a rapid speed, and quickly saw the speed. I really saw it. Somewhere in the wilderness, there were three rags, all covered with blood, and three figures stumbled on the road.

Due to the severe injuries, coupled with the rush of the day, the three of them were completely exhausted, and even the energy of the Royal Air Flight was gone, and the ability to rush was entirely by a strong willpower.

"Tianpei! Pingping! Star!"

Pei Junlin descended from the sky and shouted the names of three people.

"Pei ... Boss!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin, like a heavenly soldier, suddenly appeared and was on his way. Three people who had repeatedly approached the limit could not help shaking their heads at the same time, mistakenly thought that they were dazzled, but finally found that the figure was real.

Pei Junlin frowned. The lightning shot fired three energies and injected them into the three, which made the three of them more energetic, so that they didn't have the strength to stand still.

It's just that the three people at this moment are covered with blood. Except that Zhang Pingping is a little better, Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing can't find a few intact places in their bodies.

It is also extremely toxic, and it is hard to imagine how the three of them sustained such serious injuries.

"Don't talk first, our meeting place is not far ahead, I'll take you there first!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and flung his arm directly, inspiring a soft force, holding up three people, Yukong disappeared.

When Pei Junlin brought the three seriously injured people back, everyone outside the enchantment couldn't help whispering. It was really miserable for the three.

"Ziyu, you have three calamities, first quickly solve the poison on them!"

Pei Junlin instructed, Wang Ziyu nodded quickly, and his hands moved with determination. A bead flew out of the center of his eyebrows, flying over the heads of Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, and Ye Tianxing, spinning slowly.

It was obvious to the naked eye that a black mist gradually appeared on the three men and was swallowed up by the ball.

This is the power of San Jie Dan, which can devour all toxins. For others, the fear of poisonous mists like tigers is a nutrient that San Jie Dan has evolved.

Not long after, the poisonous body of the three venomous Li Tianpei gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely.

At this time, Pei Junlin sent the three medicines already prepared to the three, and the three of them did not hesitate, swallowed quickly, and recovered quickly.

After a few hours, the three finally got better and their bodies recovered a lot.

"What the **** have you experienced? How did you become like this!"

Everyone was very curious about the experience of the three people, and couldn't help asking.

Speaking of sadness, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, and Ye Tianxing all looked complicated. They glanced at the crowd with a resentful glance, and said quietly, "Not all of you are doing good things!"

"You guys are flying around ~ ~, spit the sun and the moon, burn the mountains and cook the sea, upset the races of various races, and then pat your hips away!"

"As everyone knows, in the end all this has become our pot, we have become the most wronged back pot man!"

"Those monstrous and angry races, mobilizing the power of the whole family, once they found us, they launched a wild encirclement against us!"

"Do you know how many races surround us ?!"

Ye Tianxing stretched out his two hands and two feet, like an angry big lobster, with his teeth dancing: "At least you have to have this number! You know what kind of life and death the three of us experienced, so we managed to break out of the siege Are you coming for a round with everyone ?! "

In the end, the three almost burst into tears, exuding a monstrous grudge even worse than Dou'e.

For a moment, everyone who originally listened to the story looked stiff one by one. You look at me, I look at you, I don't know how to describe the mood at the moment ...

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