Shuraba Player

Chapter 851:

Bai Zhi: "..."

Sorry for lying to you for so long, in fact, I am an elementary school student from the countryside, and I have been working part-time to pretend to be strong. Recently, I really can’t pretend to be strong. I hope everyone can send me some gifts on Children’s Day to comfort me. Thank you, brothers and sisters. :.?ヽ(.???.)ノ?.:. +????? Skirt 1 slip ② Iraq 7 seven 1 six

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1425 Chapter 504 [Gonggong] (4k)

Looking at Xia Wen who was standing in front of the car door, Bai Zhi fell silent for a while.

To be honest, he really didn't expect to meet the other party here. He thought that he had been delayed in that cave for a few days, and the other party should have brought their family members to live in the cave. …

But looking at the long line of cars outside... it seems quite reasonable?

"What's the matter, come in and talk."

After realizing that someone had started to pay attention to their side, he coughed a few times, and Bai Zhi turned sideways to get out of the way.

Because they are moving with their families, there is really no need for too many luxury cars on this road, and there are also many RVs. It is not too eye-catching for them to be mixed with these two luxury RVs.

But if there is a beautiful girl standing outside the car, then it's not necessarily the case, the line of sight looking over here is secondary, and all kinds of prying eyes are quite annoying.

In Bai Zhi's perception, in just a short while, he at least sensed seven or eight prying forces.

Some are mind power, some are spiritual power, and some are a bit like the original force... all kinds of miscellaneous things.

There are definitely a lot of players in this team.

Xia Wen's perceptual attributes are still very high, and at this moment, he also feels the feeling of being spied on. Although he has a lot of questions in his heart that he wants to ask, he also understands that this is not a place to talk, so it is rare for him to behave very well. He got into the car obediently.

...and then I was shocked when I saw a bunch of lolitas in the car.

The other person was the girl hidden in the golden house, but when it was the other party's turn, she became the **** hidden in the RV...

— She really didn't expect that there would be a whole five lolis in this car.

In other words, shouldn't there be one more? Why are there two more? ? Where did that loli who buried her head on the table for some reason be lured from? ? ?

Xia Wen was stunned and shocked here alone, but Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

Those prying eyes before were just outside the car, but now they are still lingering and want to follow in the car to investigate. He can't pretend that he didn't see this.

In the next moment, Baizhi unfolded the ghost domain.

Up to now, his ghost domain is no longer as easy to be noticed by ordinary people as it was at the beginning. At most, ordinary people will only feel a gust of wind blowing by. If the player's perception attribute is not up to standard , and can't detect the existence of the ghost domain.

Therefore, for other people on this road, they didn't notice anything unusual, but those players who had noticed the existence of the ghost domain were immediately shocked.

After leaving the novice stage, it is actually difficult to have a standard for judging the strength of players. Although there is a system of ratings, the gap between players with the same rating is quite large.

Except for those inheritors who reached the sky in one step, the current mainstream ratings of players are mostly between rare ratings and elite ratings, so after a long time, players have rearranged a standard for distinguishing high-end players from ordinary players .

The criterion for this distinction is domain skills.

As long as a player builds his own domain skills, he can break away from the group of ordinary players...for example, a certain bad domain.

Feeling that the caravan was completely covered in the unknown area, they invariably withdrew their respective spying powers, and those players reached a consensus in their hearts tacitly.

- There is a big boss, I can't afford to mess with it, the wind is tight.


"...that's the way it is."

Putting the teacup in his hand on the table, Bai Zhi looked indifferent.

"It will take more than a day to recover at most, so there is no need to worry... if you try again, believe it or not, I will hang you up directly?"

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Bai Zhi stretched out his hand to pat away Xia Wen's sneaky hand that was reaching towards him.

"Tch, don't even let me pinch my face, cheapskate."

Cursing his lips, Xia Wen withdrew his hand unwillingly.

"Before, I thought you had children... and there were still two."

While talking, she purposely glanced at one of her puppet brothers beside her.

Fireworks Fengyue: "..."

According to what Xia Wen said, when she and Lin Xiaoyi's two families were queuing up, she was so bored that she happened to see someone sitting in the driver's seat, so she really couldn't stand the short-tempered atmosphere of the parents, so she just casually Find an excuse to sneak over here.

Originally, she actually planned to bring her best friend over here, but the other party couldn't bear that face at all, so she had to come here by herself.

"No way, Xiaoyi is like this, she cares too much about her personal image."

Xia Wen collapsed on the sofa sprawled all over with no image at all, Xia Wen had a look of emotion on his face.

"That kind of atmosphere really made me one head and two big, and I really don't know how Xiaoyi can bear it..."


Bai Zhi turned his head and took a look at this guy.

To be honest, in terms of appearance, Xia Wen's appearance is quite high except for her poverty.

But what about the other party's character...

"So I didn't expect it to be a children's camp."

Getting up from the sofa, Xia Wen looked serious.

"Come on, call my sister, and my sister will give you candy."

Bai Zhi: "..."

"Ahem... Forget it, stop joking, let's get down to business."

Looking at the pistol in front of him that was slapped on the table expressionlessly, Xia Wen coughed a few times in his mouth, and Xia Wen sat up straight in an instant.

"Actually, I'm here to send the invitation letter. Xiaoyi's family and I want to invite you to dinner."

"Have a meal?"

Taking a look at Xia Wen, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's the occupancy quota of Dongtian Paradise, do you know what price a quota is being sold at now?"

Sitting up straight, Xia Wen had a plausible expression on his face.

"With so many quotas, you can give them away as you please. With such a big favor, what's wrong with my family treating you to a meal?"

Compared with the outside world where the strange talk event will happen at any time, the safety factor of Dongtian Paradise is obviously much higher.

In addition, there is plenty of aura inside, which is neither intrusive by strange stories, nor has the effect of prolonging life, so when the information about the Paradise of the Heavens and Paradises is deliberately released in a small area, all those who know it immediately flock to it.

But one yard counts for one yard. If you want to enter the cave, the conditions are quite harsh, and you can't simply rely on money or power to get in.

Even if you are worth tens of billions, or hold great power in your hands, as long as one of the hundreds of occupancy conditions is not met, you will not be able to enter it.

In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. On this point, there is no reason to speak.

But correspondingly, those players who choose to join the relevant departments, their immediate family members and themselves can live in it unconditionally.

In addition, those non-player staff at the grassroots level in the relevant departments also have a certain number of places to stay.

These quotas are placed in addition to those that have been taken out.

At present, the paradise that has been recovered and has initially completed the transformation of infrastructure and people's livelihood, the first batch of people that can accommodate only one million people.

One million people may seem like a lot, but it is nothing more than a drop in the bucket when compared to the country's huge population base measured in billions.

What's more, among the 1 million people, excluding the first batch of infrastructure workers and the immediate family members of the players in the relevant departments, only 100,000 places were taken out in the end.

The 100,000 quota was prepared by the relevant departments for the player guilds across the country, that is, the contribution point system implemented a few years ago.

Although the players have some means to get some equipment and props for their families to protect themselves, but there is no reason to be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no reason for a thousand days to guard against a thief.

As soon as this contribution point system came out, the number of players who chose to join the relevant departments increased sharply. Among them were some long-established Lone Wolf players, as well as members from other player guilds.

And among them, there are even examples of the entire guild disbanding directly on the spot and joining the relevant departments.

Contribution points are not easy to accumulate. There is a set of very strict review procedures. Ordinary players basically cannot accumulate them. If you join the relevant departments, you can enjoy this benefit. Why not do it?

In fact, this is also one of the purposes of the relevant departments.

So after going back and forth like this, there are less than 50,000 exchange quotas left in the market.

Secretly, the asking price of a quota in the market has even reached tens of millions... It's just that no one sells it at all.

Contributing this thing, Bai Zhi has accumulated a lot in the relevant departments, not to mention the all-purpose auxiliary materials of [Palace of Heaven], just the huge benefits they won during the last trip to Japan, they [what? ] The contribution points accumulated by the guild in the relevant departments have already reached their daily limit.

In addition to the paradise that was completely recovered through his participation this time, their [something] guild is absolutely not lacking in quotas and so on.

"Why, do you think I can go now like this?"

Bai Zhi glanced at the guy next to him.

"Let's talk about it after you recover, anyway, there is no rush now."

Shrugging slightly, Xia Wen looked indifferent after completing the task.

"The human relationship at the dinner table is the most annoying. Adults always like to link everything to their interests. Anyway, I don't recommend you to go to participate...Why are you looking at me?"

"Oh, I'm looking to see when you're going to get off."

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of water, Bai Zhi spoke flatly.

"The convoy is already moving."

"Well... I won't go back, anyway, there is Xiaoyi over there, so I don't need to participate in some things."

Looking up and looking out the window, after a few seconds of hesitation, Xia Wen quickly made a decision.

"If you meet up, let's talk about it after entering [Gong Gong]."


"The name of this blessed land on the side of the mountain city was chosen from the ancient mythological characters. After all, it is impossible to call it the blessed land of heaven, right?"

Lazily collapsed on the sofa again, Xia Wen answered casually.

"Because Mu Qianse is closer to the mountain city, she came earlier than us. She entered [Gong Gong] yesterday and settled down. We have already discussed it, and we all chose the same area. , when the time comes, I will go directly there to meet up, it is very convenient, and there is also a network inside... By the way, I told her about you coming when I came here before, and she seemed to be quite looking forward to it."

"Well, looking forward to..."

Looking down at his body, Bai Zhi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


The mountain city is not too big, and it is incomparable with the coastal city of Binhai. At the same time, because it is surrounded by mountains, it can be said that it is not uncommon for those mountain spirits born in the mountains to hurt people.

After queuing for several hours and going through a series of strict inspections and qualification certification, Bai Zhi and the others drove into a long mountain tunnel.

After driving for about ten minutes in this long tunnel, everything around suddenly became clear.

Because it is in the mountains, there is not much change in the surrounding environment, but the changes in the air can be clearly noticed. If there are no special staff in charge of management, some people even directly He stopped and lingered on the side of the road.

The layout of the environment in [Gonggong] has obviously been planned, and traces of artificial construction can be seen in many places, but in contrast, it is deserted and terrifying inside, let alone some mountain spirits or monsters. It's a beast, and you can't even see a bug or a bird along the way.

It is precisely because of this that there is a lot less anger in it, and instead there is a faintly weird smell.

The predecessor of [Gong Gong] was "Demon Realm", because of the ghosts that existed in it before, so although the environment inside has not been affected, the creatures living in it have been completely extinct. It is as vibrant as the paradise that Bai Zhi experienced before.

But as the saying goes, if there is a loss, there must be a gain. Although it is said that there has been a mass extinction, but at the same time, it has saved a lot of effort for the relevant departments. Otherwise, the situation in [Gong Gong] would really be the same as in the paradise that Bai Zhi visited before. If the same beasts and raptors are full of piles, it is impossible for people to live in it so quickly.

After going through one checkpoint after another, the convoy was finally separated and went to different places in batches.

The time is too short, and it is impossible to build a complete modern city here. In addition, due to the special terrain restrictions, the layout of [Gong Gong] is distributed in the form of small towns. At present, the military-industrial system is implemented, and some places are not allowed to enter or leave.

——The place Xia Wen and the others were assigned to was precisely in the No. 74 town.

Ready to start looking for people to draw character designs, who do you want to see? @q@q@集一流巴二1771浪

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1426 Chapter 505 Poor Parents in the World (4k)

Speaking of the scenery, even if it is the place with the best scenery in the real world, it is definitely not as good as the Dongtian Paradise.

But correspondingly, since there are no animals, birds and beasts in [Gonggong], the environment inside inevitably looks a little deserted, and even looks a little weird at certain times.

In fact, when the [Gong Gong] was first recovered, the relevant departments considered whether to put some new animals into it, but it was still nothing after that.

The inside of Dongtian Paradise is no different than the outside, and the aura inside is unbelievably abundant. Once the animal groups from the outside are allowed to enter it, they will turn into demons in a short time.

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