Shuraba Player

Chapter 852:

You must know that the first batch of people who entered the Paradise of Paradise were basically ordinary people. If they really did that, ordinary people would suffer heavy casualties in the face of those monsters that turned into spirits in the mountains. 【Gonggong】 The role of being a safe zone will also be lost.

Therefore, before thinking about how to deal with this matter, any foreign creatures other than humans are not allowed to enter it, let alone bringing pets, even a cockroach in the luggage is not allowed to enter. It will be detected and strangled in the previous strict level.

—This kind of thing is really not a joke.

After all, if you really want to let those things in, with the reproductive ability of cockroaches that can't be killed, coupled with the unique developmental environment in Gonggong, maybe in a few days, all the heads will be flying around. The size of the cockroach…

The same goes for mosquitoes.

Maybe at that time, there will be cold-resistant mosquitoes that can bite people even in winter...

This is true of cockroaches and mosquitoes, not to mention pets such as cats and dogs.

Because it is a family relocation, many people bring their own pets or cats and dogs with them while dragging their families. In the previous checkpoints, Bai Zhi saw many people. Less crying scenes.

Among those people, there is no lack of some playful things, saying that they are their own family members, their own son's baby, etc., insisting on bringing those pets in, their attitude is outrageous.

In fact, it is not that pets are not allowed, but that they are not allowed to be brought in the near future. Those pets that have been detained will have a proper placement method, and they will naturally be returned when conditions permit.

Baizhi supported this policy, so he persuaded Mumu and Anna to leave Xiaohua Xiaopao, Youjiang and Ragdoll at the station entrance, and prepared to take them with them when they left.

...but some people are just stubborn.

After all, among so many people, there will always be a few idiots.

It's just a pity that no one will get used to these people.

Since you don't want to be separated from your pet, then you can go back the same way. Anyway, the supply of such things as places is always in short supply, and it's good to have one less of you.

...and immediately there was no trouble.

—[Gonggong] is the first safety zone put into practice, absolutely no mistakes are allowed.

Although the above-mentioned things are just a small episode, there is also a lot of delay in the same way.

When Baizhi and the others entered the tunnel to pass the checkpoint, it was about eight or nine o'clock in the morning, but when the guide they followed actually arrived at the No. 74 town, it was already dusk.

Town No. 74 is located somewhere in a small valley.

The terrain is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there is a waterfall on the back side of the valley to insulate it, forming a quiet deep pool in it.

The fallen flowers are flying beside the pool, and the path paved with bluestone slabs goes straight into the scattered flowers and disappears.

And in this beautiful valley and flat land, there is a small town that seems to have just been completed. The architectural style of the town is a unified three-story duplex building, which is simple and beautiful. Under the afterglow of the sun, there was a faint golden light.

The town is not big, but it has all the internal organs.

Walking along the clean and tidy street, all kinds of shops can be said to be readily available... Baizhi even found a movie theater in it.

The pedestrians on the street are in twos and threes, but all of them carry a sense of leisure.

Looking at all this in front of me, it is really hard to imagine that a few months ago, this place was still a terrifying and desperate place.

Not long after, under Xia Wen's guidance, Bai Zhi's luxury car parked in a certain courtyard.

Xia Wen's family and Lin Xiaoyi's family are family friends, and at the same time they are both only children, so their relationship with Jia is far closer than others imagined.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two of them were of the same gender, it is estimated that they had been betrothed by their fingertips since they were young.

It is precisely because of this relationship that after a little calculation, the two families simply chose the two places to live together, and if Mu Qianse's family is added, the three families live together. Group.

When Baizhi and the others arrived, Xiaohua and the others had already arrived ahead of time, and there were already several cars parked in the courtyard of the three families that were opened up, and they were busy moving things at the moment.

After noticing the RV that was also staying here, the two families first summed up for a while, and then two intellectual women with smiling faces walked over together, and Lin Xiaoyi followed behind .

It was originally agreed that he would be back soon, but in the end, Huang He never returned, and stayed in the same RV for seven or eight hours... It would be better to blow up this kind of wingman who sneaked away. (no mercy)

Looking at Xia Wen who got off the RV with a satisfied face for some reason, Lin Xiaoyi's eyes were dim.

Also, what exactly did you do in it to be satisfied! ?

Lin Xiaoyi regrets it now, quite a bit.

—and soon, her regret turned to bewilderment.

In fact, it wasn't just her. After seeing the five lolis and one wife coming down from the RV, the smiles on the faces of the two wives immediately froze.

As parents, the wishes of the two families are actually very simple, that is to let their daughter find someone she likes, and then live happily through this life without illness and disaster, and it is best not to mess with the players. on any relationship.

After all, the player's casualty rate is really too high.

Therefore, after getting the news that they also became players from the daughter who always kept secrets and refused to come back, the two of them can be said to be worried all day and night and couldn't sleep.

But things have come to this point, and they have nothing to do, they can only look for connections everywhere, to see if they can get them into the relevant departments to find a leisurely and less dangerous job. for small guilds formed by other players?

In their view, no matter how well that small guild is run, it is absolutely inferior to the power of the country.

Even if their own daughter became the vice president of that guild, it would be the same, and it would only make them feel more distressed.

But what they didn't expect was that Xia Wen's child was nothing more than that. Lin Xiaoyi, who used to be very obedient and obedient, also rarely expressed strong objections.

In the secret that Bai Zhi didn't know, Lin Xiaoyi didn't know how many times she had quarreled with her parents on the phone about this matter, and neither party had the slightest intention of giving in.

Even if Lin Xiaoyi made it clear on the phone that she had found someone she liked and was unwilling to leave the guild, this only strengthened her parents' decision to let her leave the guild.

From Lin Xiaoyi's parents' point of view, if the boy she likes really likes her, then they shouldn't take her to take risks alone, but disband the guild and join the relevant departments of the country for her sake.

Every time because of this problem that no one can argue with the other, the two parties always broke up unhappy, and when Lin Xiaoyi, Xia Wen and the others returned home for the New Year, the quarrel suddenly became more intense.

— It’s just that the intensity this time is one-sided.

The two of them can be considered to be worth billions of dollars, and those who can achieve such a level of business have more or less connections in the officialdom.

Therefore, after inquiring about the environment and entry conditions of Dongtian Paradise from a certain channel, the parents of the two parties immediately took this as a condition to criticize more violently, and verbally demoted someone as worthless.

After all, from their point of view, a certain person is purely a rascal, relying on his daughter's likes to trick him into the small guild he created and not let him go, it is said that he still lives in a villa funded by his family with peace of mind , and at the same time they were born in an orphanage, the combination of various factors made their dislike of Bai Zhi even more serious.

From their point of view, what their daughter likes is purely a local ruffian who eats soft food...

If their own daughter hadn't stopped them, they might have come to ask Xingshi a long time ago.

Now that this condition comes out, in their view, the small guild that their daughter was tricked into joining has no future.

Originally, they wanted their daughter to leave the small trade union and join the relevant department, and suddenly they had a more legitimate reason...the so-called playing the emotional card.

After all, even with the property of the two of them, it would be a pain in the neck to get a place to enter the welfare of the cave, and with the ability of such a small guild of the daughters, it would be even more impossible to get a place to enter the blessed land of the cave. Tan.

Regardless of the large number of players, it is just a deviation of survivors. There are more than one billion people in China. Before the appearance of Noah's Ark, the total number of players in the entire country did not exceed 100,000.

It is a good thing to get my daughters out of that small guild that has no future and no way out, and at the same time allow my family to get the qualifications to enter the cave welfare. This is a good thing.

But what they never expected was that on the night they chose the showdown, their daughters gave them a big reversal as if they had been prepared for a long time.

...The quota is already full?

…and still have as many as you want?

...Their president is the Yin Tianzi who rules the underworld? of the highest combat powers in the world right now?

One after another, heavy news was thrown out, making them almost suspect that something was wrong with their ears.

However, the evidence presented by their own daughter, as well as the supporting evidence from the international news, made them have to believe it.

Seeing the two daughters clapping in front of them as if they were cheering for a beautiful counterattack, the mood of the parents at that time was quite complicated.

But corresponding to it, the boundless disgust in his heart towards his daughter's sweetheart was transformed into quite pure curiosity after that.

As for the safety of my daughter...

With the Yin Tianzi who is in charge of the underworld, currently one of the highest combat forces in the world, with such a powerful president, why do they need to worry about their daughter's safety?

What they care about now is what kind of person the other party is.

So it is precisely because of this that when Xia Wen suddenly heard Xia Wen in the car say that he saw his president when the family moved here, the feelings of the parents at that time can be said to be quite subtle and complicated.

After all, the cabbage that had been raised for so long was suddenly overwhelmed by a pig... even if that pig is the Son of Heaven.

In addition, even Lin Xiaoyi could see the intentions of a certain wingman, and it was impossible for them as parents not to see it.

…especially after one of the wingmen never came back.

Of course, Bai Zhi himself was completely unaware of the above-mentioned matters, and he also had no idea that Lin Xiaoyi had become a fierce quarrel with his parents.

The world never revolves around one person. Everyone has his own stories. These stories may be wonderful or plain, but those are his own life.

—Everyone is their own protagonist.

But at this moment, looking at the Zheng wife who greeted him very politely in front of him, and listening to Xia Wen's introduction, the two wives seemed quite dazed at this moment.

They never imagined that the gentleman in front of them would be their daughter's sweetheart...

Although it is true that he is very handsome, and he will inevitably become a super handsome man when he grows up, but falling in love with such a young child and treating him as a sweetheart... It turns out that my daughter is the one The one that committed the crime?

do not judge a book by it's cover.

If you are like this, you are going to get into the game.

Reaching out to pat her daughter's shoulder, Lin Xiaoyi's mother hesitated to speak, and finally sighed rather melancholy.

"Daughter, hurry up and surrender before it's too late. We'll wait for you to come out of the prison. I heard that there are rewards for reporting. Don't force us to kill relatives righteously."

Lin Xiaoyi: "..."

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone~┴┴~(≧▽≦)/~┴┴QQ group ①6 bar 2 17 ①⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1427 Chapter 506 The Night Owl's Defensive Moment (4k)

The enthusiasm of Xia Wen and their parents is far beyond Bai Zhi's imagination.

...or in other words, the enthusiasm has reached a level that he can't resist.

If it wasn't for any scruples, Bai Zhi doubted that the two wives in front of him with inexplicable lights in their eyes would think of picking him up and walking around...

It is said that the daughter follows the mother, so Bai Zhi can easily distinguish the corresponding relationship.

—It’s easy to distinguish, and you don’t even need to look at the face at all.

The one who has the same heart for the world as Xiaohua is definitely Xiaohua's mother who did not run away, and the one who is equally poor is naturally Xia Wen's mother.

...What is clear at a glance?

Aside from this aspect, the two wives are also very well maintained. If you just look at their appearance, outsiders will only think that these are two pairs of sisters, not two pairs of mother and daughter.

In terms of personality, mothers are much more stable than daughters. They are amiable and approachable, and it doesn’t even take too long. After enthusiastically bringing out exquisite snacks as treats, the wife group It's easy to get the favor of the loli group.

"...that's what happened."

Turning his gaze to another place, Bai Zhi tried his best to describe what happened to him in the simplest language possible.

Originally, he thought that Xia Wen would explain these things in the communication, but no one knew what kind of mentality this guy had in his heart to watch the fun, and he didn't say a word at all.

As for why he turned his eyes elsewhere... because it was too big.

Lin Xiaoyi's figure is already tall. When he was half a head taller than the other party, it was okay to say that he didn't have any feeling or impression about it, but now he is on the lower side, and the contrast is naturally quite strong.

She has perfectly inherited her mother's excellent genes, which means that the blue is better than the blue.

Hmm...Xia Wen is the same, it's just that in another aspect, green comes from blue and is better than blue.

"Did these things still happen...It's fine."

But he didn't notice the two differences in Bai Zhi's movements when he was talking to himself and Xia Wen. After listening to Bai Zhi's account of the cause and effect, Lin Xiaoyi was inexplicably relieved... At the same time, there was a ruthless He gave Xia Wen, who had an innocent face, a hard look.

"Since you can recover soon, then you should pass it... Oh right, what about Fireworks and Fengyue?"

As if suddenly thinking of something, Lin Xiaoyi asked with some doubts.

"If she has the same experience as you, then she..."

Regarding Lin Xiaoyi's question, Bai Zhi didn't answer, but silently turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

When Lin Xiaoyi looked in that direction following Bai Zhi's line of sight in a strange way, she happened to see the one who had perfectly blended into the loli group and was happily eating the snacks that her mother brought out to share... A certain rose turned majestic.

Lin Xiaoyi: "..."

——From the side, Xia Wen, who was watching the situation over there, looked envious.

To be honest, she also wanted to experience the feeling of being a loli.


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