Shuraba Player

Chapter 918:

Originally, when they first fell here and set foot in the Demon King City, they should have obtained their respective occupations under the rules of the game area, but because they were all in a reduced state at that time, this The process has also been delayed.

However, when their bodies returned to their original size, their occupations were immediately divided by the game area, and when each of them acquired their own occupational identities, even their clothes and accessories also changed at the same time. .

For example, Su Hui Zhimian, she was originally wearing a water-green long dress, but after she got her own job, the water-green long dress turned into a black robe, and there was an extra hair on her head. A hat of Irena's style.

Or it can also be said that if it wasn't for the wrong hair color, her current outfit could be a perfect cosplaying witch.


Glancing at the wand in her hand and the broom beside her, Su Hui Zhimian blinked, then turned her head to look at the others.

Not only her, but the clothes of other people have also changed into the clothes corresponding to their professions. Some are wearing long robes with a book of grimoires in their hands, and some are wearing leather armor with two daggers stuck in their waists. , and some are wearing iron armor like a can... and so on and so on.

"...the brave?"

Looking down at the cloak he was wearing and the golden long sword on his waist, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

In all honesty, this outfit of his is quite handsome, and he is very satisfied.

"No... why is my profession a knight?"

Looking at someone who was so handsome just standing there, August Huang, who was covered in a pair of iron armor, had a depressed expression on his face.

"It's okay for the brave to be robbed, but no matter what, I should be more suitable for the Holy Word, right? I'm not a melee profession."

"Really? I think the distribution is quite reasonable."

Glancing at him, he was wearing a flirty robe, holding a book of magic tricks in his hand, and the cat in the book looked disgusted.

"Before you say that, I think you should take a look at your physique."

There are some things that he remembers clearly.

Before when the wooden house got smaller and hid under the quilt, they gathered together to play cards, play chess and chat, and it was this guy who was crazily pushing the iron...

Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month (ノ○Д○)ノ There will be an update later (ノ○Д○)ノ

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1491 Chapter 568 Big Brother Carried His Bag (4k)

Under the cover of the rules of the game area, everyone's attire is completely new.

Although the occupation is not specified, everyone's assigned occupation can be reflected in their own clothing, not to mention Su Hui Zhimian's typical shavings witch's attire, Xiao Shanji's white nun's attire In the eyes of everyone, it is also a standard priest's attire.

After some statistics, the full configuration of their brave team is freshly released.

Brave, Magician, Holy Word, Thief, Warrior, Priest, Paladin.

Phalaenopsis was appointed as a thief, while Moran Liuli was an out-and-out fighter. Except for August Huang who was a little dissatisfied with her rank as a paladin, everyone else was generally satisfied.

After all, among other things, this new outfit is really handsome.

Even the armor on him, which was complained about by August Huang, is excellent in appearance alone.

The only one among them that hasn't changed at all is π.

The other party didn't seem to have acquired a career at all. When the seven players were discussing career matters, this loli sat on the side stone with arms crossed and watched, with a lollipop in its mouth .

"Occupation? My occupation was determined at the very beginning, can't you all see it?"

When asked about this, he pointed back at himself, and a certain loli took it for granted.

"I am so cute, besides the little princess in the Demon King's City, who else could it be?"


Bai Zhi glanced at this loli with a slightly delicate expression, but did not speak.

If the attribute of Qingyi is considerate and capable, then the attribute of the loli in front of him, he thinks, can be roughly described with a single word.

"Uh... In that case, haven't we already completed the main plot?"

Uncomfortably pulling down the short cloak on her upper body to try to cover her navel, Phalaenopsis began to speak.

"After all, according to what you said earlier, the task of the brave team is to break into the Demon King's City to rescue the princess..."

Seeing other people's eyes cast on her, her voice gradually became smaller and smaller, and her face gradually became redder and redder.

In terms of the division of positions in the game area, she was classified as a thief. A short and sharp leather armor and two daggers stuck in her waist were her professional attire.

Although it looks quite refined and heroic, the degree of exposure of the attire is quite bold, almost all of the slender waist and thighs are exposed, and the degree of astringency is quite high.

In other words, in some brave teams, the astringent thief is almost a standard equipment, so that she has become a veritable welfare leader in this team in an instant.

"Is there a difference? We didn't really come to play the game. Sending me to the center of the castle is the main task."

Taking out the lollipop from his mouth, π jumped off the rock.

"Let's go, let's go through the barrier. Before that, you remember to learn more about your professional skills. Although I am not sure what kind of magic changes have taken place in the castle, professional skills can be used at certain times. played a crucial role.”

The game area of ​​Demon King City gave each of them a professional identity. Naturally, it cannot be just a nominal code name. Each profession has its own key skills unique to this profession.

For example, like Baizhi's hero status, the skill he possesses is called the power of the holy sword. The specific effect is that the enemy who is struck by the holy sword will lose the power of immortality.

If nothing else, he will be the core of the team.

...It's just a pity that in the [Machinery World] that has been thoroughly polluted, accidents are the last thing that is lacking.


Because of the restrictions in the rules of the game area, there is only one way for Baizhi and the others to break into the center of the Demon King's City.

—Forcing a frontal charge.

With full of enthusiasm and faith, they will defeat powerful enemies one after another, pass one level after another, and finally successfully arrive in front of the devil.

The first battle took place between them and the cute guards wandering around the castle.

The seven-member brave team + the princess vs. an unknown number of cute guards.

Baizhi and the others had seen how weird those guards were before. To be honest, they really didn't want to fight against such weird things, but they had no choice.

In the game area of ​​Demon King City, certain conditions need to be met in order to go to the next area. Like the novice level in the first area, the condition for passing is that they must kill a certain number of enemies before they are allowed to pass.

It was precisely because of this that even if they didn't want to fight against this weird guard anymore, they could only bite the bullet and launched a rather fierce battle on the lawn.

Because they can't keep any external characteristics about these cute guards in their minds, they can't even lock the location of these cute guards. A battle of entry-level novice mobs, at the very beginning Sometimes it is dangerous to fight.

Just like the game area of ​​Peace Elite, in the game area of ​​Demon King City, the only things that can cause harm to those monsters are the weapons that appear in their hands due to the assignment of professional roles and the power of their profession itself.

In other words, even if Bai Zhi took out [Judgment] and fired a hundred and eighty shots at these monsters, the opponents would not lose even a drop of blood. capable of causing harm.

This kind of restriction within the rules is quite disgusting.

What's more disgusting than this is the blood bars that appear on each of them. When the blood bars go to zero, it means their death.

Among them, the one with the thickest blood bar was August Huang, who had a full 500 blood points at LV1, and the one with the thinnest blood bar was Phalaenopsis. As a thief, her blood volume was only a pitiful 50 points.

In stark contrast to their blood volume are the blood bars above the heads of these cute guards whose levels are displayed in the range of LV1 to LV3.

Even for the cute guards at level 1, their blood volume has reached 1000 points, and at level 3 it has exploded to 5000, which is more than ten times that of August Huang.

Because it is impossible to ensure what kind of situation those cute guards are in, plus the previous warning from π, so in this battle, Baizhi and the others try to avoid close combat as much as possible.

Although it is said that it is impossible to cause a little damage to these cute guards through their own means, and some restraint skills will also cause great attenuation on these things, but in terms of mobility, they are actually far superior to these cute guards .

Even so, they still played dangerously.

Because it is completely impossible to lock the position of these cute guards, except for some group attack spells of Su Hui Zhimian, whether they can attack these cute guards depends on luck.

Let's put it this way, you clearly know that there is a very cute and cute guard standing in front of you, but you have no way of judging the specific position of the other party.

Whether the other party is tall or short, fat or thin, to the left or to the right, closer to you or farther away, human or monster... I don't know.

One or two of these things are okay, but when these things appear in front of you in groups, it is a real disaster.

Although the group attack spell released by Su Hui Zhimian can achieve effective attacks, her magic power is not unlimited.

That's right, as a magician in the brave team, besides the blood bar, she also has an additional magic gauge.

Different from the [Power of the Holy Sword] possessed by the identity of Baizhi the Brave, Su Hui Zhimian possessed two skills at the beginning, one fire-type single target and one electric-type group attack.

The release of these two skills requires the consumption of mana in the mana gauge, calculated by the damage caused by the skills, even if she uses up all the mana, she may not be able to kill so many cute guards.

It is precisely because of this that it is completely impossible to rely on her alone for output.

After realizing this halfway, Baizhi and the others had to change their strategy.

After a brief discussion, everyone was assigned a new task.

In the book, Mao, the holy speaker, is in charge of adding shields and status, Xiao Shanji, the priest, is in charge of adding blood, Su Huizhimian, the magician, is in charge of standing up and driving output, and August Huang, the paladin, is in charge of adding blood. Responsible for protecting the above three people plus a loli standing in the middle watching the show.

As for the others, they are all responsible for killing monsters.

Although the characteristics of these cute guards are weird, but at this time, they don't care too much, just be careful.

So they clicked, and the cats and the others in the August Desolation Book were surprised to find that they had nothing to do.

Theoretically speaking, in the face of such a monster with weird characteristics, it is absolutely not dominant in melee combat, but for the three people in the field, that little influence seems to be non-existent.

Phalaenopsis, as a thief with only 50 blood points, has always been the focus of Xiaoshanji and Shulimao. They are afraid that if they are not careful, their blood volume will bottom out.

But the problem is, since the start of the fight, the opponent's HP hasn't dropped at all.

Obviously the positions of those cute guards can't be judged, but every blow of the opponent can hit the target quite accurately, and after a blow, they are not too greedy, and their figures are like flying butterflies among the flowers. People are dazzled to see.

"...the lines."

After squinting and observing for a while, the cat in the book nodded thoughtfully.

"She has laid many thin lines on the surrounding trees and ground that cannot be observed by the naked eye. Although those guards cannot be observed, as long as they touch the thin lines, they can transmit that kind of fluctuation to her."

"Like a spider web?"

After searching for a while but not finding the lines that the cat said in the book, Xiao Shanji asked curiously.

"Sister Lan, she is like a spider, forming a spider web there?"

"That's right."

Still very cautiously put the magic book in his hand in an easy-to-open position, the cat in the book nodded slightly with emotion.

"It is indeed Doflamingo who can use ordinary thread so superbly."


...It's Yuelao! Moon old! !

"Well... what about her?"

She tapped the hat with the wand in her hand, and after thinking for a while, Su Hui Zhimian turned her head and asked the cat in the book.

"What's the situation with Liuli? She probably doesn't have that kind of means, right?"

What she was referring to here was of course the Moran Liuli who was a warrior.

Moran Liuli is also the most dangerous situation on the field.

Unlike the Phalaenopsis flying like a butterfly flying in the battlefield, Moran Liuli has already rushed into the group of guards. Under the premise that everything around her cannot be accurately observed, she even closed her eyes.

It is precisely because of this that every second of her battle is so shocking, completely dancing on the tip of the knife.

"...intuition and fighting instinct."

After staring at Moran Liuli for a while, the book cat answered.

"Her fighting skills are the strongest among us. You all saw that in the previous group arena match. The fighting instinct honed between life and death is far beyond what we can imagine. "

"Really? And what about this one over here?"

Taking out the lollipop from his mouth and pointing at someone, π suddenly spoke with a strange expression.

"How do you evaluate him?"

"Uh... this one..."

Turning his head to look in the direction where the lollipop in π's hand was pointing, after seeing clearly the figure that π was pointing at, the corners of the cat's mouth twitched for it.

"Why, have you never seen such a handsome hero?"

Keenly noticed the gaze of the cat in the book, glanced at them, and took another bite of the apple in his hand. The face of a certain brave man was full of displeasure.

"What's wrong with a brave man who doesn't know how to use a sword? Besides, who stipulates that a brave man must know how to use a sword?"

While talking, the holy sword in his left hand tilted up slightly, and just happened to pass over a certain guard who rushed over for some reason.

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