Shuraba Player

Chapter 919:

Immediately, the blood bar on the opponent's head lost a lot.

Book Cat: "..."


Compared with Phalaenopsis and Moran Liuli, the brave Baizhi is more like a make-up.

It's just that the posture of holding the sword is not standard at all, and his fighting is not at all entertaining at all. He just holds the sword in his left hand, and he walks around as if he is shopping... Then the guards lined up one by one. Seeing him line up on the holy sword and bumped into it.

The fighting process is weird, but the key is that his personal damage is extremely high. A sword that is so light that people worry that it may be released at any time can often take away nearly 1/3 of the health of the guards. , the truth is outrageous to home.

At the very beginning, a certain brave man would pretend to be walking around, but now, he is just eating an apple while shopping slowly, holding a sword and waiting to touch porcelain...

"...I don't think I'm qualified to comment."

After a little silence, he turned his head to look at the loli, the cat in the book looked serious.

"Besides, brother is tired from carrying his luggage, what's the matter with eating an apple?"

Pi: "..."

PS: Good morning (ノ○Д○)ノ

It was originally updated last night, but it was taken to the hospital to remove the stitches at night. I heard that it might leave scars. I went home from Xianning this morning, and then I got motion sickness again... Please ask for a monthly ticket... Well, it seems that I can’t catch up with QAQqQQQQ6 Bar 2①7⑦Iliu

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1492 Chapter 569 Big brother is tired of raising his sword, what's wrong with shining? (6k)

Some things are often hard to say clearly.

Or it can be said that people often only believe what they see, but not the actual truth.

Taking Bai Zhi's current situation as an example, if he said that he didn't do anything, but those guards lined up to hit his sword hilt quite consciously one by one, the others would definitely not believe it.

— but actually, that's the truth.

He didn't use [Street Writer], he didn't use [Miracle of Micro-Probability], he didn't even use Huangquan.

But under such circumstances, those guards carefully bypassed him and bumped into his sword point one by one, just like a play rehearsed in advance, one by one lined up to be stabbed in a very orderly manner .

It's not just the cats in the book who read it outrageously, Bai Zhi himself actually read it quite outrageously...

At the very beginning, he really wanted to find the traces of those guards through [Miracle of Micro-Probability] or [Street Writer], but this was only limited to allowing his own holy sword to find the opponent's position, not Let the opponent actively bump into his sword tip.

The meanings represented by the two are completely different.

After all, no matter whether it is [Street Writer] or [Miracle of Micro-Probability], it is only a matter of interfering with probability, not interfering with people's hearts.

Occasionally it's okay to let the other party's feet hit the tip of the sword, but this kind of large-scale and clustered behavior cannot be achieved by a micro-probability miracle.

And besides, he hasn't made this kind of attempt yet, and they bump into each other one by one, making it look like a group queuing up to touch porcelain...

Taking a bite of the apple in his hand, looking at the guards in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although it is impossible to actually observe it, the uniform blood bars on the heads of these guards are quite faithful to roughly show their moving trajectories.

As if they had made an appointment in advance, these guards first lined up in front of him in a regular manner, and each of them would not take a single sword. After receiving a sword, they went to Phalaenopsis or On the side of Moran Liuli, the cooperation between them seems to be quite tacit.

It is understandable that his own damage is high, after all, there are two entries of [Ghost] and [Sacred], but Bai Zhi really can't understand this kind of collective queuing behavior.

...Unless, the other party did it on purpose.

When all other possibilities have been eliminated, the remaining possibility, however improbable, is the truth.

"...Did you come here to die on purpose?"

Looking at the guards in front of him, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

The only explanation he could think of was this.

Earlier π said that because of his intention to copy him, [Machine Realm] itself suffered heavy damage, and it was precisely because of this that π was able to wake up from his deep sleep.

...but what if not only π wakes up?

Although in this Demon King City game area designed by π himself, the NPCs here are data programs originally designed by the machine world itself, just like those game monsters before, but now that the machine world is completely polluted, it is uncertain. These guards in front of him are no longer pure data, but strange creations like those sad electronic ghosts...

After pondering for a while, he casually threw the apple core aside after eating, and Bai Zhi once again tried to use his innate skills on these cute guards in front of him.

Innate skill? The word of all things, this skill born out of his personal talent core allows him to communicate with anything. It is not that he has not tried to communicate with these cute guards at the beginning, but the consumption is extremely amazing, so he also I had no choice but to give up.

But now that the other party is all in touch with each other, maybe it will be better, maybe it can be...! ?

Without the terrifying four-figure high consumption of talent before, this time, with less than 20 trust points, Bai Zhi successfully got in touch with a certain cute guard.

But the moment he successfully communicated with that cute guard, his whole body felt as if he had been hit hard, and at the same time he staggered forward suddenly, bright red blood flowed from his nose, ears and mouth. It slowly poured out.

Not only that, the original full blood bar on the top of his head even bottomed out in an instant, and the thin layer of **** skin looked so shocking surrounded by the surrounding cute guards.


Because of the strange thing that happened on Baizhi's side, Shulimao's and the others' faces suddenly changed drastically. A certain holy word almost subconsciously swiped a shield towards Baizhi's side, and at the same time, Xiaoshanji also hurriedly turned towards Baizhi. Bai Zhi lost a cure here.

You must know that in this kind of game area with special rules, once the blood bar bottoms out, it means real death, even if the player has more life-saving means in his hand, it will not help.

During the period when the game area first appeared, many players died in this type of game area quite aggrieved.

"Don't worry, it's okay, don't come here."

Wiping the blood on his face with the back of his hand, Bai Zhi waved his hand towards Shulimao and the others.

At the same time, on his body, a holy light appeared covering his whole body. After a while, when the light dissipated, his whole body had been completely restored to its original state, even the one on the top of his head that had been sucked by Xiao Shan before. The full health bar also returned to full value.

Not only that, the cats in the book who were illuminated by that sacred light only felt a burst of relaxation in their bodies, as if they had just woken up from a rather comfortable sleep, their whole bodies were warm, as if they had Inexhaustible strength.

Everyone: "..."

"...I suddenly felt that I was not fit to be a pastor."

Glancing at the magic staff in his hand, and then at the blood strip on the opponent's head that was swiped with blood, the corners of Xiao Shanji's mouth twitched slightly.

As a priest, her skill is only a healing technique with a channel time of 1.5 seconds, which can restore 50 points of blood in an instant, and then slowly restore 50 points in the next ten seconds.

As a hero, the other party has the second highest blood volume among them, reaching a full 400 points, second only to August Huang's 500. Just now, the other party's blood volume has dropped to less than double digits, even with her emergency treatment. Slowly climbed so less than 1/4.

However, under the illumination of that unknown sacred light, the other party's blood bar, which was more than half empty, suddenly became full of blood...

—At this moment, she suddenly realized the fact that she seemed so useless.

"Hmm... I also don't think I'm worthy of being a Sage Speaker..."

In front of him, he summoned his Holy Word panel, and looked at an extra buff named [Holy] on the status bar that increased all attributes by 100% and lasted for three hours. The cat in the book was in a complicated mood. There was an answer.

As the Holy Word in the team, he has a total of two auxiliary skills, one is to apply a holy shield that can resist 100 points of damage to a companion, and the other is to increase the damage of a single teammate by 10% within one hour Vulnerable.

Logically speaking, these two skills are actually quite good, but corresponding to the [Holy] buff in his status bar, they were almost crushed into scum...

All attributes increased by 100%, but the same included attack power and damage.

Before Phalaenopsis once leveled A, it could probably cause more than 100 points of floating damage to these guards, but now, she can cause more than 200 damage per knife on average, and from time to time there will be more than 400 to nearly 500 violent explosions. hit damage.

If she was lucky, she would be able to kill a LV1 cute guard with two swords on average. Compared with before, her efficiency can be said to have improved not too much.

"...I think the strength of the brave profession exceeds the standard."

Then he clicked on his own panel and took a look to find the reason for the sudden surge in his spell damage. After a little silence, he turned his head to look at π beside him, and Su Hui Zhimian spoke seriously.

In the game area of ​​Demon King City, even if they are all powerful players outside, but inside, they must honestly follow the template of their profession.

The panel stipulates how much your attack power is. Even if you can smash a cow or knock people into the air with one punch, the damage you will cause when you fall on those monsters will never exceed the value specified on the panel.

In the same way, even if they have recovery or status-enhancing skills and potion items, they are not applicable in this game area. They may affect you, but they are completely ineffective for this game area.

The damage can only be determined by the skills and panels of your own profession, and the blood volume can only be recovered by props or skills produced in the game area.

This point, they had experimented long ago.

In other words, the opponent's blood volume suddenly recovered and added to their group such a state that was admitted by the game area to affect their respective panel status, it could only be brought to the opponent by the profession of brave.

In the previous period, they knew that everything in this game area was designed by π, including their respective occupations and skills, so the culprit was π, the GM and designer, Who else?

"Brother is tired of raising the sword, what's wrong with the whole body glowing?"

A large-scale group shield attack repelled several cute guards who approached them, turned their heads, and the fully armored paladin August Huang laughed a few times in his mouth.

"Admit it, that guy is a pervert, how can we mortals compete with Haoyue?"

Pi: "..."

Frankly speaking, a certain loli is quite confused now.

If she was able to explain the previous situation according to the problem with the monster program set by the system, then now...

— That guy is absolutely screwed! ! 【shock】

Although she was aware of the specialness of a certain person as early as the very beginning, but the other party's performance after that was still far beyond her expectations.

As a designer, she knows better than anyone else that there is no such outrageous ability among the heroes she set up.

In other words, the opponent may have some kind of power that can break the rules of this game area... In this kind of place?

With him around, maybe I won't need to...?

Shaking his head and not thinking about it anymore, looking at someone over there who lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something, π was a little upset and bit the lollipop in his mouth.

…So, why should I have to worry about a cheat before?

that nasty guy...


She didn't know what a certain loli was thinking in her heart at the moment, and she didn't care about the discussion between August and Huang.

Stretching out his hand to press his temple, feeling the tremor in his mind that had not completely disappeared, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

Just now, in order to avoid dying due to bottoming out his health bar, he tried to use a little divine power on himself.

The two entries of [Netherworld] and [Holy] can work in this game area, so there is no reason why the divine power that he has spent a lot of time condensing can't be effective.

[Nether Divine Power] He has already used up all of it, and he has thrown all of it into the ghost domain, but [Holy Divine Power] still has four points left.

Of course, it's only three o'clock now.

It was just a tentative attempt at first, but now it seems that the effect of the divine power is even stronger than he imagined, and the lingering feeling of nausea in his mind is rapidly disappearing under the influence of the divine power. was smoothed out.

Otherwise, he might just sit down now.

Recalling everything that happened before, Bai Zhi's face sank like water.

...It's hard to describe in words how I felt just now.

The moment he established a connection with that cute guard just now, before he had time to react, countless voices swarming like a tide instantly occupied his entire mind.

Crying, begging for mercy, screaming, cursing, praying, whispering, madness...

In that instant, countless and various voices were violently stuffed into his mind.

On a mental level, he was perfectly able to receive these sounds and analyze them one by one...but his body couldn't bear it.

If he hadn't realized something was wrong, and decisively stopped that kind of communication in the shortest possible time, within three seconds, he would definitely have died under his innate skills. would be a pretty stupid way to die.

"What the **** is this?"

Looking at the cute guards who seemed to be unaffected and still obediently lined up to get stabbed, Bai Zhi suddenly felt a little itchy.

[Words of All Things] He has used this innate skill many times, and there is no accident in it, but this time he stumbled, it is a bit shameful to be true.

"Judging from the voice just now, it seems that countless souls have been forcibly stuffed into the body of these guards, and it seems that they still have a little consciousness of their own..."

Looking at the so-called guards in front of him who couldn't be seen with the naked eye, Bai Zhi frowned.

The Word of All Things communicates the nature of a thing, and it is impossible to communicate with so many people at once...unless so many people are regarded as a whole.

...a strange thing where countless souls are fused together?

Or are they a by-product of the process of making electronic ghosts?

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi's complexion darkened.

Although in his perception, the monsters in front of him are still very cute and cute, but after vaguely catching a glimpse of the truth of the other party, there is only one emotion left in his heart.

—In such a **** age, even death seems to be an unattainable luxury.

Breathing out a little breath, Bai Zhi moved the holy sword held in his left hand to his right hand.

He was so leisurely before to observe the existence of these things that even he couldn't observe, but now he doesn't need to continue to observe.

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