Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 109: OK, OK, squeeze the four idiots!


The ditty of defeat sounded, and Sarudu Yihai stretched out his right index finger to point at Lu Ziye and others.


While raising the corner of your mouth, press the driver wrench.

Then, a measuring cup-like device spread out around Saruwatari Kazumi. As the device was filled with light black liquid, the measuring cup rotated and merged with it.

"Crush! Flow! Completely overflowing!"

Golden light bloomed on its body, the liquid turned into a golden-black battle uniform and weapons, and black gel glowing with golden light spewed out from the top of its head.

"Robot in Grease! Buraa! (Gris Robot! Porphy~!)"

The gel fell on Saruwatari Ichikai's chest and head, eventually turning into translucent armor.

"Kamen Rider Grease, hello." Saruto Ichikai, who had completed his transformation, laid his eyes on Xia You.

"Brother Hai, there is no need to fight. We are all one family and we can discuss everything." Xia You stood up and tried to persuade.

During this time, he learned a lot about the plot lines through another player. Three countries all wanted to compete for the prop called Pandora's Box. And the country where he was located in the northern capital was the first to declare war on the eastern capital, and he came here to seize the full bottle and Pandora's box.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, he does not want the two parties to conflict. Needless to say, Lao Lu, Saruto Ichikai takes good care of him. The reason why he became a Kamen Rider is to ensure that everyone on the farm can live. . In his opinion, there must be a better way for both parties to deal with this than fighting.

"Discuss. Don't you know the situation of everyone on the farm?" Saruwatari Kazumi asked.

"I" Xia You was extremely conflicted at this moment, and could not help clenching her fists.

One side is Lao Lu, and the other side is Sarudu Yikai, who takes care of him. He doesn't want to fight either side.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Xia You, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, would actually rebel." Lan Yu said, standing next to Sarudu Yihai.

"Boss, I have nothing to say to them." After saying this, Akabane shook the full bottle of Lost.

"Castle! (Castle)"

"Fukrou! (Owl)"

"Kuwagata! (catalpa type insect)"

Three voices sounded, and the three-feathered crow transformed into a hard slammer again.

"The fire in the heart is called heart fire. Burn the fire in the heart and defeat the body." Saruwatari Yikai put his right fist on his heart, which undoubtedly showed his attitude.

At this moment, Xia You seemed to have made some determination and stood in front of Lu Ziye and others.

"Brother Hai, I didn't betray you. But we shouldn't become weapons in the hands of others, so I will stop you and use my own methods to solve it!"

The moment he finished speaking, the ring on Xia You's left hand flashed with light, and the squeeze driver immediately fell into his hand.

"Fuck!" Lu Ziye couldn't help but cursed when he saw it.

"Lao Lu, just show some mercy and let them calm down." Xia You said, turning the gel in his hand and putting it into the squeeze driver.

"Wolf Jelly! (Wolf Squeeze Gel)"


I saw Xia You press the wrench, and the same measuring cup device appeared around her.

"Isn't this enough?" Seeing the scene in front of him, Lu Ziye couldn't help but squat down.

As we all know, squeezing the drive can not only bring in a wife, but also squeeze out the IQ. He found the reason for the mistaken identity before!

"Crush! Flow! Completely overflowing! Wolf in Sharp! Buraa! (Claw Wolf! Porphy~!)"

Immediately afterwards, the bright blue and black battle uniform enveloped him, and all the silver-white gel sprayed fell down, slowly condensing on his head and chest, and finally turned into a wolf-shaped chest armor, and his head was extremely tense. Feeling, showing all the characteristics of the wolf.

"Okay, okay, from now on we can't call it "Squeeze Three Fools", we have to call it "Squeeze Four Fools". Lu Ziye held his chin and muttered softly.

But he was a little curious, where did Xia You's squeeze driver come from?

If it was given by Evolto, there might be some ulterior motive.

Thinking of this, Lu Ziye quickly used the power of power to check Xia You's information.

As the information jumped out in his eyes, he did not find anything wrong. Instead, in the squeeze drive column, there was information created by Utsumi Shigeaki.

"Wait a minute, your danger level is 4.0!?" Suddenly, Lu Ziye raised his head and asked.

"Probably so. Anyway, the man who calls himself a blood diver said that I am special. I am the fastest person he has ever seen to adapt to the nebula gas." As he said that, Xia You scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, but there was nothing to scratch.

"I have been walking on thin ice all my life, and in the end I was surpassed?" Lu Ziye felt heartbroken.

He also guessed the general reason. The super adaptability of Amazons cells allowed Xia You to quickly adapt to the nebula gas.

Regret, why did he refuse the Amazons cell injection so cheaply!

"What kind of pancakes? I really like donkey meat pancakes, egg-filled pancakes, sauce-flavored pancakes, and hand pancakes. Why don't we go eat them later!" Xia You swallowed hard as she spoke.

Under the mask, the corners of Lu Ziye's mouth twitched slightly. Look at the side effects of squeezing the drive. His IQ is completely gone!

"Boss, I hear I'm hungry." Akabane covered his stomach, and Xia You's greed was all aroused.

"We'll talk about it later." Saruto Ichikai said and walked straight towards Xia You.

At this time, Lu Ziye stood up and grabbed Xia You: "I will deal with him, and you help Zhan Rabbit and the others deal with the Three Feathered Crows of Beidu."

"Lao Lu, can you do it? Brother Hai is very strong!" Xia You has learned about the danger level, and also knows that Lao Lu's current danger level is only 3.9.

"I have a plan, but first I need to raise the danger level." Lu Ziye had no intention of hiding anything from Xia You.

"That's fine, but be careful." After warning, Xia You came to Kiryu Zhantu's side.

At this time, Yuudu Yihai stopped and stood opposite Lu Ziye.

"I know you are the strongest Kamen Rider in Dongdu at this stage, can you satisfy me?" Saruwatari Yikai hooked his right hand, signaling Lu Ziye to attack.

"You will know soon that I can satisfy you to the point of overflowing." The moment he finished speaking, Lu Ziye rushed towards Yuandu Yihai.

When Saruwatari Yikai saw this, he showed no intention of evading, and even his hands did not move at all.


Lu Ziye's right fist wrapped in Lan Yan was seen falling, hitting Yuu Duyihai directly on the chest.

But Saruto Yikai, who had received the punch forcefully, only shook his body for a moment and then became as stable as an old dog.

"I can't feel the power in your fist!" Saruto Ichikai shouted softly and punched out instantly.

The punch was so fast that Lu Ziye didn't even have a chance to react before he was hit in the chest by the punch.


The power from his fist made Lu Ziye uncontrollably move backwards, and he could only stop after five or six steps.

"The danger level of 0.3 is indeed very different." Taking a deep breath, Lu Ziye unfolded the magic circle on his left hand, and the red danger trigger fell into his hand.

"Max Hazard On!"

The danger trigger sound effect sounded, and at the same time, Lu Ziye inserted it into the drive.

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