Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 110 You are also a fan of Mi Tan!

"Over Flow! Wake up burning! Get CROSS-Z DRAGON! YABEEI! (Overflow state! Awakening and burning! Get the power of the Terminator Dragon! Super dangerous!)"

As the driver rotated, a sound effect sounded, immediately attracting Sarutatari's attention.

The reason why he used the dangerous trigger in Crozier's state was because Lu Ziye used the dragon's full power for the longest time and could maintain control for the longest time.

After using the dangerous trigger, his appearance did not change, so Saruwatari didn't pay too much attention.

"It's not enough at all. You can't make me happy like this." Hooking his hand again, Saruto Ichikai was full of provocation.

This time, Lu Ziye didn't say anything. The moment he raised his head slightly, his whole body was gone.

The speed far exceeded the previous attack, which made Yuudu Yihai startled. However, Lu Ziye had already stepped forward and did not give him any extra time to think.

He turned sideways and punched out, hitting Sarudu Ichikai directly in the chest.

Saruto Yikai did not stand obediently like last time, but swung his right fist straight at Lu Ziye's side!

I saw two fists staggered, falling on each other one after another.

Bang-bang! !

Two muffled sounds fell, and Arudu Yihai took a few steps back. On the other hand, Lu Ziye's body was stable and he only took half a step back.

"Have you become stronger?" Clutching his chest, Saruto Ikkai was a little confused.

But his eyes immediately fell on the dangerous trigger, and he instantly understood that it was this red trigger that made the knight in front of him stronger.

"That's right...!" After saying this, Saruto Ikkai stretched out his left hand.

"Twin Breaker! (Double Breaker)"

The gel gathered in his left hand and turned into a transformable weapon called the Double Destroyer.

The weapon has two modes. In the attack mode, the spike at the front is used as a strike weapon. In the light mode, the wrenches on both sides can release beams or shotguns.

The next moment, Saruwatari Ikkai waved his left hand, and several rounds of shotguns were released from the muzzles at both ends.

The moment the bullets flew out, Lu Ziye swayed and put his right hand in front of him to block all the bullets on his arm.

Lu Ziye, who was close to him again, showed no mercy in his movements and hit him with a small uppercut on his lower abdomen.


The moment he knocked it back, he raised his knees and pursued him.

With a muffled sound, his knee hit Yuu Duyihai's lower abdomen firmly, causing his adjustment movements to become chaotic.

Then, Lu Ziye reached out and grabbed Sarudu Yihai's right hand, raised his right foot and kicked him on the side.

boom! !

When the kick hits, it is withdrawn and kicked again in the same position.

But at the same time as the kick hit, Lu Ziye let go of Sarudu Yihai's hand.


With an extremely dull sound, Saruto Ichikai almost flew out upside down and rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

"That's it! This is the kind of battle I long for!!" Saruwatari Ichikai, who was lying on the ground, turned over and stood up, as if the attack didn't work.

With the impassioned tone of Saruwatari Ichikai, the momentum completely changed at this moment. Golden light points spurted out from under his feet, raising the already already already slow speed of Sarutoichi Kai to another level.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the distance between Lu Ziye and Yuu Duyihai was shortened by nearly ten meters.

"Attack Mode! (Attack Mode)"

The moment Saruwatari Kazumi got close, he pulled the Double Destroyer in his hand, and a golden tip striking device protruded from the middle.

Buzz buzz.!

The sound of the unique double destroyer's motor was heard, and it landed on Lu Ziye's chest at the same time.

However, Lu Ziye's right fist also landed on Sarudu Yihai's face.


The two men shook their bodies and took a step back.

"Beam Mode! (Light Mode)"

"Full open!" Saruwatari Kazumi chanted, putting a full bottle into the double destroyer in his hand.

"Single! (Single load)"

Then, a helicopter projection appeared in the Double Destroyer's slot.

Golden energy visible to the naked eye condensed on the Double Destroyer. The moment Saruwatari swung it out, the two muzzles released propeller-shaped beams.

"Single Finsh! (Single Finsh)"

"Beat Closer! (Music Terminator)"

The Music Terminator fell into Lu Ziye's hand, and he immediately swung it to meet the propeller-shaped beam.

Bang bang bang——!

I saw the Music Terminator striking the beam of light accurately, directly smashing it into points of light.

"Infinite!" Saruwatari Kazumi whispered again, placing robot squeeze gel into the Double Destroyer slot.

"Twin! (Double load) Twin Finsh! (Double load end)"

The golden light on the Double Destroyer condensed again, and the propeller beam it released was wrapped in black gel.

"Hippare! Hippare! Hippare! (Pull)"

The gauge of the Sound Terminator sword reached its peak, and Lu Ziye slashed out.

"Mega Hit! (Maximum impact)"

Bang bang bang—boom! ! !

The sound shock wave hit the propeller gel beam, and an unprecedented flame exploded between the two.

"Scrap Finish! (Broken End)"

"Attack Mode! (Attack Mode)"

"Extreme! This is my power!!!" Saruwatari Ichikai's voice sounded, and he rushed out of the flames. In his hand, he put the squeeze gel that released his special move into the double destroyer.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye used the fastest hand speed in his life, pressed the dangerous trigger and then turned the drive rocker.

"Max Hazard On!"

"Ready Go! Over Flow YABEEI! (Ready! Overflow state! Super dangerous!)"

The Sound Terminator was tainted with the power of the dangerous trigger, the sword was filled with purple-black energy, and it faced the double destroyer of Kamisaruto Ikkai.

"Twin Break! (Double load smash!)"


The Double Destroyer came into contact with the Sound Terminator, purple-black and golden energy continued to spray out, sparks flew between the two, and no one had any intention of giving in.

But the two energies that were constantly colliding reached their peak at this moment, and the astonishing energy spread out in all directions at the moment of the explosion.

The explosion forcibly separated Lu Ziye and Saruwatari Kazumi. Both of them were hit by the frontal impact of the explosion, and their armor flashed and jumped with electric arcs.

It was at this time that Lu Ziye felt a familiar dizziness in his mind. The emergence of dizziness made him decisively pull out the dangerous trigger.

On the other hand, after using Saruto Ikai's special move and dual load, golden arcs flashed on his body, and his armor turned into golden light points and dissipated.

"The limit of squeezing has been reached."

Lu Ziye knew very well that even if he crossed the sea, he could barely hold up the squeezing load. If he used his special move and doubled the load, he would reach the limit.

"Hey, you are very interesting." Saruwatari Yikai collapsed on the ground, but there was a slight smile of satisfaction on the corner of his mouth.

"It's interesting, let's start now." After saying this, Lu Ziye shouted in the direction of Kiryu Zhantu: "Zhantu! Throw your phone to me!"

"At this time...?"

At this time, Kiryu Sento and Wanzhang Ryuuga were dealing with Akabane, but they still took the opportunity to throw out the mobile phone.

Catching the thrown phone, Lu Ziye swiped the phone to open the photo album.

"Look at this." Then, Lu Ziye threw the phone at the feet of Sarudu Yihai.

"This is Mitan!!" Seeing the photo on his phone, Saruwatari Kazumi's expression changed instantly, "Could it be that you are also a fan of Mitan!"

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