Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 111 Burning Heart Fire! fall in love!

"Ahem, actually Mi Tan is our accomplice. If you don't believe it, swipe right and try." With that said, Lu Ziye unplugged the Crozier from the drive.

After hearing this, Saruto Ichikai decisively stretched out his hand and swiped right on the phone screen.

Swipe down to the right, and unlike the cute photo of Mi Tan just now, it is a photo of Shidong Misora ​​sleeping.

"This is this." Saruwatari Kazumi's eyes widened when he saw this photo, as if he had been hit hard, and a smile couldn't help appearing on his face.

And Sarudu Yihai's reaction did not surprise Lu Ziye at all.

Although Saruto Ichikai seems serious and cold, he is actually Mitan's number one fan.

However, for that sleeping face photo, Lu Ziye also paid a considerable price to make such a "Brother Hai Trap"!

"You said Mitan is your companion. Is that true?!" Saruwatari Yikai held his phone and couldn't get enough of it.

"Of course, as long as you join now, you can get a signed photo of Mi Tan and a life-size pillow. Do you want to consider it?" Lu Ziye came to Sarudu Yikai and stretched out his hand.

"Pillow with signature and photo!!" Saruwatari Ichikai's breathing was visibly heavy.

Even faced with such attractive conditions, he did not make an immediate decision. Everyone on the farm is still in Beidu. As a Kamen Rider in Beidu, if he rebels at this time, the consequences for everyone on the farm will not be something he can bear.

First he is the owner of the farm, and then he is the Kamen Rider of Hokuto. The owner of the farm is his first consideration.

"I know what you are worried about." As he spoke, Lu Ziye squatted down in front of Sarudu Yihai, "The war will be over soon, as long as the blood dive is completely defeated."

He knew from Xia You's mouth that Evolto had begun to act as a blood lurker again, and it was not difficult to create a smoke transformation system.

"What do you mean by that?" Saruto Ichikai was a little confused. These things seemed to have nothing to do with blood diving.

"Instead of listening to me, it's better to see for yourself." At this Lu Ziye stopped and looked at the others who were still fighting, "But let them stop first. As Xia You said, there is no relationship between us. The need to fight.”

After Saruwatari thought for a moment, he turned to look at everyone and shouted: "Katsu, you all stop!"

"I will make my own judgment on what happens." Looking at Lu Ziye again, Sarudu Yihai lowered his voice, "But can you let me see Mi Tan first!?"

".If you didn't say the last sentence, to be honest, I think you are quite rational." The image was instantly disillusioned, and Lu Ziye couldn't help but complain.

"You don't understand the benefits of Mitan at all." Said this, Saruto Ikai had little stars in his eyes.

On the other side, San Feiyao and the others, who were suddenly stopped, turned around and ran towards Arudu Yihai.

"Boss, why did you suddenly stop us?"

"Boss, you really can't lie. You say you have no memory, but you still call it victory."

"Wait a little longer and we can get the full bottle back!"

The three-feathered crows of Beidu surrounded Yuudu Yihai, making noisy noises.

"Okay, you three, please listen to me quietly. From now on, we will have a temporary truce." Arudu Yihai said directly to Three Feathered Crows without any hesitation.

"Ah?" Three Feathered Crows had a confused expression on their faces.

".What's going on?" At this time, Kiryu Zhantu and others also came here, and they were stunned when they heard the words of truce.

"Whatever I say, it has to be my Lao Lu, so I don't need to take action." Xia You said, directly hooking up with Lu Ziye's shoulder, with a look of pride on his face.

"Are you going to take action? Tell me about your approach." After hearing Xia You's words, Lu Ziye became interested.

He wanted to see what good ideas Xia You, whose intelligence had been squeezed out by the squeeze drive, could come up with.

"Ahem, I believe your method is better, Lao Lu, so I won't show my shame." Xia You suddenly turned his face away, as if he would kill me without saying a word.

Seeing Xia You like this, Lu Ziye still didn't understand. There was nothing he could do! !

Kiryu Zhantu's eyes drifted to the photos on Saruwatari Ikkai's mobile phone, and after connecting with the previous clues, his brows relaxed after a little thought.

"I see. The photo of Misora ​​you asked for was used here." Kiryu Zhantu had already figured it out.

"You can't use the squeeze driver like this." Hearing this, Lu Ziye couldn't help but pat Kiryu Zhantu on the shoulder.

"Eh? Why?" A confused look flashed across Kiryu Zhantu's face.

"Don't worry, you can try it yourself when you have time." Then, Lu Ziye looked at Yuu Duyihai, "Ahhai, are you ready to know the truth?"

In Nasita Coffee Shop.

Saruwatari Kazumi sat on the chair with an upright posture, his eyes constantly looking around the coffee shop.

"Why do you need me to come forward?" As Shi Dongmei's empty words sounded, people walked out of the refrigerator passage.

The moment Ishidomi Misora ​​came out, Saruwatari Kazumi's expression changed as he was sitting upright on the chair.

Then with a "flash" that no one could understand, Saruwatari Kazumi appeared in front of Ishidomi Misora ​​and observed it from various angles.

"Eh?" Faced with the sudden stranger, Shi Dongmei Kong looked confused.

"It's definitely Mi Tan." Sarutatari Yikai looked excited, and his two little hands were waving back and forth restlessly.

"What are they doing?" At the bar, Wan Zhanglong and Xia You sat side by side, holding special protein instant noodles in their hands.

"I don't know, but it feels very powerful." Xia Youton bit his instant noodles and shook his head.

"Well, my name is Saruto Ichikai. I am twenty-nine years old and currently single. After I saw you for the first time online, I fell in love with you. Please shake hands with me." Said Saruto Ichikai, trembling. Stretched out his hand.

".What expansion is this?" Ishito Misora ​​was even more confused.

"Okay, okay, we've met, let's talk about our side first." Lu Ziye immediately pulled Yuan Du Yihai, and let the two of them get along for a while, but it didn't end so well.

Following that, Lu Ziye forcibly dragged Saruto Ikkai to the underground base. Kiryu Zhantu also followed, while Three-Feathered Crow was left in the coffee shop.

Seeing this, Xia You stood up and prepared to follow, but found that Wan Zhang Long Wo didn't make any movement.

"Aren't you going?" Xia You couldn't help but ask, looking at Wan Zhang Long Wo who was holding Taishan steady.

"I must be saying something that I don't understand, and I can't understand it anyway." Wan Zhang Long Wo said and started to cook vigorously.

"That makes sense, I'll go first." Xia You didn't pay much attention and entered the underground base from the refrigerator.

Soon, the four of them gathered in front of the computer.

"So, what do you mean by the truth?" Saruto Ichikai became serious as he left Mitan.

"Well, Brother Hai, the contrast between you is so big." Xia You, who witnessed the whole process, complained.

"The information you will see later may be difficult to accept, but it is all true." Lu Ziye said, nodding to Kiryu Zhantu.

Then, Saruwatari Kazumi and Xia Yu learned about Evolto under Kiryu Zhantu's explanation. Of course, it also explains that the identity of the blood submersible is Evolto.

After listening to the explanation, both Saruto Ichikai and Xia You's brains were down for a long time.

"Fuck, Lao Lu, did you hear that? We are going to fight the aliens!" The moment Xia You reacted, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

"Wait a minute. But why does this alien named Evolto want to start a war?" Saruto Ichikai still didn't understand.

Speaking of this, Kiryu Zhantu also looked at Lu Ziye, but he didn't understand this either.

"In order to regain his power, Evolto plans to use the power of science to trigger a war, so that Kiryu Sento will be forced to continuously develop new powers, so as to grow into the strongest Kamen Rider and then capture him." Seeing everyone's gaze, Lu Ziye explained immediately.


And these words made everyone present fall silent.

If the truth is this, then aren't humans and the Three Kingdoms all being manipulated by Evolto?

"I understand, you want to stop the war and stop Evolto, right?" After understanding the current situation, Saruto Ichikai's eyes finally fell on Lu Ziye, "Add me, I will definitely participate in such a carnival!"

Lu Ziye and Xia You couldn't help but look at each other due to Sarudu Yihai's statement. Xia You quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't think you are willing to accept being played by Evolto like this, right? It's up to us to give him some strength!" The moment he finished speaking, Lu Ziye unfolded the magic circle in his left hand and placed the dangerous trigger on the table.

"This device is the reason why you are on par with me, right?" Saruwatari Kazumi asked the question in his heart.

"Yes, this device is called Hazard Trigger, and it can be used through the Build drive. After using it, the transformer can enter a dangerous form, and the danger level can continue to increase, but long-term use will make The user loses control and goes berserk.”

Lu Ziye's next plan is to increase everyone's danger level and give Evolto a little shock.

"Going out of control?" Kiryu Zhantu frowned when he heard this. Although this device sounded powerful, it was too dangerous.

But then he thought that when Lu Ziye used it before, there seemed to be no sign of losing control and running wild.

"So next we have to take turns to use it, raise the danger level, and then arrange Evolto." Lu Ziye said the general idea, "If someone loses control, others will be responsible for interrupting it to ensure maximum safety. "

"But why do we need to increase the danger level? We defeated Evolto last time, didn't we?" Kiryu Zhantu stood up and asked.

"If I say that so far, Evolto has never used his full strength." Lu Ziye knew very well that Evolto has always been letting the sea go. No matter in terms of combat experience or ability, the opponent has not taken it seriously.

Kiryu Zhantu was stunned when he heard this. After thinking for a short time, he said: "Then try your method."

After Kiryu Zhantu's approval, Saruwatari Kazumi and Xia You also nodded in agreement.

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