Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 112 There is no one more suitable than me!

In Nasita Coffee Shop.

"Gris, what on earth have you been doing these three days?!"

Kiko Tajimi's voice came from the mobile phone held by Saruwatari Kazumi. Even through the mobile phone, the anger of the Prime Minister of Hokuto could be felt.

"I have captured ten full bottles, and I will also bring back Pandora's Box." Saruwatari Kazumi said calmly.

"It's better to be what you said. Huh!" After humming, Taji on the other side hung up the phone when he saw Kiko.

Except for Wanzhang Longwo, Lu Ziye and others were sitting at the bar, but now everyone had many wounds on their faces.

"It hurts, it hurts, Lao Lu, you are so cruel." Xia You said, putting a new band-aid on her face.

"You're not gentle either." On the other hand, there were many wounds on Lu Ziye's face.

"Are you embarrassed to speak?" Yuu Duyihai at the end said with great resentment.

Not to mention the large and small wounds on his face, the entire right side of his face was swollen, and he looked like the most miserable one among the four!

"Who puts you in the highest danger level? The three of us can only do our best to stop you." Xia You responded with a smile.

The fact is as Xia You said, at the beginning, Saruwatari Kazumi was the one with the highest danger level among the four. After he lost control with the dangerous trigger, the other three immediately knocked him down with special moves. The wound was like this Come.

"Wan Zhang sent a message saying that the farm employees are all settled." Kiryu Zhantu put down his mobile phone and said to everyone.

And he had the fewest wounds on his face. He had the lowest danger level and was particularly easy to subdue, so naturally he had the least injuries.

"That's good, let's start our plan." Lu Ziye stood up and let out a long breath.

We have finally reached this point, and it would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

"Let Wan Zhang return to the east capital to meet with Misora, treat Himuro Taizan, and reveal the true identity of Himuro Huandoku." After saying that, Lu Ziye turned to look at Sarudu Yikai and Sanyuya, "You go first and attack Dongdu as planned. Metropolitan Government.”

The healing ability of Ishidomi Misora ​​was discovered when everyone came into contact with the war rabbit after everyone was constantly injured.

"Okay." Sarudu Yikai nodded and led Sanyu Crow and Xia You out of the coffee shop.

As they left, only Lu Ziye and Kiryu Zhantu were left in the coffee shop, and they fell into silence.

After a brief silence, Lu Ziye asked: "Zhan Rabbit, how are you doing with Shake Rabbit Tan Bottle Jar?"

Before using the Danger Trigger to upgrade, Lu Ziye gave the Perfect Dragon Crushed Ice to Kiryu Zhantu to study, and came up with the concept of shaking the rabbit tank bottle.

This was done to prevent future wars initiated by Xidu, and to prevent War Rabbit from getting a dangerous trigger and losing control, resulting in casualties.

"There is still a little left to complete." Kiryu Zhantu said, returning the Perfect Dragon Crushed Ice to Lu Ziye, "Actually, you want to ask about the device of Pandora's panel, right?"

"Well, that's the key to defeating Evolto." After Kiryu Zhantu revealed his true intention, Lu Ziye stopped hiding it.

"I don't agree." Kiryu Zhantu's expression suddenly became serious, "If you use that device, you will die."

"But there is no one more suitable than me, right?" After saying this, Lu Ziye poured a glass of water and handed it over, "You have to take care of Meikong and Wanzhang, Ahai has everyone on the farm, and I have no other worries, no more than I am a more suitable person.”

"." Kiryu Zhantu was silent. He could not refute Lu Ziye.

Didi didi.!

Lu Ziye's bracelet on the table rang, followed by Himuro Hantoku's voice: "We have been attacked by Hokuto Kamen Riders, please come to our aid quickly!"

After hearing this, Lu Ziye looked at Kiryu Zhantu.

"Promise me not to use it unless absolutely necessary." With that said, Kiryu Zhantu took out the Pandora panel device.

The Pandora panel device appears in Katsuragi Shinobi's research materials. It is a special device obtained by reconstructing the Pandora panel. It can increase the power of Build to the limit. However, as the power is increased to the limit, no matter the knight system, Even the shapeshifter will not be able to withstand the particleization of his power.

"Don't worry, I won't use it if you don't need it." Lu Ziye said pretending to be relaxed after taking the Pandora panel device.

He knew very well that without this device, it would be impossible to put Evolto into a desperate situation.

"Let's go." Kiryu Zhantu nodded and stood up.

When Lu Ziye and Kiryu Zhantu arrived at the Dongdu Government, they saw that Saruto Ichikai and others had defeated a group of defenders.

"The Kamen Rider from Toto has finally come out. Have you brought Pandora's Box?" Saruwatari Kaikai said proactively before the two of them could speak.

"We will never give you Pandora's Box!" Kiryu Zhantu finished his words, took out the Build drive and put it on his waist.

After exchanging glances with Lu Ziye beside him, the two of them twisted the full bottles in their hands at the same time.

"Kaizoku! Densya! Best Match! Are you ready? (Pirate! Train! Best Match! Are you ready?)"

"Dragon! Lock! Best Match! Are you ready?"


The two of them drank softly, and a high-speed factory built armor appeared around them.

"Rebel on time! KaizokuRensya! Yeah!"

"Sealed Fantasy star! KeyDragon! Yeah!"

The moment they completed their transformation, Lu Ziye and Kiryu Zhantu ran towards Saruwatari Ichikai.

"Burn the fire in your heart and defeat your body!" Seeing this, Yuandu Yihai shouted softly and faced Lu Ziye at the same time.

Bang-bang! !

The moment Lu Ziye's right fist landed on Sarudu Yihai, the opponent's fist also landed on Lu Ziye's body.

Kiryu Zhantu, on the other hand, ran towards Xia You and Sanyu Crow, fighting against the four of them one by one.

I saw Lu Ziye and Sarudu Ichikai punching each other. Both of them took a step back, but they stepped forward again and punched each other in the face.

Bang-bang! !

However, the impact of this punch caused Saruto Ikkai to take a few steps back.

Then, Lu Ziye stepped forward, and the moment he jumped up, his legs directly clamped Arudu Yihai and fell down.

While sitting on Saruto Ikkai, Lu Ziye punched down, and his right fist immediately landed on Saruto Ikkai's chest.

boom! !

Under the muffled sound, Sarudu Yihai couldn't care less about the pain in his chest, and used his hands to push Lu Ziye out.

At the same time, Kiryu Sento on the other side pulled the pirate in his hand to start.

"Trains at each station! Let's go!" Two blue light bullets hit Huang Yu's chest directly, knocking him to the ground.

"Emergency train! Let's go!" Three more luminous projectiles shot out, hitting Lan Yu's body.

"Express train! Let's go!" Four luminous bullets flew out and hit Akabane, causing him to kneel to the ground.

"Trains at each station! Emergency train! Express train! Pirate train! Launch!"

The green and blue rays of light rotated and gathered together, and at the moment when the pirate launched his vehicle, it turned into a tram-shaped energy bomb and flew out.

The tram-shaped light bomb fell straight towards Xia You. Even though Xia You reacted very quickly and dodged sideways, the tram-shaped light bomb suddenly turned around and struck again.

Bang - bang! !

The tram-shaped light bomb hit Xia You twice in succession, knocking Xia You over and rolling on the ground several times.

After finishing four people, Kiryu Zhantuo immediately aimed the Pirate Launcher in his hand at Saruwatari Kazumi, who was getting up.

"Trains at each station! Let's go!" Two luminous bullets fired, heading straight for Saruwatari Ikkai.

However, at this moment, a blood-red figure descended from the sky.


When the figure fell, it blocked the light bullet launched by the pirates and hit the position between the people.

"Hey, long time no see, War Rabbit."

A familiar voice came out from the smoke, and Xue Qian's figure also appeared in everyone's sight.

Xue Qian's appearance made Xia You and San Fei Crow stand up from the ground.

"Brother Xue Qian, why are you here?" Akabane asked at the beginning, while the others were quietly preparing small moves.

"I just want to know your current danger level."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood dive immediately slid out on the ground, sliding towards the first target - Kiryu War Rabbit like a cobra.

However, the moment Xue Qian touched Kiryu Zhantu, his movements suddenly stopped.

"Danger level. 4.3? This is impossible!" Xue Qian, who had stopped, seemed to realize something, and instantly distanced himself from Kiryu Zhantu!

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