Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 113 Evolto, you are such a dog!

Xue Qian realized something was wrong and looked around at everyone, but I was not among them.

"Zhan Tu, I didn't expect you to leave Wan Zhang behind." Xue Qian said while looking at the others.

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the three-feathered crow's posture ready to move.

"Evolto, your doom has come!" Lu Ziye suddenly said, and the key to restraint and management in his hand was released at the same time.

Swish, swish—!

Several chains shot out instantly, heading straight for the blood dive in the center.

When Xue Qian heard the name, his movements paused briefly.

It was precisely because of this brief stagnation that several chains wrapped around Xue Qian's body in an instant, binding him tightly.

At the moment of being restrained, Three-Feathered Crow took the lead in launching an attack. Akabane's two huge fortresses turned to the front, and Lan Yu grabbed two ecstasy scissors and slashed at Xueqian at extremely fast speeds.

Bang bang bang——!

Lan Yu's figure passed by, and the ecstatic scissors slashed at Xue Qian's body, bursting out bursts of sparks.

Akabane and Huang Yu followed closely behind, red and yellow rays of light emitted from their bodies, crashing into Xue Qian's body.


Xue Qian, who was hit by the two, was thrown into the air, and due to the chains on his body, he could not adjust his body shape at all.

"Xia You! Zhan Rabbit! Ah Hai!" Lu Ziye shouted softly, turning the drive joystick in his hand.

"Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah! (Ready! Vortex Finish!)"

Lu Ziye saw a blue fireball condensed in his right hand and threw it towards Xue Qian who was about to fall.


The blue fireball hit the blood dive, and the flames of the explosion instantly filled the air, causing it to float upward again.

"Trains at each station! Emergency train! Express train! Pirate train! Launch!"

The moment the sound effect fell, Kiryu Sento released the pirate starter in his hand.

The released tram-shaped light bomb flew towards Xue Dian, and the back and forth impact caused Xue Dian's falling body to rise several meters before stopping.

"Scrap Finish! (Smash the end!)"

"Scrap Finish!"

Xia You and Saruwatari Kazumi, who had been prepared for a long time, pressed the wrench and squeezed the driver, and the sound effect of a special move suddenly sounded.

I saw Xia You jump up, kicking out a right foot wrapped with silver-white gel energy, followed closely by Saru Du Yikai, the shoulder armor unfolded backwards and sprayed out engine oil, pushing and releasing a knight kick.

Xia You and Saruto Ichikai's knight kick kicked towards the falling Xue Dian.

Boom——! !

The moment the two knight kicks came into contact, an extremely dazzling light suddenly bloomed in mid-air.

Under this light, there was a huge explosion, and the flames swept through the mid-air space, and Xue Qian's whole person was wrapped in it.

After Xia You and Yuu Du Yihai landed, they immediately turned to look at where Xue Qian was.

Then, everyone saw the blood dive falling from mid-air to the ground, and triggering a second round of explosions.

The flames caused by the explosion rose, completely covering the surrounding area several meters in hot flames.

When the flames faded, a figure slowly stood up among them.

"Papa pa pa"

The standing figure waved his hands and clapped. The bloody armor on his body had long since disappeared, revealing a stone-like appearance.

"What a wonderful cooperation." Shi Dongsu looked around at everyone, and then said: "What a surprise, you actually discovered my identity."

"Evolto, you lost." Kiryu Zhantu looked at the familiar appearance, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

"Loose? Now that you know my identity, let me show you my true power."

After saying that, Shi Dongsu took out the Build driver from behind, put it on his waist and took out the dangerous trigger.

"Max Hazard On!"

The sudden sound of sound effects made Shi Dongsu stunned for a moment. He turned around and saw Lu Ziye rushing towards him.

"Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match! (Dragon! Lock! Super Best Match!)"

The moment the sound effect fell, Lu Ziye was already standing in front of Shi Dongsuyi, and stretched out his hand to clamp the hand that was about to load the dangerous trigger.

".What?" Shi Dongsun's hand was held and he couldn't break free.

"Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! YABEEI! (Uncontrolled switch! Black Hazard! Oops!)"

"Sorry, I won't let you use this."

At the same time, Lu Ziye hit his knees and grabbed the dangerous trigger in Shi Dongsun's hand with his right hand.


Shi Dongsuyi, who was in his human state, could not stop Lu Ziye's movements. He was kneeled into his lower abdomen on the spot. The pain coming from his abdomen made him loosen his grip, and the dangerous trigger was snatched away by Lu Ziye.

"You" Shi Dongsun's face was frighteningly dark, but he couldn't get rid of Lu Ziye's still grasping hand.

"War Rabbit, catch it!" Lu Ziye didn't even turn his head and threw the dangerous trigger behind him.

Kiryu Sento, who caught the dangerous trigger, immediately inserted it into the side of the driver.

"Max HazardReady Go! Over Flow! YABEEI! (Max Hazard. Get ready! Overflow! So bad!)"

Lu Ziye, who was still holding Shi Dongsuyi, entered the full state without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, the right fist wrapped in purple-black energy was swung straight towards one side of Shi Dongsu's face.

However, Shi Dongsu suddenly stretched out his free hand and sprayed unknown mist on Lu Ziye's face.

Seeing that the mist was about to hit, Lu Ziye subconsciously turned his head. He knew that this was a mist that could change his appearance, so he couldn't ruin his handsome face!

However, the moment Shi Dongsu succeeded, he directly lowered his hand and pulled out the full bottle of dragon lock and the dangerous trigger in Lu Ziye's drive.

The prop was pulled out, and the armor on Lu Ziye turned into light spots and disappeared, and the fist that landed on Shi Dongsuyi's face also turned into an ordinary fist.


"Your fists are really weak!" Shi Dongsun's eyes flashed with madness, and his face was filled with smiles.

"Evolto, you are such a bitch!" Lu Ziye's face changed slightly. He did not expect that Evolto would be such a bitch, pulling out everything he could.

"I learned this from you." Shi Dongsun sneered, not feeling anything wrong at all.

"Don't forget, I still have companions." The moment he finished speaking, Lu Ziye let go of Shi Dongsunyi's hand and stepped back.

"Scrap Finish!"

"Scrap Finish!"

After seeing the situation clearly, Xia You and Saruwatari Kazumi did not hesitate and started the Knight Kick again.

After the two of them raised their danger level, they were no longer unable to withstand a single kill shot. Their upper limit had now been greatly increased.

"Dragon! Lock!"

Seeing the knight kick from the two men, Shi Dongsu immediately stuffed the full bottle in his hand into the driver.

The moment the high-speed factory unfolded, the two knight kicks also fell.

Boom——! !

Explosions and flames filled the air, and Shi Dongsuyi's position was once again filled with intense fire.

At this time, Lu Ziye retreated to Kiryu Zhantu's side and stretched out his hand: "Let me use the dangerous trigger first!"

An unexpected situation happened, which made him very unhappy. With the Perfect Dragon Crushed Ice in his hand, it was Evolto's turn to suffer! !

Isn’t it too much to ask for a monthly pass? qwq

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