Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 11 Become a hero?

Lu Ziye, who was bound by spider silk, felt that the scene in front of him was being pulled and turned.

Then his body felt light, and even the transformation state was lifted.

"It's finally over."

Lu Ziye sat down on the ground and relaxed all over.

To be honest, if he was given a little more time, he would be sure to kill the last wolf spider insect.

However, it would be good to stop here, and it would be okay to be relaxed.

While relaxing, he also looked at the surrounding environment.

The place where Lu Ziye came seemed to be in a strange room, and there were not many light sources in the whole room.

Naturally, no one was seen, not even Lin Xiao, the "fake high player".


At this moment, Lu Ziye noticed a throne in front of him.

The throne was not big, and it didn't look luxurious. It was a simple backrest seat, but the backrest was a little strange, and it was a transparent object that spread out like a peacock.


With a light sound, virtual screens appeared on the left and right sides of the throne.

A line of text appeared on the virtual screen.

[Do you have any regrets? 】

On the huge virtual screen, there was only one line of words, which seemed particularly empty.


"Yes, why don't you return the magic stone to me first, that prop is very useful."

Seeing this line of words, Lu Ziye's eyes flashed a little strange.

After the voice fell, the font on the virtual screen flashed like a crash.

[Then, please become the only hero of this game, you will realize any wish, even your regret]

This line of words appeared, and then gradually disappeared.

Words appeared on the two virtual screens at the same time.

[Become a hero]

[Leave the game]

Obviously, the two virtual screens gave choices.

"Any wish." After a brief silence, Lu Ziye stretched out his hand.

Touch the virtual screen of becoming a hero, and the virtual screen of leaving the game on the other side automatically disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the scenery of the entire room was pulled again, and it turned into a room in an instant.

The room was not empty, with sofas, tables, TVs and other items available, and the decoration was quite elegant, a perfect five-star standard.

"Brother, you're still alive!"

The voice suddenly sounded, drawing Lu Ziye's attention.

The person who spoke was Lin Xiao, and the boy even had a glass of red wine in his hand.

"If you don't know how to talk, you don't have to talk." Lu Ziye rolled his eyes.

What do you mean he's still alive? With his performance, how could he die?

At this time, two virtual screens popped up in front of the two.

[Knight's Realm - Zerg Factory has been temporarily passed. Due to the difficulty upgrade, it will be opened as an E-level Knight's Realm in the future]

[Twelve players participated in this Knight's Realm, and two players were confirmed to survive. Rating and reward distribution began]

In Lu Ziye's peripheral vision, he could no longer see Lin Xiao's virtual screen.

Presumably, personal ratings and rewards would not be seen by others.

Immediately, Lu Ziye also focused on his own virtual screen.

[Zerg Factory Clearance Rating - A+]

".Should have killed the wolf spider Zerg earlier." Seeing his own rating, Lu Ziye couldn't help but smack his lips.

But I guess this rating is pretty good, and I can't help but look forward to the rewards later.

When Lu Ziye saw the reward pop up, he was stunned.

[Amazons potion: After injection, you will be completely transformed into Amazons, but you will have an instinct to like protein, especially human flesh. The special potion attached can suppress it, but it will no longer work when the cells are fully awakened]


The moment he saw the reward, Lu Ziye's mind was full of question marks.

Is this the rhythm of turning him into Amazons?

No, can this kind of thing be considered a reward! ?

With his fists clenched tightly, Lu Ziye continued to read.

But other information jumped out of his vision.

[Amazons potion: The second type of Amazons potion, after injection, you will be transformed into Amazons, the ability to sense Amazons of the same kind is weakened, and the human will is more controllable. It is a prerequisite for using the Amazons driver]

The information in the eyes is naturally brought by power.

After reading the information about power, Lu Ziye immediately understood why this was given as a reward.

Once this potion is used, he only needs an Amazons driver to become the second empty nester!

But it should be said that the Amazons Knights are also quite powerful, and their attacks are equivalent to real damage.

That's right, the prerequisite is to become an Amazons, which makes Lu Ziye feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Ziye continued to look down, and in addition to the potion, there was another reward.

[Teleport (teleport) magician's ring: can manipulate space and move instantly. Without magic power, it can only be used three times]

"This is a good thing!"

Lu Ziye really loves this reward.

If you encounter the situation of the alien insect factory again, you can completely use this magician's ring to avoid it.

The only pity is that it can only be used three times without magic power.

[Teleport (Teleport) Magician's Ring: Teleport to a place you already know. You can bring other people or objects with you. The number of people is limited to three people, and the object is limited to no more than two meters cubed. Without magic power, it will be damaged after three uses]

The more comprehensive information viewed by Quan Seng appeared in his eyes.

"Before it was damaged, I didn't know if there was a chance to get the magic power."

Lu Ziye narrowed his eyes slightly. He remembered that magic power can only be obtained after the phantom in the Wizard fails in despair.

This is relatively simple. As long as he has the opportunity to enter the knight realm of the witch knight, the magic power can be obtained.

After reading the rewards, two rewards were automatically distributed to Lu Ziye's bag.

Lu Ziye's peripheral vision drifted toward Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao seemed to have not received the reward yet, but his face was very dark when he looked at the virtual screen.

Seeing Lin Xiao's dark face, Lu Ziye's mood suddenly improved a lot.

After all, it was this piece of shit Lin Xiao that made it difficult for him!

"Hey, Lin Xiao, tell me about the situation here." Seeing that Lin Xiao hadn't finished yet, Lu Ziye calmly sat on the sofa and said.

"Wait a minute." Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment after hearing the question, and the virtual screen disappeared immediately.

But in Lu Ziye's eyes, he immediately saw the props Lin Xiao had obtained.

[Asukiko's Slippers: For the Noble Phantasm of Zuo Shotaro and Philip, it can force them to calm down, and can be used once]

"." The corners of Lu Ziye's mouth rose crazily, and he tried very hard not to laugh.

Should I say it or not, Lin Xiao’s face is so dark.

However, Lu Ziye finally got some information.

Obviously Lin Xiao's rating is not high enough, otherwise he would not have received such a funny prop.

This also serves as a reminder to him not to forcefully match into the novice knight realm, otherwise he will never know what funny props he can get!

"The place we are in now is called the buffer zone."

"It is an area specially created by Knight Games to give players and weirdos like us a place to survive."

The dark-faced Lin Xiao sat across from Lu Ziye and spoke slowly.

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