Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 12 What a money-burning alliance!


Lu Ziye couldn't understand Lin Xiao's words.

Giving them an area for players to survive is understandable, but why are there still weirdos?

If he is a good weirdo, he can understand it, but not everyone can accept weirdos.

Human prejudice is like a big mountain that cannot be eliminated by hard work.

Under such circumstances, the so-called buffer zone is bound to be quite confusing.

However, Lin Xiao did not answer Lu Ziye's question, but stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Lu Ziye.

"Brother, please, please return my props to me?" Lin Xiao burst into tears, as if he was about to cry, "I really can't survive the next knighthood without them, please give them back to me. I can tell you anything!"

"No, that's my mental damage fee."

Lu Ziye shook his head repeatedly, it was still impossible to return the favor.

Adding so much difficulty to him and only a small amount of compensation, he still felt aggrieved!

When Lin Xiao heard this, his expression suddenly froze, and he understood that his props were not coming back.

"." Lin Xiao paused instantly.

"Well, I'm a person with a bit of a mouth. It's easy to say that a certain advanced player forced a novice level match, and the final reward was a slipper."

With that said, Lu Ziye pretended to get up and leave.

"No, no, no! Brother, you ask! I can say anything!!" Seeing that Lu Ziye was about to leave, Lin Xiao quickly stopped him and said.

If Lu Ziye were to go out and speak out, he would be directly socially dead in the buffer zone.

Not only will he be treated as a joke by everyone, he will also be removed from the current team. I am afraid it will be difficult to find another team.

At that time, as long as he enters a slightly tricky knight's realm, he may be in a certain death situation.

"Tell me, why is the weirdo also in the buffer zone?" After saying that, Lu Ziye also sat back on the sofa.

"Ahem, to put it simply, the weirdos in the buffer zone are also players." Having said this, Lin Xiao paused to organize his words, "Some people encountered accidents in the realm of knights and were transformed into weirdos. Of course, there are also those who took the initiative to become Weird ones. Only a very small number of weirdos come from the realm of knights.”

After listening to Lin Xiao's explanation, Lu Ziye had a general understanding.

However, he was a little surprised that there would be a weirdo from the realm of knights.

Lu Ziye couldn't help but think deeply about what the founder of this game would be like.

"Brother, do you have any questions?" Next to him, Lin Xiao asked cautiously.

For fear of making Lu Ziye unhappy with one action, he would face a future of social death.

"What are the rules, or common sense, in the buffer zone?" Since he had the opportunity to understand, Lu Ziye naturally wanted to know as much as possible.

Lin Xiao thought for a while and then said: "Well, the buffer zone is mainly divided into three areas. Most of the players are in the East District, mainly human beings. They are no different from the streets where we usually live."

"The weirdos are mainly in the West District. I don't know what's going on there. As for the middle area, we call it the junction. This place is a little chaotic. It is a mixed area of ​​weirdos and humans. It is a unique black market for transactions. , you can find whatever you want.”

The moment he heard about the black market transaction, Lu Ziye's eyes suddenly lit up.

With his power, he is perfect for shopping on the black market!

"How did you trade? Wasn't it barter for goods?" Lu Ziye continued to ask.

Since there is buying and selling, there must be a set of standards.

"That won't happen. Transactions are all done with cell coins. This is it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Xiao took out two silver coins from his bag. Before he could spread his hands, Lu Ziye took them from Lin Xiao's hand without politeness and put them in front of his eyes for inspection.

The cell coin is the same as what Lu Ziye knows. It is an ordinary coin in Kamen Rider OOO (Ouz). The front is a relief of a creature, and the back is a common 'X' shaped relief.

Among the two cell coins in his hand, one is a relief of a mantis and the other is a relief of a tiger.

"What do the reliefs with different patterns on them mean?" Lu Ziye estimated that the difference in the creatures may be related to the denomination.

"Of course." Lin Xiao looked at the two cell coins eagerly, "There are dinosaur patterns that are valued in units of thousands, but other than that, all patterns are valued in units of hundreds."

"Is there such a big difference?" Lu Ziye was surprised.

But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, the Dinosaur Alliance is invincible in the civil war and is worth thousands, so there is nothing wrong with it!

Lu Ziye's restless little hands were ready to put the two cell coins into his trouser pocket.

"Brother, that's mine." Seeing that the cell coin was about to be taken away, Lin Xiao reminded him weakly.

"Speaking of which, how do you get this cell currency?" Lu Ziye changed the subject when he opened his mouth.

But his thoughts were a little far away. If Cell Coin was currency, wouldn't the OOO (Oz) knights become krypton gold players?

If it is still a dinosaur alliance, it will not be krypton gold, but a proper money-burning alliance.

He handed the two cell coins to Lin Xiao with an unchanging expression, without any embarrassment at being discovered by the other party.

"It's very easy to obtain Cell Coin. You only need to clear the Knight's Realm to get it. The Cell Coin will be directly transferred to your personal account. You only need to go to the bank to activate and apply for a card." Lin Xiao replied obediently.

"Okay, then I'm leaving." Lu Ziye stood up and walked towards the only door in the room.

He planned to go to the so-called black market first, but he didn't know if he could find something good.

Seeing that Lu Ziye was about to leave, Lin Xiao was so excited that he immediately got up and walked to the door to open it for him.

"Brother, please go away."

After seeing Lu Ziye off, Lin Xiao relaxed and let out a long breath.

If possible, he hoped that he would never run into this bandit again in his life.

After leaving the room, Lu Ziye walked out along a passage.

As the glimmer of light in front of his eyes became brighter and brighter, the field of vision in front of him also became wider.

What appeared in the field of vision was a large square with a small fountain in the center and many park chairs in the distance.

The entire square was a little dark, and scattered figures were moving around in the square, all of which gave off a sense of depression and dullness.

After completely walking out of the passage, Lu Ziye looked back at the place where he came out.

On the large, square building, there is only a sign with the word "Terminal" hanging in the center.

""Terminal Station"." Looking at the sign, Lu Ziye thought of the terminal station in "Dian Wang".

I just don't know if there is any connection between the two.

Soon, Lu Ziye gathered his mood and prepared to go to the so-called black market.

But he stopped after taking only two steps.

"Wan Duzi, I forgot to ask where the black market is!" Lu Ziye's face darkened instantly.

How the hell did you forget such an important thing?

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