Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 122 Hello, comrades, thank you for your hard work, comrades!

"Lao Lu, it seems that we are going to be on the run together." Xia You felt heavy, but thinking about the setting of the runaway, it seemed a little emotional.

"There is no need to die." Lu Ziye looked at the tablet with a smile on his lips.

Not only that, he flipped his hands, typed a message on the tablet and posted it.

Seeing Lu Ziye's actions, Ran Ge and Xia You couldn't help but move over to see what was going on.

[I am Lu Ziye, and I am a brother, so come to "Huanmeng Wushuang" to kill me. 】

"." Ran Ge fell silent.

She had seen arrogant players before, but this was the first time she had seen Lu Ziye so arrogant.

"Old Lu, you don't want to commit suicide now!" Xia You deliberately tried to stop him, but Lu Ziye was very quick and had already posted it in the message area.

"You newcomers are really good at playing." Ran Ge commented.

"I understand! Lao Lu, you want to borrow the power of "Huanmeng Wushuang", right? "Xia You had a flash of light in his little mind and thought of the reason for doing this.

"No, I look like that kind of person?" Lu Ziye shook his head and rejected Xia You's idea.

".Then what do you want to do?" Xia You was even more curious now.

After Lu Ziye's message was sent out, the players of Bai Lai will definitely gather at "Fantasy Wushuang".

"Damn it, Lao Lu, you won't give those players to..." A terrible thought came to mind, and Xia You then made a hand gesture on her neck.

"Good guy, it turns out that this is who I am in your heart!" To be honest, Lu Ziye was shocked by Xia You's idea.

Those are hundreds of players. Kill them all. Xia You's idea is comparable to the living King of Hell!

"Ahem, I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Xia You blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

He did have such an idea just now, of course, assuming that Lu Ziye really planned to do this.

"Well, let's go to "Huan Meng Wushuang" first. "After saying this, Lu Ziye stood up and prepared to set off.

"I'll go with you." Ran Ge thought for a moment and then said, "If I'm here, they won't go too far."

"That's a good feeling." Lu Ziye stretched, opened the door and left.

Ran Ge quickly stepped forward and walked side by side with Lu Ziye: "Do you have any ideas about the plot line of Build?"

"There are so many ideas, which one do you want to hear?" Ran Ge said, and Lu Ziye was not surprised at all.

From the moment Ran Ge came to them and then told them the so-called bad news, he had a rough guess that Ran Ge was most likely one of the players who were forced to participate.

When Ran Ge heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then said: "Do you really have a way?"

As a player who has tried to conquer the realm of A-level knights, Ran Ge knows only too well how terrifyingly difficult it is.

To put it mildly, the enemies in the A-level Knight’s Realm are at least the surface-washing level. Now that the plot line of Build has been upgraded to A+ level, which is far more difficult than A level, Lu Ziye said that there are many ideas, how could it not surprise her?

"'Wagon Battle' is my top priority solution. The backup method is to ask Kiryu Sento to make props. "Lu Ziye directly said two methods.

Of course, there is another way that he did not say, which is the last backup plan, which is to force Killbus (Chirubas) to possess him and send him to "between all things" to reunite with the Evolto brothers.

But if we do this, the plot line may change again, making Blood a substitute.

Although it will be more troublesome, it is better than Killbus becoming the final boss of the plot line.

""Wheel War". Are you ready to participate? "Ran Ge was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that Lu Ziye really gave a feasible method.

As for the backup plan, she knew more or less about it, but she had doubts about whether the Kiryu War Rabbit in the plot line could make tools to fight Killbus.

Although Kiryu Sento is an outstanding physicist in the plot line, he is only human after all. Facing an A+ level enemy, it's really hard to pin your hopes on him.

The "wheel battle" method is relatively reliable. As a player who has passed the level, she knows very well how powerful the special props she obtained are.

"Well, let's go to "Fantasy Warriors" to see if the boss props are ready. If they are ready, the chance of winning will be greatly improved. "Lu Ziye didn't mean to hide anything and said it directly.

"Boss Ran Ge, please tell me, how intense is the "wheel battle"? "Xia You next to me interrupted and asked.

The main reason is that he is very curious, and the players who have passed the level before are here, and he will be heartbroken if he doesn't ask.

"When I challenged, the level was C+, which can be considered relatively difficult in terms of intensity." Ran Ge paused for a moment, "So my suggestion is to use all your strength from the beginning to defeat the opponent in a short time. Once you establish your authority, the opponents behind you will naturally be wary and feel a little more relaxed.”

"I have learned about your situation from the boss. You are a dual player of the biology and armor systems. It will be difficult but not impossible for you."

Ran Ge said a lot in one breath and gave very pertinent suggestions.

"Is this what it feels like to hold someone's thigh? It's so exciting!" With such a suggestion, Lu Ziye felt that his thoughts were much smoother.

"I, I, I am also a double player, so can I also participate?" Xia You couldn't wait to raise his hand.

"Well, Amazon knights do have advantages, but they don't give you time to rest. Failure to replenish protein will put you in a difficult situation." Ran Ge did not mean to be stingy, and also gave advice.

"." Xia You was stunned when he heard this.

He could hear that the implication of Ran Ge's words was obvious. He had advantages but a low success rate.

While the three of them were talking, they had already entered the borderland.

As soon as the three of them entered the junction, they saw countless players looking at them.

Especially when Lu Ziye and Xia You appeared, the sight became extremely hostile.

"That's him! He's Lu Ziye!"

"Hey, didn't you see that the newcomers are so arrogant nowadays?"

"I'm familiar with Xia You, he's just a knight of the Amazons."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm afraid that little white-haired boy is going to cry later."

"Tsk, no wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out that you are protected by Boss Ran Ge."

A steady stream of discussions rang out, all reaching the ears of the three of them.

On Lu Ziye's side, not only did he not feel any pressure, but he stretched out his hand and waved to everyone: "Hello, comrades, thank you for your hard work, comrades."

"Damn it. Does he think he is the leader coming to inspect?"

"No, no matter what, I'm going to give this kid a punch!"

"Damn it, I've never seen someone who can hold a cup like this. I've reserved his hand!"

"To be honest, I like Bai Mao. Can I take him home?"

"Damn it, brother, there's something wrong with your hobby..."

Under such behavior, the players who had calmed down their anger became even more hostile because something strange was mixed in.

And Lu Ziye, under the angry glares of all the players, arrived at the entrance of "Dream Unparalleled".

The reason why this group of players did not take action immediately was because they had Ran Ge standing beside them and "Huanmeng Wushuang" behind them, so they were trying their best to restrain themselves.

"Well, first of all, I want to apologize to everyone. I didn't expect it to increase the difficulty of the plot line."

Lu Ziye's words echoed loudly, forming a huge contrast with his previous actions.


With these words, the originally noisy crowd fell silent instantly.

They also didn't expect that a person who was so arrogant in the message box would now be apologizing seriously.

Even Ran Ge and Xia You were confused, and they couldn't figure out what Lu Ziye was going to do.

"Do you think just apologizing is enough? We can't get through a plot line like that. You have to come up with a way to calm us down!" A voice rang out from the crowd, breaking the calm first.

"This is natural, so I gathered everyone here just to tell you that I plan to challenge the "wheel battle" in the arena and provide everyone with a chance to fuck me. "After hearing this, Lu Ziye continued unhurriedly: "We will meet in the fighting arena in six hours. "

After saying this, Lu Ziye turned around and walked into "Huan Meng Wushuang".

"No, Lao Lu, what do you think?" Xia You followed Lu Ziye and asked in confusion.

"He is planning to use the rules of "Wheel War". You just checked more rules on your tablet, right? " Ran Ge revealed the reason why Lu Ziye did this.

"What rules...?" Xia You was confused.

"There is a special rule in "Wheel Battle". Other players of the same level can snipe the challenger, which means they need to spend some cell coins. If they lose, the cell coins will be included in the challenger's prize pool. If they win, they can get props. award. "Lu Ziye, as the party involved, immediately explained.

“Many people know this rule, but generally they won’t try it. After all, no one wants to easily offend players who challenge “Wheel Battle”. " Ran Ge added explanation for Lu Ziye at the right time, "Doing this can not only calm the players' anger, but also increase the final prize pool. "

"That's right!" Lu Ziye snapped his fingers and raised his fingers to the sky, "Grandma once said that men should be calm. Boiling water will only evaporate. Players who don't know my true strength will definitely come to stop me. , this will reduce my difficulty a lot, won’t it?”

It was just a matter of making reasonable use of the information gap. How could he, Lu Ziye, have any bad intentions?

Thanks Lancer for the tip

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