Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 123 Lao Lu’s spring is coming?

"Wait a minute. In that case, I can definitely hire a group of people to snipe me. Wouldn't this "wheel war" be easy? "Xia You discovered a blind spot.

"The official is not a decoration. The last person who tried it was a grave mound. Oh, even the chance to own a grave mound is gone." Ran Ge smiled and shook his head. How could players take advantage of the way to obtain special props?

But I have to say that Lu Ziye does have this approach.

Normally, if players conflict in the buffer zone, the officials will impose certain penalties, but Lu Ziye used "wheel battles" to give these players what they call "venting."

This kind of reasonable utilization is enough to make Lu Ziye's "wheel war" very profitable!

Thinking of this, Ran Ge couldn't help but wonder if there was any possibility of repeating such an operation.

Seeing the heated discussion between the two, Lu Ziye came to the counter.

After Tan Lidou paused for a moment, Lu Ziye asked: "Boss, are my props ready?"

"I need more time and more creativity to create." When Tan Lidou said this, he didn't even turn his head, and his hands kept flying on the keyboard, creating various afterimages.

"." Lu Ziye was stunned. Tan Lidou in his state was really scary.

But at this moment, Tan Lidou suddenly stopped, took out a full bottle from the table, and threw it to Lu Ziye.

"This is..." Lu Ziye caught the full bottle and immediately mobilized his power to check.

[Photon Blood FullBottle (Photon Blood Full Bottle): manufactured by Tan Li Dou. After activating its components, photon blood will be incorporated into the armor, causing it to enter a physical acceleration state of 1,200 times, which can last for twenty seconds. In this state, the special special move "Blaster Smash" can be released. . The cooling time is twenty-four hours, and forced use will shorten the lifespan]

["Blaster Smash (Explosion Smash): Lock the target with a golden electric drill mark, inject super photon blood and detonate it when it hits, causing the destruction of all materials within a hundred meters in diameter]

[Note: If it exceeds thirty seconds, your own armor will dissolve and damage the body of the transformed person]

"Fuck!" However, Lu Ziye couldn't express his current mood in other words. He could only express his excitement at this moment.

"Those three belts of yours have become its material. However, when I researched it, I found that it still has room for improvement. If you have other photon blood, I can upgrade it." Tan Li Dou said in an understatement. , as if this is a normal thing.

But only Lu Ziye knew how terrifying the full bottle he was holding now was.

Not to mention the twenty seconds, just the special special move that comes with it is beyond the normal range!

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, Faiz's acceleration was only one thousand times physical acceleration. Doesn't his current one thousand two hundred times acceleration surpass the time-shifting transformation?

With this thing, is he still afraid of a "wheel battle" with a hammer? !

When he gets the chance later, he can get Faiz's belt and upgrade it again. He is already looking forward to it!

Lu Ziye looked satisfied after getting the new props, and Ran Ge and Xia You also approached him from left to right.

"Hey, three belts can be used to make a small bottle?" Xia You clicked her tongue and couldn't help but regret the previous three belts.

"What do you know? This is called concentration, which is the essence!" Lu Ziye rolled his eyes. If Xia You knew the effect of this full bottle, he would probably drool on the spot.

"The speed of adjusting the props is quite fast." Ran Ge marveled at the speed of Lu Ziye adjusting the props.

You know, there are only six props she is making for Tan Li Dou, but Lu Ziye has three in hand!

"Good luck, good luck." Being praised by Ran Ge, Lu Ziye couldn't help but smile, "Yu, this is for you."

After saying this, Lu Ziye unfolded the magic circle in his left hand, took out the full bottle of Gang Dou and threw it to Xia You.

"Is this full-bottle foster father really true?" Xia You has seen the power of this full-bottle.

The time-upgrading ability can restrain most knights. If you use this in battle, it is easy to turn the entire battle situation around in a short time.

"Sure enough!" Lu Ziye nodded.

The full bottle of Photon Blood can be used as a top replacement. Although the cooling time is very long, twenty seconds is enough to solve most of the troubles. Even if the time limit for Photon's blood bottle is full, he still has the rabbit form and the high-speed ability of Evol stage one.

Furthermore, Xia You's combat power is somewhat low now, so it's perfect to replenish her combat power with steel bucket full bottles.

"Love it, love it." As she said that, Xia You put the steel bucket full of bottles into her pocket.

"Then what are you going to do in the next six hours?" To be honest, Ran Ge was actually very curious about what Lu Ziye did in the Build plot line.

Although there was information about the plot line of Build, she did not find any valuable information after reading it.

The most informative one was that the blood lurker was the hidden Evolto, but she knew very well that the blood lurker's strength was not high at all.

How could it happen that the difficulty level of several major levels had been increased just because Blood Dive was completely eliminated?

"I plan to try a new power." After thinking for a while, Lu Ziye said immediately.

First of all, whether the Evolto possessed body has been repaired and stabilized to a dangerous level is a mystery, and whether the Evol driver can be used is also to be verified.

He will definitely not wait for six hours to pass and verify it in the "round-robin battle"

"I have a suitable venue over there, do you want to go?" Hearing Lu Ziye's words, Ran Ge answered at a very fast speed.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Ziye couldn't help but be stunned, and Xia You next to him poked Lu Ziye's waist with his elbow without leaving a trace.

[Yo Yo Yo~~ Old Lu, I have a hunch that your spring is coming. As far as I know, Ran Ge has never invited anyone~~]

Xia You's voice sounded in his mind, coupled with a somewhat ambiguous smile on his face, Lu Ziye knew what Xia You meant with his big toe.

[A big boss like Ran Ge may just want to know some information or something, who knows? 】

As the two were talking, Ran Ge frowned slightly: "Do you have any concerns?"

"No, no, then I'll leave Old Lu to you! I have something else to do, I have to go to the flea market!" Xia You said, and the whole person rushed out of the door in an instant, not giving Lu Ziye a chance to speak.

"." Lu Ziye didn't know why, he felt like he was sold out by Xia You.

"Then let's go?" Seeing Xia You leave, Ran Ge's eyes fell on Lu Ziye.

"Well, I'm troubling you, Ran Ge." Lu Ziye let out a sigh of relief. It might be a good thing to have a big guy like Ran Ge to practice with.

Then, the two left "Huan Meng Wushuang" and headed towards Fengdu Street

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