Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 137 First appearance protection period! ?

The next day.

Lu Ziye and Xia You shuttled through the streets, still looking for the memory they cherished.

On the streets, you could see promotions about the Fengdu Fireworks Festival everywhere, and Lu Ziye couldn't help but keep a close eye on it.

But in this morning, luck still didn't seem to favor the two of them. After searching hard, they only found one T2 memory.

"Bird," Lu Ziye curled his lips as the sun shone through the crimson memory shell.

They seem to have a special affinity with red-based memories, and most of the memories in their hands are red-based.

As for the T2 Gaia memory mentioned in the mission that matches their own, there is absolutely no trace of it!

"What do you mean, do you want to continue?" Unlike yesterday, Xia You is full of energy now.

"No more, let's go to Narumi Detective Agency." After thinking for a while, Lu Ziye made a plan.

He remembered that in the timeline of the plot, the first confrontation between Zuo Shotaro and others and Daidou Katsumi was the day before the fireworks festival.

So, it can be said that the time is just right for them to go to Narumi Detective Agency.

"Narumi Detective Agency?" Xia You was stunned when she heard the name, turned to look at Lu Ziye and asked: "Old Lu, you are such a genius. You asked the detective to help us find the memory. You are so fast." Soon!"

"It's almost the same." Although Lu Ziye's original intention was not that, the meaning was similar.

Well. They were simply looking for Shotaro Zuo and others, and if possible, prevent them from having a head-on conflict with Katsuki Daido.

Hearing this, Xia You immediately started the sidecar and asked for directions while walking, and soon arrived in front of the Narumi Detective Agency.

Just when Xia You was about to knock on the door, the office door opened first.

Behind the door was a team headed by Zuo Xiangtaro, wearing a black bowler hat, gray shirt and black vest. Rather than having a tough guy style, Lu Ziye thought it was more of a gentleman.

The long-haired young man on the left side of Shotaro is his partner Philip. His true identity is from Sonosaki, the youngest son of the biggest villain Sonosaki family. And his outfit with long sleeves and a windbreaker is completely opposite to Shotaro Zuo's style.

The woman behind Philip is Narumi Asakiko, the director of the Narumi Detective Agency. She came to this city because she inherited her father Narumi Shokichi's agency.

The last cold-faced man in a dark red leather jacket was Terui Ryuu, whom Lu Ziye had met before, the youngest section chief of the Fengdu Police Department!

"Sorry, we are not accepting requests for the time being." Zuo Xiangtaro bowed his head slightly to apologize, and made a gesture to leave Xia You.

"Wait. We are here to help you." Lu Ziye blocked the way first and took out a special dual driver as a gesture.

The moment "you" saw the special dual driver, Shotaro Zuo was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Phillip.

Phillip shook his head to express that he didn't know, and gently pulled Zuo Shotaro's clothes.

"This is not the place to talk. Come in first." Zuo Xiangtaro understood what Philip meant, and immediately stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Lu Ziye did not hesitate and walked into the office first. Xia You looked at the four of them for a while before following them in.

The interior of the office was just as Lu Ziye had imagined. Entering the door was the place where clients were entertained, and walking inside was where Zuo Shotaro usually worked.

At this time, Lu Ziye was like taking a special photo tour, scanning every place, and finally stopped at the wooden door with a hat hanging next to the entrance.

"This is where the Revol Garry is parked, right?" Lu Ziye's eyes lit up and he walked straight towards the wooden door.

But just when he was about to touch the wooden door, Shotaro Zuo stood in front of him.

"Well, what's the matter with you coming here?" Zuo Xiangtaro looked completely wary.

"Rather than explaining, it's faster for Philip to use the Earth Library to investigate. Keywords, new Kamen Rider, NEVER (immortal) and T2 memory."

The reason why I say this is because Lu Ziye doesn't know the identity of the game arrangement. If he makes a mistake, Philip will be suspected if he uses the Earth Library to investigate.

".How do you know this?" Zuo Xiangtaro's expression flashed with confusion, how could the person in front of him know them so well.

But Shotaro Zuo’s hand behind his back was waving to signal Philip to connect to the Earth Library for investigation.

Phillip, who was standing behind everyone, immediately closed his eyes and connected to the Earth Library to search for information.

However, Lu Ziye bypassed Zuo Xiangtaro and focused on Philip at the end, the power in his eyes unfolding his message.

After a brief inspection, a smile appeared on his lips.

He had previously wondered whether the Earth Library could be a power or something like power, but the information in his eyes listed that the Earth Library was a special ability.

This means that the Earth Library can be obtained. As long as he can get the Limit Stone and integrate it into himself, he will most likely be able to connect to the Earth Library!

"Ahem, the reason why we know this is because..."

"Shoutaro, we can trust them. It was my mother, Sherrard, who made the drive for them and became Kamen Riders to help us."

Before Lu Ziye could continue, Phillip spoke out first, and when Phillip mentioned his mother Sherard, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

After hearing this, Shotarou Zuo's expression of caution and confusion disappeared.

Terui Ryuu and Narumi Asukiko were also relieved. After all, two strangers who knew them well suddenly came to them, and anyone would suspect the other's identity.

"." Lu Ziye called him a good guy in his heart.

Is the official version of this game a bit too powerful, as it can even change the content in the Earth Library?

So should he still find a way to obtain the Earth Library's abilities?

"Now we are going to meet up with Ms. Maria. They are going to recycle the memory. Let's go together!" Philip directly invited Lu Ziye and the two.

His thoughts were simple. The two were Kamen Riders recognized by his mother, Sherrard. Now that he got along well with them, his mother would be very happy.

"Ms. Maria is not your mother." Lu Ziye revealed the truth without any hesitation.

The so-called Lady Maria is actually Daido Katsumi's mother, Miki Daido, who takes advantage of Philip's desire for family affection and pretends to be Sherard to complete their undead plan.

"It's not impossible, Ms. Maria, she is definitely my mother Sherard."

Phillip looked very ugly, but how could he believe Lu Ziye's words for Maria, who had helped him several times.

"... Just ask Ms. Maria, and you will know everything!" At this moment, as if he had made some kind of determination, Philip reached out and grabbed Narukiya Shuko's bag, and rushed out the door.



As the door was pushed open with great force, Shotaro Zuo was the first to react and immediately chased after him.

"What's wrong with Philip?" Narumi Asukiko, who was worried about the two of them, followed closely.

As for Terui Ryuu, he thought with a cold face for a moment before following the steps of the people in front of him and left.

"What happened to Lao Lu?" Xia You turned to look at Lu Ziye, completely confused.

What just happened happened so fast that he didn't even understand what he was talking about. Why did it suddenly turn into a 'chase'?

"Let's catch up first and then talk." Lu Ziye shook his head slightly and sighed slightly.

He did expect this to happen, but the sooner this problem is exposed, the sooner Phillip will wake up later.

Immediately, Lu Ziye and Xia You left the Narumi Detective Agency and followed the people in front towards the Fengdu Tower development area.

However, when Lu Ziye and Xia You arrived at the development area, Philip stood at the front panting heavily, while Zuo Xiangtaro and others were slightly behind.

Opposite Philip, stood a mature woman in a gray dress. She was the Lady Maria in Philip's mouth.

"Ms. Maria, please tell me. You are my mother Sherard, right?" Philip asked excitedly.

"Child. Me." Dao Mishu stuttered and did not finish the sentence, but looked to the side.

"Hey, brother, let me tell you." A very loud voice sounded, and a figure gradually walked towards Phillip, and then stopped about ten meters away.

This person was wearing a black and red leather jacket, with blond hair with some blue highlights, and his expression was even more arrogant!

"Daodao Keji." Through previous investigations in the Earth Library, Philip naturally recognized this person.

"What a pity, Philip, she is not your mother." Dao Keji looked indifferent, glanced at the others and continued: "You, like me, are monsters created by science."

"Phillip is different from you!" Zuo Shotaro said, standing next to Phillip, "He is different from you, the undead."

"It turns out that we have already investigated it. Let me show you the power of the undead." After saying this, Dao Keji took out a white memory.

On the memory, there is a clear golden letter of 'E', and the complete word 'Eternal' can be vaguely seen next to it!

Seeing Dao Keji take out the eternal memory, Lu Ziye immediately said to Xia You beside him: "Yu, you have seen that memory. No matter what, we cannot let him activate his ability, otherwise we will suffer a lot."

"Don't worry, I will never let him use it." As he said that, Xia You rushed into the development area in an instant, and went straight to the avenue of Kenji.

On the way to it, Xia You simultaneously inserted the memory in his hand into the lost drive and pulled it open.

"Wolf! (Wolf)"

The fragments surrounded him, and when they approached Katsumi Daido, they turned into armor and stuck to his body.

The moment the transformation was completed, Xia You swung his right palm and slashed directly at Dao Katsumi's wrist holding the eternal memory.

Xia You was so fast that even Daido Miki, Phillip and others were unable to react.


Unexpectedly, Dao Keji's reflexes were so good that the moment Xia You waved his palm, he threw the eternal memory into the air.

The wrist of the right hand that was hit dropped like a fracture. But Katsuki Daido took out the Lost Drive with his left hand, raised it into the air and inserted the Eternal Memory into the card slot accurately.

"Damn it. This is not the first appearance protection period, is it?" Lu Ziye on the outside was shocked.

Judging from Xia You's speed, Dao Katsumi would definitely not be able to react, so the only reasonable explanation is the inconvenient first appearance protection period!

The strange sense of disobedience made Lu Ziye subconsciously look at Dao Keji and expand his power. The information in his eyes showed that Dao Keji was not himself at all.

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