Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 138 Lao Lu, we have been plotted!

[Dao Keji (mimicry)-Tao Zhi, male, player-Undead (undead creature)]

[Grade judgment: B grade]

[Weird power: Titan (Titan) - Blade (sword) system]

[The fusion of the 10 of Diamonds and the 8 of Clubs Undead Beast. The undead creature was perfectly integrated with humans through the experiments of Tianwang Lu Hiroshi. It was the first successful experimental subject under Tianwang Lu Hiroshi. Can use venom, invisibility, and mimicry abilities at the same time]

[Special abilities that have been mimicked: Clock up (Time Up), Heavy Acceleration (Heavy Acceleration), Float (Dragonfly), Never (Undead)]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm twenty times, tested Knight's Realm three times, and challenged Knight's Realm three times. Players who belong to the "Seven Sins" have excellent fighting ability and combat experience, and like to use their stealth ability to trick their opponents]

[Props held: Beethoven Damashii (Beethoven Eye Soul)]

【Mori Ranmaru Damashii (Mori Ranmaru Eye Soul).】

The emergence of the information made Lu Ziye finally understand what was going on.

The reason why the opponent was able to avoid Xia You's movements was entirely because of his special ability to mimic. Even if Xia You used ascending time transformation, it was impossible to stop the opponent.

But in the final analysis, the problem was caused by him not checking the other party's information in advance. Because of his preconceptions, he subconsciously believed that the plot character Daidou Katsumi would not undergo major changes, thus ignoring the possibility of intervention by the abilities of the remaining two players.

His original plan was to let Xia You snatch the eternal memory, while he was responsible for guarding the remaining T2 memories to prevent other accidents.

Unexpectedly, the other party took advantage of their habit of striking first and cut off the possibility of snatching.

"Yu, come back, he's not Dao Keji!" With this thought, Lu Ziye quickly called Xia You back.

Xia You immediately jumped away, away from Dao Keji in front of him.

"Really, it's no fun to be discovered so soon." The arm of 'Dao Keji' was bent and recovered in a strange way, as if it had not been injured.

Then in the eyes of everyone, the body of 'Dao Keji' surged, showing its original posture under the strange sound.

The purple and green body is sewn together, with chameleons and scorpions appearing on the left and right sides of the body. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an alternative version of W. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the two ouroboros buckles on its waist, which are the symbol of the undead.

"I'm really sorry. I already knew your news from Quan Jingshui. It's your hands that I should be wary of." Tao Zhi said, pointing at Lu Ziye and Xia You.

"Lao Lu, we have been tricked." Xia You, who retreated to Lu Ziye's side, couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

".This time I didn't think carefully." Lu Ziye did not refute and directly admitted his mistake.


"Eternal! (Eternal)"

A sound effect suddenly sounded, followed by a pure white figure walking out from behind Tao Zhi.

"Kamen Rider Eternal, the new hope of Fengdu." Katsuki Daido's voice rang out from the pure white figure.

The power in Lu Ziye's eyes expanded again and he began to check the other party's information.

[Dao Katsumi, plot character, Never (immortal)]

[Grade judgment: C grade]

[Knight System: Eternal (Eternal) - W Series]

[The captain of the NEVER Legion, good at using sabers. He has a cold personality and possesses T2 Eternal Memory and Lost Drive. He was once a gentle and filial young man, but after his resurrection as NEVER, his original memories and emotions gradually disappeared, and his personality gradually became cold and ruthless]

[Due to the death of Mina, all emotions were completely lost. Fudu served as a testing ground for Sonosaki Ryube's Gaia memory, so he burned the anger of revenge into the city of Fudu]

[Props held: None]

With the display of information, the identity of the other party can be determined to be the real Dao Keji.

"What are you talking about, Kamen Rider? A fighting tool like you is not a Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider represents the hope of the residents of Fengdu!" When Shotarou Zuo heard Katsuki Daidou's words, he couldn't bear to drink.

"Shoutaro, let me know him." Philip stood up, and on his outstretched right hand came a mechanical prop in the shape of a tyrannosaurus.

The mechanical prop in the form of a tyrannosaurus is the Fang (fang) memory held by Philip. It has self-awareness and will protect Philip at all costs.

"Old Lu, what should we say?" Xia You couldn't help but ask when he saw that the battle was about to break out.

"You should guard their T2 memory here. There is one player who has not come out. I suspect he is also on Dao Keji's side." Lu Ziye's eyes fell on Tao Zhi, "As for him, I want Beat him up yourself."

He said he wanted to beat Tao Zhi, but in fact Lu Ziye was attracted by the Beethoven eyes of the other party.

The Eye Soul and the Core Coin are both his collection goals. Now that the props are right in front of him, he will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

"Interesting." Tao Zhi felt Lu Ziye's gaze and chuckled.

At the same time, he walked towards Lu Ziye and hooked him with an extremely arrogant movement.

"Cobra! Rider System! (Cobra! Rider System!)"

Lu Ziye pressed down the two memories in his hand and put them into the special dual drive at the same time.


"Cobra! Rider System! Evolution!"

As the sound effects sounded, countless fragments immediately surrounded his body, finally fitting into his body and turning into armor.

The moment he saw Lu Ziye's transformation completed, Tao Zhi became excited, and his steps became faster and faster, until he was completely running!

However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell and landed directly between Lu Ziye and Tao Zhi.


Following the loud noise, Lu Ziye and Tao Zhi stopped moving.

In the thick smoke and dust, the fallen figure gradually stood up and faced the direction of Tao Zhi.

"You smell like an undead beast."

The familiar voice stunned Lu Ziye. The person between them was An Yu, whom they had met once before.

But what An Yu meant by what he said was that she came here smelling the undead beast? !

But think about it, as an albino clown, she can continue to become stronger as long as she keeps collecting awakening cards. She will definitely not let go of Tao Zhi, the undead beast with these two awakening cards, not to mention the excellent abilities of these two awakening cards.

If it had been him, he would have been hunting Tao Zhi from the beginning.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, An Yu's full appearance was exposed to everyone's view, and the Lost Drive was worn around his waist.

The moment Tao Zhi saw An Yu, his body continued to retreat backwards.

"Hey Dao Keji, the situation is not good for us, hurry up and use your ability!" Tao Zhi shouted softly, but his eyes did not move away from An Yu, as if he was quite worried about An Yu.

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