Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 139 You are really the sixth child!

As soon as Tao Zhi finished speaking, Lu Ziye suddenly entered high speed and flew in the direction of Dao Keji.

Afterimages remained in the air, passing by the sides of An Yu and Tao Zhi in an instant. Just when they were about to touch Dao Keji, the white crab claws suddenly clasped on Lu Ziye's wrist, forcing him to The movement was forced to stop.

Lu Ziye, who stopped, also looked at the owner of the white crab claws. He saw that his whole body was covered with spiked exoskeleton armor, and there was a humanized mouth under the weird face.

The moment "Fiddler Crab Zerg" saw the other party, Lu Ziye recognized the other party's identity.

"Hey, it seems that you have also entered Kabuto's Knight Realm." The voice of the Fiddler Crab Zerg sounded, and this voice belonged to Tao Zhi.

"You are really a pervert. You actually mimic a female zerg." After saying this, Lu Ziye pulled his wrist out of the crab claws.

"Insects don't have the concept of gender." Tao Zhi saw Lu Ziye pulling out his wrist and had no intention of stopping it, as if everything was under his control.

"Your opponent is me." Just when Lu Ziye was about to retaliate, An Yu's words rang out, and he inserted himself directly between the two of them.

The moment he entered between the two of them, An Yu immediately hit Tao Zhi's chin with an uppercut.

However, Tao Zhi took a step back to avoid, and then counterattacked An Yu's attack with a swinging fist.

I saw An Yu's left hand reaching out to hug Tao Zhi's swinging fist and clamping it under his arm. His right hand wrapped around the opponent's neck at a faster speed. While pressing down, he took half a step back and jumped up, suppressing Tao Zhi. Hitting the ground beneath him.


This blow broke Tao Zhi's neck and threw him firmly to the ground. Small cracks appeared on the ground due to this action. One can imagine how cruel this action of breaking the neck and throwing him was.

"I'm a good boy." Lu Ziye couldn't help but sigh after witnessing all this happening.

Now An Yu is in the flesh. Isn't it a little unreasonable for Tao Zhi to suppress the mimetic fiddler crab bugs with his bare hands?

Although it was a knight's tradition to physically manipulate monsters, suppressing them directly like this really opened his eyes.

Then, An Yu stood up from the ground and put a memory into the Lost Drive in his hand.



As the sound effects sounded, countless fragments attached themselves to An Yu's body and turned into black and silver armor.

The armor is mainly black and silver, but there are a few golden stripes outlined on it. The chest armor is in the shape of a heart, which is outlined with red stripes. The compound eyes on the face are similar to the armor, both are in the shape of a heart, coupled with the complex gold on the bottom coat. Stripes, the whole is full of a unique sense of wildness.

As for An Yu, who had completed his transformation, he did not stop moving at all. He waved his hand and used a virtual hold to summon the Chalice Arrow, and then slashed downwards.


Kallis' arrow fell sideways, but landed on the ground. Tao Zhi, who was lying on the ground, had long since disappeared.

"It's really dangerous. It would be terrible if it were slower." Tao Zhi's voice sounded, but the figure came to the position beside Dao Keji.

"Leave them to me to get all the memories." After Dao Keji finished speaking, he turned his right hand and held the eternal dagger in his hand.

"I got it, boss" said, Tao Zhi's posture changed back to that of an undead beast, and his body gradually became transparent, completely blending in with the surrounding scenery.

"I'll go find him, you."

"Eternal! Maximum Drive! (Eternal! Ultimate Drive!)"

Before An Yu finished speaking, the eternal sound effects resounded throughout the development zone.

I saw Dao Keji holding the eternal dagger in his right hand, and the dagger was wrapped with blue energy like flames.

"When you get to hell, tell me my name." As soon as he finished speaking, the eternal dagger in Dao Keji's hand was swung out.

The blue energy fell horizontally on the positions of Lu Ziye and An Yu, followed by explosions and flames, completely engulfing the two figures in endless flames.

"Hmph." Katsuki Daidao snorted, his eyes falling on Philip and others again, "Kamen Riders of Fengdu, your era is over."

Immediately afterwards, Dao Keji put his hand on the eternal dagger to activate the true power of the eternal memory.


But at this moment, Lu Ziye's hand clamped down on Dao Keji's hand, preventing him from pressing the button on the eternal dagger.

"The era of Fengdu Kamen Rider is not over yet." The black cape was seen dancing behind Lu Ziye.

The raised eternal robe made a grinning sound. This was the prop he had obtained before, but he had never had the chance to use it. Now he could finally take it out to bask in the sun.

"Eternal! Maximum Drive! (Eternal! Ultimate Drive!)"

However, at this moment, the Eternal Dagger suddenly sounded a sound effect, and almost invisible energy spread from it to the surroundings.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't gone far yet." Another hand appeared on the eternal dagger, it was Tao Zhi who had been invisible before.

".You are really the sixth child!" At this moment, Lu Ziye immediately released his grip on Dao Keji, and turned to swing towards Tao Zhi, and gathered crimson energy in his hand, obviously intending to hit him hard with this punch. other side.

However, at the moment when Lu Ziye's fist was about to make contact, bursts of arcs of electricity erupted from the armor on his body.

In the arc, the armor turned into countless fragments and dissipated. Not only Lu Ziye, but also An Yu, Xia You, Phillip and others were in this situation.

"It's so pitiful. Once you knights lose their strength, you are like ants and can be crushed to death at any time." Tao Zhi's voice suddenly became colder, and a tentacle flew out from his outstretched right hand, and the tentacle was even more straight. Stab towards Lu Ziye's neck.

"Old Lu!!" Xia You shouted softly, and his whole body rushed out at an incredible speed.

But Tao Zhi and Lu Ziye were too close. When Xia You came to the two of them, his tentacles had already penetrated into Lu Ziye's neck.

Seeing this scene, Xia You's eyes were filled with scarlet color, and countless bloodshot eyes filled the whites of her eyes.


Xia You saw violent mist erupting all over her body, and biological-like silver skin appeared all over her body, with extremely ferocious spikes protruding from under her skin.


And Xia You roared like a beast from his mouth, and his whole body was on all fours.


There was another violent explosion of energy, and extremely majestic milky white energy rippled around.

The source of the milky white energy is An Yu behind Lu Ziye

"Hey, hey, isn't it? Is he the only pure knight?" At this moment, Tao Zhi no longer had the feeling that everything was under control, and his eyes kept wandering over Xia You and An Yu.

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