Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 152 Are we also part of the game Play?

"Damn it. It's really coming!" The information on the virtual screen made Lu Ziye's eyes light up.

He had been wondering if there would be an invitation before, but the message had just arrived. He had every reason to suspect that the game officials had placed cameras around him!

"Lao Lu, please accept it quickly. I can't wait any longer. To be honest, I'm terrifyingly strong now!" Xia You's voice came from the kitchen.

". He is so powerful. He just wants to test his new abilities." An Yu muttered and clicked to confirm.

"I understand." Lu Ziye didn't say much. He understood Xia You's mood at the moment.

In the last knight's realm, Xia You made mistakes, and he must be trying to make up for it in this knight's realm.

"." Ran Ge, who was standing aside, suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant and it was difficult to interrupt.

On Lu Ziye's side, after confirming the information, his brain began to work rapidly.

The "unexpected future" given in the information most likely refers to Drive's theater - Surprise Future.

Of course there are different translations of Unexpected Future, so the origin of the name given should be this.

In his opinion, Kamen Rider Drive is a great work, but its popularity is not high. Both the famous scenes and the character creation are quite outstanding.

Quickly running through the general plot in his mind, Lu Ziye began to wonder how much material could be obtained in this "unexpected future".

"The heavy acceleration ability is a must. I don't have to use it, but I must have this ability." After muttering, Lu Ziye set the most important goal.

As they come into contact with more high-level players in the future, they will definitely have more and more props and abilities. You can't guarantee that the opponent can use heavy acceleration. If you don't have the ability to resist, even if he has acceleration, it will be quite difficult to deal with.

But it would be different if he had heavy acceleration. It would not be very satisfying to slow down others and speed up himself.

The only thing I'm not sure about is what it will look like when heavy acceleration meets Clock Up.

"Here comes the chicken soup~~~" As Xia You's voice sounded, he came out of the kitchen with a pot of chicken soup, but when he put it on the table, his eyes fell on An Yu, "Old Lu, give it to me Watch her, don’t let her show off anymore!”

"Okay, you can go in peace." Lu Ziye, whose thoughts were interrupted, immediately responded.

"Why does this sound weird?" Xia You muttered, turning around and entering the kitchen again.

Under Lu Ziye's gaze, An Yu's restless little hands suddenly calmed down.

Seeing Lu Ziye and An Yu staring at each other, Ran Ge broke the calm and said, "Can you tell me the details of your last knight's realm?"

"Okay, the process is actually quite simple."

Then, Lu Ziye told the actions in "Eternal Memory", and An Yu added some information that Lu Ziye didn't know, but her eyes never left the chicken soup, as if the chicken soup was gone when she looked away. It looks like it can fly.

While the two were talking, Xia You served several plates of food one after another, and An Yu swallowed his saliva back and forth.

"Okay, let's all eat first." Seeing An Yu's unbearable look, Lu Ziye stopped talking.


As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, An Yu's hand holding the chopsticks quickly stretched out, and under the disbelieving gazes of the three people, he filled up a bowl of chicken soup and swept away the entire plate of vegetables in front of him, and then began to eat.

"Yu, please bring more food in your ring from now on." Lu Ziye felt a little complicated in his heart.

".I think so too." To be honest, Xia You usually calls himself a foodie, but compared to An Yu, he can only be regarded as a foodie.

The meal ended very quickly under An Yu's attack, and the other three people were so stunned that they almost didn't finish two dishes.

After the meal, Ran Ge also said goodbye to the three of them and left. After walking out of the Gaia courtyard, she looked back for a few seconds: "An Yu has also joined. This team is getting more and more interesting."

"An Yu, it's only one day until the next Knight's Realm. You can stay here for the time being. It's convenient for communication. You can choose the room on the second floor." Lu Ziye said and went upstairs to his room to rest.

"...Okay." An Yuke agreed before she even got off the table. There were several plates of fruit in front of her waiting for her to show off.

After returning to the room, Lu Ziye first took a shower, then lay on the bed, immersing his body and mind in "between all things" and observing Evolto's situation.

In "Between All Things", Evolto still maintains a lying posture, but his swinging legs are obviously much faster than before.

Having learned the lessons from the past, Lu Ziye did not enter "between all things" this time, but directly started language communication.

[Red Slime, how do you feel now? 】

As Lu Ziye's words resounded in "Between All Things", Evolto's swinging legs suddenly stopped, and his eyes fell on the empty space above.

"You not only gave me emotions, but your ever-present desire for destruction has also been greatly reduced." After saying this, Evolto expressed his feelings with a soft hum.

[Hey, it was faster than I thought. 】

Lu Ziye was indeed a little surprised when he heard Evolto say this. He originally wanted to use this matter to show off in front of him.

But the purpose of reducing its desire for destruction is mainly to see if Evolto will undergo some kind of transformation after losing his desire for destruction.

"Hey, what is your purpose?" Evolto finally asked.

Lu Ziye's various actions made him unable to understand the purpose. If it was for his power, the other party had clearly obtained it. If it were him, it would be impossible for him to come to this space again.

Only this time, Lu Ziye's voice did not sound.

Even in "Between All Things", Evolto waited for a long time but could not wait for the sound to sound again.

Little did they know that Lu Ziye had already fallen asleep in a daze at this time.

Evolto, who was "amongst everything", didn't know that he had been let go, thinking that Lu Ziye didn't respond to him on purpose.

Dong-dong-dong—bang! !

"Lao Lu, don't sleep, the time is almost up!" Lu Ziye was woken up by Xia You's shout.

"Huh?" As soon as Lu Ziye opened his eyes, he saw Xia You's face that kept getting closer.

"You're finally awake. You kid can really sleep. This time it lasted for more than ten hours." Seeing Lu Ziye wake up, Xia You couldn't help complaining, "I would have called you that morning when I was looking for Gaia Memory. If I hadn't woken up in the end. , I think you’re crazy!”

"Ha, I don't know. I just feel that I slept very comfortably." Lu Ziye said and moved his body and felt comfortable all over. It was the same feeling after waking up last time.

"Eh? What happened to your hair, Lao Lu?!" At this moment, Xia You discovered something different about Lu Ziye.

I could see that Lu Ziye's pure white hair was mixed with some black hair, and the overall look was like white hair with highlights.

"...This should be the reason for sleeping so much." After hearing this, Lu Ziye finally understood the reason.

Sleeping for a long time occurs after hair graying. It is most likely due to the use of the Pandora panel device, which forcibly and sharply increases the risk level. It must have caused great damage to the body, and the Evolto cells in the body are constantly repairing the damage. , lethargy is a manifestation of the body's recovery.

At this time, both of them were shrouded in inexplicable power.

Under the shroud of this power, the two of them felt that the scene in front of them was being stretched and deformed, and then transformed into a new scenery.

Including An Yu, the three of them, Lu Ziye, were already in a factory complex.

"Come on, come on, let me see what the mission is this time." Xia You moved his body, his whole body was extremely excited.

After Xia You finished speaking, other voices suddenly sounded from the side.

"Shinnosuke, there is a dense area of ​​energy facilities around here. We need to adjust the energy ratio to just enough to destroy that guy."

"Okay, then it's up to you, Belt-san."

"Formula-Hou! (Formula-Cannon)"

"Must kill! Full Throttle! (Full Throttle)"

"Don't shoot! Dad!!!"

At the same time as the sound came, the three of them turned their heads in unison to look at the source of the sound beside them.

A blue figure came into view first. The armor on his body was mainly blue and white, but the shape of the armor was quite exaggerated, as if he was wearing armor like a formula racing car. The extremely unique bright yellow head armor also had goggles in front of it. Like shape. And this is the type formula form of Kamen Rider Diver!

If there was anything wrong, it was that the trailer gun in the opponent's hand was pointed directly at Lu Ziye and others!

"Is there something wrong with Lao Lu?" Xia You was the first to ask this question.

"No, we are also part of the game Play?" At this scene, Lu Ziye couldn't help but take a breath.

That Te Miao is a trailer cannon, and there is also a formula shift car stuffed on it. I'm afraid it will hurt them a little after this shot!

"." Only An Yu looked very calm and composed, and even took the initiative to come to Lu Ziye and Xia You.

At this moment, the familiar virtual screen popped up in front of the three of them.

[Welcome to all players to participate in the knight game. This challenge to the realm of knights is-"Unexpected Future\

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