Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 153 Kill him? He is not human!

"Ah? Why only one minute?" Xia You shouted softly, reminding everyone, "Lao Lu, is your declining attribute acting up again!?"

"I really want to have this kind of influence!" Lu Ziye responded while looking at the other side.

At this time, on the other side of them was a bat-shaped mechanical mutant in a rampaging state. It had a vehicle-like body and a pair of silver bat wings that were constantly flapping. It was these flapping wings that brought devastating consequences to the surrounding factories. destroy.

In other words, Shinnosuke's trailer gun was aimed at the mechanical mutants, not them. They just happened to appear in the middle, but this weird unlucky attribute is really a bit outrageous!

"An Yu, are you sure you can stop the opponent's attack?" Lu Ziye said while looking at the countdown on the virtual screen.

"Yes, but what do you want to do?" Hearing this, An Yu couldn't help but ask.

"Do something big!" Lu Ziye chuckled, then stretched out his hand to pull Xia You beside him.

Then, Xia You and Lu Ziye stood behind An Yu with a confused look on their faces.

"???" Such a scene made An Yu feel very confused. These two people were using her as a shield.

"After you block the attack later, remember to look at my eyes." Lu Ziye explained, and the countdown on the virtual screen returned to zero.

The countdown returns to zero, which means that the plot begins at this moment.

"Dad, there is absolutely no way you can shoot here!"

"Shinnosuke! Shoot! Shoot quickly!!!"

Under the unusual roar, Jinnosuke Bojin suddenly lost control of his body, and the trailer gun in his hand was pointed in the direction of Lu Ziye and others.


Like the roar of a formula racing car, the trailer cannon shot out a blue beam, roaring towards Anyu.

"Why is there someone there!?" When Tomari Shinosuke witnessed this scene, he immediately forcibly raised his arm and tried to deflect the follow-up attack of the trailer cannon.

Facing the incoming beam of light, An Yu turned over two awakening cards in his hand.


"Change! (Mantis)"

In the surge of black juice, An Yu's body suddenly appeared in the posture of Kallis.

The Kallis arrow was held in his hand with a wave of his hand. The awakener component was placed on the front of the Kallis arrow, and another awakening card was swiped down.

"Reflect! (Moth)"

The awakening card was swiped, and it immediately turned into a blue energy emblem and landed on Kallis' arrow.

At this time, the roaring equation beam had already arrived in front of him, and An Yu slowly pulled back his right hand.

At the critical moment, a slender blue light arrow was released from the Kallis arrow.

The blue light arrow and the blue light beam are not on the same level in terms of size or power. Especially when they get close, the blue light arrow instantly turns into countless light spots, as if they were struck by the blue light beam. Like disintegration.

But the next moment, the scattered light spots did not disappear, but gathered together like a barrier, refracting the blue beam diagonally backward the moment it hit.

I saw a blue beam of light whizzing past the mechanical mutant's violent state, falling towards the completely empty sky.

But this was not over. An Yu turned to face the berserk mechanical mutant behind him, and a new awakening card was flashed again.

"Tornado! (Eagle)"

The sound effect sounded, but it was drowned in the roar of the equation passing by.

Then, under An Yu's gaze, the Kalis arrow in his hand shot out a light arrow.

The light arrow was extremely fast and penetrated into the berserk body of the mechanical mutant almost instantly.

The mechanical mutant's violent movements were revealed, and the core in the center had been pierced by the light arrow!

Bang - boom!

Along with the sound of flames and explosions, the mechanical mutant went berserk and was destroyed in the flames.

The explosion did not affect the surrounding factories and was perfectly controlled in the middle of this narrow road.

"Quick, An Yu, come here and lie down!" Seeing An Yu finish, Lu Ziye shouted in a low voice.

As for him and Xia You, they were already lying on the ground, with some dust on their faces.

".What are you?" Although An Yu was in a dazed state, his body was lying on the ground very cooperatively, and Kallis' posture faded and returned to his human state.

"Yu, it's your turn!" Seeing An Yu lying down, Lu Ziye's face quickly turned into a very painful look.

Just now, he paid special attention to An Yu's various movements. The refracted path of the moth perfectly blocked the opponent's field of vision. Since the other party couldn't see anything, then they had the final say?

Of course, what happened next was not malicious, but was for Xia You and An Yu to smoothly proceed with the plot.

"Ouch! Kamen Rider is hitting someone! Is there any justice?" Xia You, who was lying on the outermost side, covered her arms and started to moan.

"You want to have sex?" After hearing Xia You's words, An Yu instantly understood what he wanted to do.

"Don't talk and just pretend to be in pain." Lu Ziye squeezed out a sentence through his teeth and continued to make a 'painful' face.

Then, Tomarinosuke in the distance left behind the people around him and ran towards the three of them.

"Hey, are you okay? I'll call the ambulance right away!" Tomari Nosuke squatted beside the three of them, preparing to check Xia You's situation first.

I saw blood oozing out from the fingers of Xia You covering her arm. Seeing this scene, Tomonosuke froze as he was about to check.

"What on earth have I done?"

The voice came from Tomarinosuke's belt, and anyone could hear his regret.

"Dad, I still can't change the past, so you will still..." At this moment, a man with a pure white figure crouched next to Tomari Shinosuke, "No, please come with me, I will explain it to you. Everything. They will have medical staff to take care of it!”

Lu Ziye squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the man with a pure white figure next to Tomari Shinosuke. The man was Tomari Eoshi, the future son of Tomono Shinosuke, but he was not the real Tomari Eoshi, but a mimic of the future mechanical mutant 108. Come.

"Why are you following me? Do you want me to leave them alone?" Torah Shinnosuke asked back sternly.

"The responsibility for hurting them will be placed on you."

"Bo! What's going on?"

A clear female voice sounded, interrupting what Toru Eoshi was about to say. At the same time, a woman wearing a special uniform came here. She was Kiriko Shishima, who was in the same department as Toru Shinnosuke.

As for the Special Cases Division, its full name is the Incident Investigation Section under Special Situations, which is responsible for investigating special incidents related to "re-acceleration". All stories revolve around the re-acceleration caused by mechanical mutants.

"You have to make the decision for us. This Kamen Rider is attacking us." Xia You stretched out her hand to Shishima Kiriko with great difficulty. The blood stains on her hand were even more shocking.

"Yes, we passed by here originally. How innocent." Lu Ziye, pretending to be weak, added in time.

"Is what Tomari and the others said true?" Kiriko Shishima's expression turned ugly and she turned to ask Shinnosuke Tomari.

"I belted him, and suddenly lost control, accidentally injuring them." Tomari Shinosuke had no way to refute, that was the fact.

After hearing Tomari Shinnosuke's explanation, Shishima Kiriko's face became even more ugly. It would undoubtedly be very bad for something like this to happen.

"Wait a minute. Are you a newcomer who is going to join the special case department? I saw your information." Suddenly, Shidao Kiriko's eyes lit up and she held Lu Ziye's hands excitedly, "I know, this matter The fault is ours, but I can use this police uniform to guarantee that the Kamen Rider never meant to hurt you."

"So, I would like to ask you not to tell this matter. No matter what the compensation is, we will try our best to satisfy you!"

After saying this, Shishima Kiriko stood up and was about to bow to the three of them. Lu Ziye, with his quick eyesight and quick hands, quickly raised his hand to stop the opponent's movement.

"I am a newcomer who is going to join the special case department, so I can understand a little bit." Speaking of this, Lu Ziye paused deliberately and glanced at Tomari Shinosuke, "I was originally here to help develop Kamen Rider props. Just borrow two shift tanks so that I can use them for research."

Lu Ziye's purpose was to obtain gear-changing chariots, which could help Xia You and An Yu move normally during heavy acceleration.

Without this prop, the subsequent battle between the two of them would have been difficult, not to mention difficult. It might even have been difficult to obtain the most basic rating of the mission.

Although their method was a bit excessive, the main reason was that his status as a co-developer could not be confirmed, so they had to use extreme methods to obtain the shift car.

"Is it as simple as that? Don't you need any additional compensation?" Tomonosuke asked in disbelief.

"No, you're such a buddies." Lu Ziye didn't think about compensation. The main thing was that he could use two shift tanks.

"I understand." Without even having time to think about it, Torojinosuke took out two shift chariots and handed them to Lu Ziye.

The two shift chariots are green and black, they are Shift Wild and Shift Technic!

Lu Ziye was not surprised that Tomari Shinnosuke gave these two shift chariots. Now that the belt-san was out of control, he gave these two because of his guilt towards them.

Furthermore, Belt-san can summon a gear-shifting chariot at any time, and it will be the same regardless of the gear-shifting chariot given to him.

Just as Tomonosuke was about to speak, he was drowned out by a roar.

Buzz buzz—!

The roar of the engine sounded behind everyone, causing everyone to look away.

I saw an extremely cool sports car driving out from the corner. The streamlined blue lines on the body made it look full of mystery.

"That one is?" The sudden appearance of the car made Toro Shinosuke feel very strange.

But the next moment, the blue lines on the car flashed, forming a virtual muzzle on the side.

"Danger!" Tomari Shinosuke reacted instantly and pushed Shishima Kiriko and Tomari Hideshi away from him.

Buzz - bang bang! !

Two energy bombs shot towards Tomarinosuke, and the moment he pushed the two away, they bombarded him.

As two explosions filled the air with flames, Tomari Shinnosuke was blown away to the factory beside him on the spot. Kiriko Shishima and Hideshi Tomari were pushed away and were not affected, while Lu Ziye and others were injured by Tomari Shinnosuke. Blocked without taking any damage.

"Lao Lu, let's go rescue him." Xia You suggested first. They accepted each other's props and it was time for them to step forward and help.

"Xia You, go to Toro Jinnosuke's side, and An Yu, go follow the man in white." Lu Ziye said, handing the two shift chariots to their hands respectively, "Take this chariot with you." Che, let’s split up and communicate via team voice.”

After saying that, the two of them walked aside and started taking action.

Seeing the two people starting to take action, Lu Ziye also got up and ran towards the new energy facility behind him.

"If I remember correctly, 108 is in this facility, right?" Standing in the corridor of the new energy facility, Lu Ziye let out a sigh of relief.

Mechanical mutant 108, due to being out of control and having a bad temper, was sealed in this facility by other companions, and is also one of the main characters in this incident.

Therefore, Lu Ziye's plan is to take it away, causing a change in the plot, and then see if he can get the S+ rating again in this way.

"It doesn't seem to work to take it away, so I used the "Special Full Bottle" to absorb it directly, right?" Lu Ziye muttered, and went directly to the top floor of the facility.

He remembered clearly that 108 was in the corner wall of the top floor of the new energy facility.

But when Lu Ziye came to the corner, he suddenly saw a picture of gravel all over the ground.

"Fuck. How did I get attacked first? "The rubble in the corner and the hollowed-out wall made Lu Ziye dumbfounded.

First of all, 108 from the future could never transfer himself. After all, he had to use the strongest lightning energy from one day later to awaken his past self.

"So, is it the player in the mechanical mutant camp? ”

Just when Lu Ziye was a little confused, Xia You’s voice rang in his mind.

[Old Lu, a Kamen Rider has come here, with strong firepower.]

Xia You’s voice was intermittent, as if a fierce battle was going on, and there were also panting sounds.

[My pretty boy drove away and was approaching Xia You. He must have some plans.]

Then An Yu’s voice rang, reporting on Bo Yingzhi’s situation.

[Bo Yingzhi is going to Bo Jinzhisuke. An Yu, you go and kill the person who followed him. I will go to support Xia You immediately!]

[Ah? Would it be too cruel to kill him?]

[Don’t hesitate, he is not a human!]

[Why didn’t you say it earlier? You scared me!]

After explaining to An Yu, Lu Ziye immediately gave up the facility. Even if he stayed here, he would not be able to find 108. It would be better for him and Xia You to work together to solve Next Drive (Next Generation Rider), and let An Yu kill Future 108.

Protect Park Jinzhisuke? Killing all enemies is the best protection!

Lu Ziye turned and ran to the corridor, rushing towards Xia You

At this time, on Xia You's side, the NEXTridoron (Next Generation Sethron) on the opposite side had two turrets on its body, constantly firing energy bombs to bombard Xia You.

Next Drive standing on the body of the Next Generation Sethron raised the short sword gunner in his hand and released compressed energy bombs at Xia You.

"Next! (Next Generation)"

Countless compressed energy bombs shot out and all fell on Xia You who was blocking Park Jinzhisuke.

Bang Bang Bang——!

Sparks burst out one after another, and Xia You's figure was retreating little by little. Although the opponent's firepower was very strong, he could withstand it, but it was very annoying that he was not allowed to get close at all.

"Triple Scanning Charge! (Triple scan charging)"

The sudden sound effect resounded in the factory, followed by a slash.

The slash landed on Xia You, and a thin blue line appeared on his body, as if the space was cut off, and Xia You's body was collapsed.

"Fuck. Krypton Gold Sword!"


The energy explosion that followed instantly engulfed Xia You completely.

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