Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 154 The second phase is completed! Evolved Dragon!

As the flames rose in the factory, Lu Ziye also rushed here at this moment.

In the blazing flames, he could vaguely see a figure standing in it, and the other party seemed to notice his gaze and slowly turned his head to look.

Even under the flames, he could still see the special indigo armor, the locust head with a Showa style, and the yellow wind scarf fluttering with the flames, which gave him an indescribable sense of fate.

And it is worth noting that the other party was holding the holy emblem sword that belonged to OOO (Oz) in his hand!

[Old Lu, he is a 'Krypton Gold Player', don't let him cut you cough cough! ]

The voice of Xia You rang in his mind, even if he was attacked and injured, he did not forget to remind him.

Immediately, the power of Lu Ziye's eyes unfolded, showing the other party's information.

[Ai Xin, male, 27 years old, player-cyborg]

[Level judgment: B-level]

[Knight system: Shocker Rider 3 (Shocker Rider No. 3) - the knight without history]

[Its transformation device Typhoon needs the help of wind to transform. The performance is far superior to No. 1 and No. 2. It can absorb the heat and wind around it and transform it into energy. Whether it is kicking power or punching power, it is higher than the sum of No. 1 and No. 2.]

[Cleared the Knight Realm 19 times, the Knight Realm was tested five times, and the Knight Realm was challenged three times. Close combat is his strong point. After receiving the Holy Emblem Sword Slashing Reward, he gradually fell into a 'Krypton Gold Weapon Player', and firmly believed that krypton gold can make himself stronger]

[Holding props: O-Scanner (O Scanning Ring) - Official initial production version, a special device used to draw out the power of cell coins]

[Nine hundred thousand cell coins - this prop is used as currency in the buffer zone. It can also be used to increase the attack and destructive ability of the Oz Knights by spending money.

[Zou Core Medal]

"Finally, it appears, the 'pay-to-win player'!"

In contrast, Lu Ziye was very excited. He had heard of the name of pay-to-win player at the very beginning, but now he had never really encountered it.

The magic circle appeared on his left hand, and the Evol driver and two evolution bottles fell into his hand.

"Dragon! Rider System! Evolution!"

The two evolution bottles were put into the driver, and the sound effects sounded immediately.

As Lu Ziye turned the right handle of the driver, the familiar Ode to Joy made him feel comfortable.

"Are You Ready?"


When Ai Xin saw this scene, he didn't even hesitate, and put three cell coins into the Holy Emblem Sword.

Then he took out the O scanning ring from behind and swept it across the surface of the Holy Emblem Sword.

"Triple Scanning Charge!"

As the O scanning ring sounded, the Holy Emblem Sword lit up with colorful light, and Ai Xin's body sank slightly at the same time, with the Holy Emblem Sword placed under his left side, ready to go.

"Dragon! Dragon!"

When the armor and Lu Ziye were dressed, Ai Xin swung the Holy Emblem Sword.

The white impact slash was extremely fast, and it fell on Lu Ziye almost in an instant.

On Lu Ziye's body, the space seemed to be cut open, and the upper and lower bodies were completely separated.

"Evol Dragon! Fuhhahhahhahhahha! (Evolution Dragon! Huhahahahahaha!)"

Although the body was separated, the sound effect was still loud, and the arrogant and coquettish laughter echoed in this area.


But when the laughter completely fell, the energy at the place where the body was staggered exploded, causing bursts of flames.

"The power of krypton gold is indeed the strongest." Such a scene made Ai Xin stroke the holy emblem sword with his hand, "No, it should be said that there is no power better than you!"

"Please don't think that others have lost without authorization, okay?"

In the rising flames, Lu Ziye's figure gradually became clear, and he walked out slowly: "Phase 2, completed."

Under the power of the Evolution Dragon Bottle, the head and shoulder armor have changed. First of all, the shoulder armor has become extremely streamlined, not as exaggerated as the Evolution Cobra and Black Hole forms. Although it looks like two inconspicuous small horns, this armor can increase the power of the special move several times.

In addition, the biggest change is the shape of the entire head, which is almost the same as the Cross-Z head, the difference lies in the different color matching.

"Impossible! How could he be unscathed after being hit by the strongest attack of the Holy Emblem Sword?" Ai Xin was a little at a loss by this scene, and even took a small step back unconsciously. Rather than questioning, it was more like doubting himself.

"Do you understand the value of transforming into an invincible?" After Lu Ziye finished speaking, he walked towards Ai Xin opposite him.

No matter what the other party's purpose was, the other party had already attacked Xia You and him, so he didn't need to show mercy.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!" Suddenly, Ai Xin took a step forward and threw three cell coins into the Holy Emblem Sword again.

"Triple Scanning Charge!"

As the O-scan ring swept across, the sound effect sounded again, and Ai Xin violently slashed horizontally.

The whitening impact slash flew towards Lu Ziye in an instant, but at the moment when it was about to touch, afterimages appeared on the armor on his body, and it instantly entered a high-speed state.

I saw the whitening impact slash passing by, and Lu Ziye's figure appeared in the position behind the impact slash.

"Sorry, the same move didn't work for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye swung his right fist in front of him very casually, but his figure flew to the position in front of Ai Xin in the blink of an eye, and his right fist landed on his chest.


When the right fist fell, bursts of blue energy erupted.

Under the envelope of blue energy, Ai Xin's body suddenly flew out uncontrollably, but before he landed, Lu Ziye suddenly appeared behind him.

Lu Ziye lifted his foot to hook Ai Xin's body and then stepped on the ground.


Accompanied by an extremely loud bombardment, Ai Xin was trampled to the ground, and the ground beneath him showed spider web-like cracks.

"Hey, where did you hide 108's body?" Lu Ziye asked as he stepped on Ai Xin.

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" But Ai Xin had no intention of answering.

"You don't understand, do you?"

After a brief silence, Lu Ziye took the Holy Emblem Sword directly from Ai Xin's hand.

"You said you're young, what's not good about it? You have to do it with krypton gold, you're so stupid!" As a good player who is diligent and thrifty, Lu Ziye can't stand this kind of behavior.

So the next moment, blood-red flames suddenly appeared in his right hand, and he held the blade of the Holy Emblem Sword.


Under the burning of blood-red flames, the Holy Emblem Sword Sword made a scorching sound, and the sword body was melted and deformed visibly.

"No! Don't!!!" Ai Xin, who was stepped on, suddenly resisted fiercely, as if the Holy Emblem Sword Sword was his lifeblood, "I said."

Seeing that the Holy Emblem Cutting Sword was seriously damaged, Ai Xin finally relaxed and no longer maintained the pride of the so-called krypton gold player.

"With a .108 body, in the hands of a player named High School Junior Three, I just want to have some fun." Ai Xin locked his eyes on the Holy Emblem Sword, fearing that Lu Ziye would melt his krypton gold sword without paying attention.

"Then where is he?" Lu Ziye secretly wrote down the name.

"I really don't know about this. After he took away 108's body, he asked us to move around freely." Ai Xin shook his head like a rattle without any hesitation.

"Wouldn't I have said it earlier? I'll give it back to you!" After saying this, Lu Ziye dropped the Holy Emblem Sword Sword in his hand.

Ai Xin saw the Holy Emblem Cutting Sword falling next to his hand, and reached out to take back his treasure.

But at the same time, Lu Ziye turned the handle of the driver.

"Ready go! Evoltic Finish! (Ready to go! Evoltic Finish!)"

As the sound effects resounded, Lu Ziye raised his foot and kicked Typhoon on his waist, causing him to sink deeply into the ground in an instant.


"Ciao~ (Goodbye)"

Explosions and flames filled the place where Lu Ziye and Ai Xin were.

But soon, Lu Ziye walked out of the permeating flames and fanned away the flying embers in front of him with his left hand. In his right hand, he held the O-scan ring and the elephant core coin held by Ai Xin.

It’s really not that he took the initiative to lick the box. The main reason is that after collecting a large number of core coins in the future, he will need the O scanning ring!

And just after he finished the battle, Xia You's figure rushed out of the factory.

"Lao Lu, Tomarinosuke was taken away by the man in white!"

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