Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 159 Can you tell me your story?

Buzz - boom! ! !

A mixture of white and purple light lit up in the mid-air, followed by the sound of explosions that echoed throughout the sky.

The sky that was originally covered with clouds was instantly torn apart by this energy and explosion, revealing a clear blue sky.

Not only that, the overflowing energy followed the gravel below. Under the impact of layers of energy fluctuations, a hole with a diameter of a hundred meters appeared in the blink of an eye. Any material in it was destroyed and turned into powder, leaving only the solitary hole. of deep pit.

After a few seconds, the light in the sky gradually dimmed, and two figures fell from the sky.


With a muffled sound, Lu Ziye and Gao Chusan fell into the center of the pit.

However, Lu Ziye fell down while standing, while the third-year high school student fell into the pit while lying down.

Then, an arc of electricity flashed across Gao Junior Three's body, and the Abyss Soul Armor was lifted and disappeared, revealing his true appearance.

Lu Ziye couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the appearance of the third-year high school student.

The other party's appearance is not outstanding, it can even be said to be quite ordinary, so ordinary that you can't find it in the crowd, but the other party's hair has clearly visible silver hair, and his face has a sense of vicissitudes that is not similar to his age. This kind of vicissitudes of life is like experiencing a heart-wrenching blow.

"...I lost." The third-year high school student lying on the ground said without any movement, but seemed to have lost all his energy.

Lu Ziye looked at the opponent's increasingly empty eyes, and suddenly felt that winning or losing was not that important.

He wanted to know why the twenty-eight-year-old man in front of him felt so vicissitudes of life. The melodious singing just came to an end at this time, as if waiting for the third grade of high school to tell something.

Lifting the side skirt, Lu Ziye sat next to the third-year high school student: "Can you tell me your story?"

The junior high school student was obviously startled when he heard this. He took out a photo from his arms very gently: "You are the first person to ask me this."

The photo in his hand showed a woman. It was the woman who turned her head sideways. Her black hair was lifted by the wind and hung at the corner of her mouth. The warm rays of the sun shone on the side of her face. The smile on her face was even more like the sun. The light of the warm sun is even warmer.

"Her name is Yu Qianqian, she is my fiancee, and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life."

With just one sentence, the third grader's lips were trembling, his eyes were red and moist, and his voice was full of tears.

Lu Ziye did not speak, but quietly waited for the next story as a listener.

".I come from a divorced family. I spent my childhood in the quarrels between my parents and never felt any warmth. At that time, I never expected anyone to stand by my side."

"But when she appeared, it was like a ray of light that illuminated my whole life. From the time we met in high school to the eve of our marriage, we lived together for twelve years. She taught me how to love someone, and she also made me What a blessing it is to know that you are loved.”

"The days of studying medicine were really difficult, but as long as she was by my side, I could get through it."

Speaking of this, the third grader's voice was completely choked with sobs, and tears had already blurred his vision.

"I became the attending physician, and the difficult days were finally over. I proposed to her, and when she agreed, I was really happy. I was really happy."

"It was a cloudy day. I had five surgeries in a row. When she found out, she was worried that I had forgotten to eat, so she came to deliver food to me. I was too tired, and it was only ten minutes before she arrived. Why did I fall asleep? Why! ?”

"If I hadn't fallen asleep, she wouldn't have been crossing the street while messaging and she wouldn't have been hit by that truck."

The third grader's voice was heartbreaking, and his body couldn't help but curl up together, holding the photo in his arms tightly.

"I saw her being taken to the hospital with my own eyes, but I could only wait for her outside the operating room. You know, that was the operation that I was supposed to do, but I was too scared. My scared hands couldn't stop shaking. I can’t do surgery on her! That’s my specialty!”

"Eight years of studying medicine for her!! I can't save the person I love most in my best field!!"

In the last words, the tears of the third-year high school student burst out like a dam, and his neck turned red from roaring.

At this point in the story, there was no need to continue, and Lu Ziye fell into silence.

Tens of minutes passed, and it wasn't until the third year of high school's sobs slowly subsided that Lu Ziye slowly stood up.

"By gathering fifteen great men's eyes and souls, any wish can be realized."

The magic circle on his left hand unfolded, and the Houdini Eyes and Beethoven Eyes and Souls belonging to Lu Ziye fell into his hands, and he gently placed them in front of the third year of high school.

After hearing this, the senior high school student raised his head and looked at Lu Ziye with a little confusion in his eyes.

Such a unique prop was sought after by many players who knew its use, but Lu Ziye placed it in front of him so easily.

"Why...?" The third-year high school student calmed down and asked.

"Okay, give me a reply. Do you want to become my enemy and be eliminated by me, or do you want to save Yu Qianqian and accept your soul and become my companion." After saying this, Lu Ziye extended his right hand to him.

As long as the third grader of high school is not a stubborn personality, everyone knows how to choose

The junior high school student was stunned for a moment. He reached out to pick up the two souls and grabbed Lu Ziye's hand.

"As long as I can save Xiao Qian, I won't hesitate to risk my life." Gao Junior Three held Lu Ziye's hand and stood up, his red eyes filled with determination.

Just as he said these words, a virtual screen popped up in front of Lu Ziye.

On the virtual screen, there was the information for high school seniors to apply to join the team.

Without any hesitation, Lu Ziye clicked on the virtual screen to confirm his application for the third year of high school.

Following Lu Ziye's confirmation, a virtual screen popped up on the high school third grader's side. The information on it was not only about joining the team, but also about changes to the mission.

".Mission change, protect Toro Jinnosuke." Gao Chusan murmured, and he also told Lu Ziye.

"Now we are in the same camp, you are welcome to join." Lu Ziye patted the shoulder of the senior high school student and then patted the ground with his right hand.

As purple light bloomed from his right hand, the surrounding scenery changed again like a card flipping over, and the two people immediately reappeared on the original street.

However, the scenery in front of them at this moment has undergone earth-shaking changes from when they left.

Bojinnosuke has transformed, but the objects he is fighting are Xia You and An Yu!

"Damn it. Lao Lu, you're finally back! Bojinnosuke ran away!!" Xia You's voice sounded, reminding the two of them.

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