Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 160: Secretly using the squeeze driver again, right?

".In just such a short time, you went on a rampage?" Although Lu Ziye didn't know what happened specifically, the situation at hand still needed to be resolved.

I saw Tomari Shinnosuke transformed into type Tridoron (Type Tridoron), which is the final form after merging with Cetron. The originally orange compound eyes turned into circles of red.

The state of the compound eye indicates that it is under the control of Kulim, the belt-san. The reason why Obi-san went berserk was because he was implanted with a berserk program by Barbarian Tenjuro in the previous timeline, which led to the current accident.

"Annihilate! Destroy everything except me!" Under the control of Belt Sang, Drive's combat power is quite terrifying. Even when facing Xia You and An Yu's team-up, it is quite capable.

But the main reason is that Xia You and An Yu are not easy to start with. Their mission is to protect Toro Jinnosuke. If they focus on the key point and injure Toro Jinnosuke, it will most likely affect the entire rating. It’s too much of a loss!

"No response from Tomarinosuke?" After a short observation, Lu Ziye found out the problem.

In the original plot, the rampage did not last too long. With the intervention of Tomarinosuke, Obito-san's rampage was stopped with one punch.

"I'm going to help first." The third-year senior high school student on the side saw Lu Ziye deep in thought and made his own judgment on the current situation.

"Gen Kaigan! Deep Specter! Get Go! Enlightenment! Gi·Za·Gi·Za! Ghost! (Extreme Eye Opening! Abyss Ghost! Go! Enlightenment! Spiked Sawtooth! Soul!)"

As the sound effects resounded, the third-year high school student was already running towards Tomonosuke.

The moment the third-year high school student rushed to the battlefield, he suddenly struck at Tomarinosuke's back. The purple energy in his right fist spurted out wantonly, as if he was going to overturn the battle situation with one punch, and he had no reservations at all.


However, under the control of Belt Sang, he didn't even move to look back. He put his left hand back and caught the fist of the third grader in high school.

Although purple energy surged out in an instant, the electromagnetic field released from the wrist armor blocked all the purple energy.

But the third-year high school student had no intention of giving up. Purple destructive energy and high-intensity arcs were continuously released from his right fist!

"Wait a minute, aren't you the one who fought with Lao Lu?"

Xia You immediately noticed the actions of the senior high school student. Although he was a little puzzled, he felt that there must be something wrong with the senior high school student doing this.

"Violent Slash! (Violent cut off)" The driver handle rotated, and the arm blade of Xia You's right arm glowed coldly in the sun.

Without any hesitation, the violently severed arm blade fell directly towards Gao Junior Three.


Seeing that the violently severed arm blade was about to fall, Lu Ziye, who was coming at high speed, raised his wrist to stop him. The arm blade was only ten centimeters away from Gao Junior Three's shoulder.

"No. Are you attacking friendly forces?" Lu Ziye, who breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and asked.

"Eh? Is he a friendly army?" Xia You trembled and covered her mouth with her free left hand.

"You're so cute, you secretly used the squeeze driver again, right!" With such actions and tone, Lu Ziye suspected that this was very possible.

"Aba, abaa, aba." Xia You turned his eyes to the side and said vaguely.

"My name is Gao Junior Three. I just joined. Please give me more advice in the future." Gao Junior Three, who was still releasing energy, turned his head slightly and said.

"Ah, sorry, I thought you had some purpose to cause trouble." This time, Xia You felt embarrassed and quickly retracted the hand that violently cut off.

"You help me restrain him, I'll try." Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Lu Ziye immediately came up with a solution.

"Okay." The other three people responded and changed their actions instantly.

The three of them were seen moving very quickly, especially Xia You, who was the fastest, bypassing the front of Belt Sang, and countless silver tentacles were released from behind in an instant, but the tentacles did not make an attack gesture, but restrained them from below. feet, making it impossible to move at high speeds.

"Bio! (Vine)"

An Yu swiped the awakening card here, and two vines were released from Kalis' arrows. The vines wrapped around Shinnosuke Tomari's hands in an instant, and gradually wrapped around his body, making it impossible for his hands to move easily.

But despite this, Belt-san's body still has room for movement. Whether it is tentacles or vines, they all stretch out under his movements!

"Kaigan! Tutankhamun! The Pyramid is a triangle! Qualification for the royal family! (Open your eyes! Tutankhamun! The pyramid is a triangle! Qualification for the royal family!)"

On the other hand, the third-year high school student switched to the form of Tutankhamun of the Abyss, and swung the abyss saw blade in his hand.

The Abyss Saw releases a burst of energy. The energy passes through the belt-san, and a pyramid unfolds behind it. The giant eye on the pyramid unfolds, and the power of the space force field is released. With the space force field fixed again, the belt-san is finally completely Stop moving.

"Oh, this cooperation is so impressive." After watching this scene, Lu Ziye couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

The three of them cooperated very well, and without any communication, they were able to clearly divide the work and restrain the rampaging Belt Sang. Should we say that the three of them have a high degree of tacit understanding of ideas, or should we say that the three of them have excellent combat experience.

After a brief thought, Lu Ziye came to the front of Belt Sang.

".I can't control it, ah!!!" Park Jinnosuke's voice sounded. If Lu Ziye hadn't been close to him, it could be said that he could hardly hear it.

"Jinnosuke, can you hear my voice?" Hearing this, Lu Ziye tried to communicate.

".Yes!" Park Jinnosuke's voice followed, and this voice sounded like constipation.

"It's good that you can hear it. Listen carefully, many things Park Yingzhi said are true, and your future wife is Shidao Kiriko!" Although it was a spoiler for the other party, Lu Ziye had to do it in the current situation, "You don't want Shidao Kiriko to live in a destroyed world in the future, right?"

Park Jinnosuke would definitely try his best to stop the rampage of the belt-san after hearing this. Even if some injuries were caused during the period, it would be Park Jinnosuke's own business, and it would definitely not be counted on the players, and naturally it would not conflict with their tasks.

At the moment the words fell, the body controlled by the belt-san paused briefly, and the movement was extremely small, but it was still captured by Lu Ziye.

"Let him go!" Lu Ziye, who noticed this, immediately said to the other three.

Xia You was the first to release the tentacles, followed by An Yu who released the vines. Finally, although Gao Chusan hesitated for a moment, he still dispersed the space force field.

The three restraints disappeared, and Tomo Jinzhijie forcibly pulled out the belt-sang from his waist!

"Belt-sang, I'm sorry!!"


With a light shout, Tomo Jinzhijie's fist landed on the belt-sang.

Under this punch, the belt-sang flew out of his hand, and the armor on his body was removed as the belt-sang flew out. Tomo Jinzhijie was hit by the recoil force and flew backwards, and was caught by Lu Ziye just before landing.

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