Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 163 This is a righteous gang fight!

Lu Ziye, who took the E step first, reached the Paradox Mechanical Mutant in an instant at high speed.

Seeing this, the Paradox Mechanical Mutant immediately waved his hand at Lu Ziye, intending to repel him.

But Lu Ziye, who was at high speed, dodged with just a turn, and kicked out at the same time, kicking directly at the opponent's chest.


The powerful force burst out, and the Paradox Mechanical Mutant was blasted back in an instant.

At the same time, Xia You's figure passed by Lu Ziye and went straight to the Paradox Mechanical Mutant that had landed.

"Violent Slash!"

With the sound of electronic wind, Xia You's arm blades flashed with cold light, crossed and swung out, and then the arm blades fell on the Paradox Mechanical Mutant who had just stood up!

Bang Bang!

Two sparks burst out, and the Paradox Mechanical Mutant, who had just stabilized his body, stepped back two steps, leaving two very deep cuts on his chest.

And this was just the beginning. As Xia You retracted his arms, Gao Chusan rushed towards the paradoxical mechanical mutant.

When approaching the paradoxical mechanical mutant, the abyss saw in his hand slashed out horizontally.


With sparks flying everywhere, the paradoxical mechanical mutant groaned, but his body only took a step back.

Because of this, the paradoxical mechanical mutant finally had some breathing time. A faint blue light flashed on his body, and his right hand was surprisingly armed like a heavy weapon.

The heavy weapon was aimed at Gao Chusan, and several energy bombs were ejected, attacking Gao Chusan at a very fast speed.

Bang Bang-Boom! !

The energy bomb exploded, and the flames enveloped Gao Chusan in an instant.

However, such a scene did not make Lu Ziye and others move, as if they believed that Gao Chusan would be fine, and the fact was indeed so.

"Genkai Dai Kaigan! Deep Specter! Mega Omega Drive!"

Accompanied by the sound effects resounding in the flames, Gao Chusan's figure suddenly rushed out from it, and the abyss saw in his hand was shining with extremely dazzling purple light.


When the paradoxical mechanical mutant was stunned, Gao Chusan had already bullied himself, and the abyss saw in his hand directly cut through his lower abdomen.


The energy on the paradoxical mechanical mutant exploded, and it was instantly blown away.

The blown paradoxical mechanical mutant fell to the ground and rolled several times, with white mist rising from his body, plus various cuts, it was quite miserable.

"You. Is this also considered a Kamen Rider? Where is your justice!" The paradoxical mechanical mutant, who knelt on the ground, shouted angrily.

"Why not? This is a righteous fight!" Lu Ziye responded, while he, Xia You and Gao Chusan moved aside to make room behind him.


In the last position, An Yu swiped the awakening card of the King of Hearts, and black surged on his body, turning into Wild Chalice.

An Yu's actions did not stop. Thirteen awakening cards merged into one, and the moment the awakening card was received in his hand, it swiped over the Wild Slasher's awakening bow.


The moment the sound effect sounded, the golden turntable fell on the Wild Slasher's awakening bow.

The next second, a green energy light wave shot out, first passing over Lu Ziye, then Xia You and Gao Chusan, and then rushing towards the Paradox Mechanical Mutant!


The moment the green light wave hit the Paradox Mechanical Mutant, it completely enveloped it.

Extremely strong waves of air rippled out, and the concrete ground of the street cracked, obviously unable to withstand the spread of this energy.

Under the baptism of this energy, the paradoxical mechanical mutant completely fell to the ground, with sparks splashing on his body and arcs flashing frequently.

"Now is the time for "permanent global freeze"! ! ! "

The paradoxical mechanical mutant lying on the ground had his eyes shining, and under the red and blue light, layers of pale yellow energy suddenly surged on his body.

Under the agitation of this energy, the first to be affected was the recent high school junior high school student.

The body of the high school junior high school student was overturned by the agitated energy, and it was completely still in place as if frozen.

Xia You did not escape the fate of being frozen, followed by Lu Ziye and An Yu, and even the whole world, which was completely still under this agitated energy!

The paradoxical mechanical mutant lying on the ground slowly stood up, swept his eyes around his masterpieces and laughed wildly: "Hahaha time has been completely stopped, and the future of Roidmude's victory has been opened by me! "

However, as soon as the words fell, a blue light burst out from Lu Ziye's body.

In the blue light, Lu Ziye resumed his movements. Although the light yellow energy was still surging, he was no longer affected.

"Sorry, your time is up, it's time to end!" The moment he resumed his movements, Lu Ziye entered high speed.

"How come..."

Before the paradoxical mechanical mutant finished speaking, Lu Ziye's uppercut hit his face.


Under the uppercut, the paradoxical mechanical mutant's entire body flew into the air, and countless sparks splashed on its face.

Lu Ziye's movements did not stop there, and his right hand immediately turned the driver handle.

Then he jumped up lightly, and black energy gathered behind him, turning into a black hole in the blink of an eye.

"Ready Go! (Ready to go)"

Amidst the sound effects, Lu Ziye spun faster, and the black hole behind him shrouded his body in the rotation.

"Black Hole Finish! (Black Hole End)"

At this moment, the anti-gravity knight kick was displayed vividly, and the knight kick from bottom to top had already landed on the paradox mechanical mutant.

I saw a small black hole falling from the body of the Paradox Mechanical Mutant, and under the impact of the black hole's energy, it headed higher into the sky.

"Ciao~ (Goodbye)"


The energy of the small black hole spread out and turned into a black hole that completely enveloped the Paradox Mechanical Mutant, leaving it fixed in the sky as if suspended in the air.


Accompanied by the painful groan of the Paradox Mechanical Mutant, the black hole suddenly shrank, completely crushing its body into the black hole.

Boom! ! ! !

A violent fire broke out at the place where the black hole disappeared, but the next moment, the fire and the smoke caused by the explosion shrank backwards, leaving the suspended black hole in the air still.

It's just that the paradoxical mechanical mutant in it has long since disappeared, and it seems that there is not even a trace of evidence of its existence left.

As the Paradox Mechanical Mutant was defeated, the heavy acceleration that shrouded the world disappeared and faded, and everyone regained control of their bodies.

However, this does not mean the end. Lu Ziye's compound eyes lit up slightly, and the high-intensity special detection unit function was operating to the extreme!

"I found you!" In just a few seconds, Lu Ziye's eyes were fixed on the place where the black hole disappeared.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

The signal ax fell into his hand, and the power of the scissors memory was also integrated into the signal ax at this moment.

Under everyone's gaze, a black hole spread out in front of Lu Ziye, and the moment his figure submerged into the black hole, he appeared in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the signal ax in his hand slashed through the space in front of him, leaving a slash in the air. The slash continued to expand under the power of the scissor memory until the scene inside was completely exposed.

In the pitch-black space, 108's core floated in it. The arcs that flashed across the core from time to time proved that it had suffered heavy damage.

"Welcome to join my luxury package." The magic circle on Lu Ziye's left hand unfolded, and the red Pandora panel device fell into his hand.

Just the next moment, the red Pandora panel device was thrust into the core of 108.

Under everyone's gaze, Core 108 was sucked into the red Pandora panel device, turning into little bits of light and disappearing into the dark space.

[Currently embedded special ability - Paradox Super Evolution: heavy acceleration that is enough to cover the entire planet. When the ability reaches its extreme, everything in the heavy acceleration can be completely stopped. 】

[The power of time and space (incomplete state): the power to distort time and space, all energy attacks will be distorted and deflected]

"Hey, you're very lucky!" Lu Ziye landed lightly on the ground, and the small virtual screen on the red Pandora panel device made him happy.

The main reason why he did this was the scene where Ran Ge delivered the core of the mechanical mutant when he went to "Dream Warriors" before. At that time, he was thinking that the core of the mechanical mutant could be used as a prop and brought back to the buffer zone, so could he use the red Pandora panel device to absorb it?

That's why the current scene appeared. The red Pandora panel device did not disappoint him and successfully absorbed the 108 cores.

But what surprised him was that 108 escaped into the space-time space after being defeated, and was captured by him when he first obtained the power of time-space. By a strange combination of circumstances, his new abilities were embedded!

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