Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 164 Promoted to the realm of A-level knights!

"Finally done?" Belt Sang's voice sounded.

However, with the absorption of the Paradox Machine variant, the effect of global heavy acceleration freezing has completely faded away.

". Belt-san, we seem to have completely missed it." Tomari Shinosuke saw the Paradox Mechanical Mutant being defeated with his own eyes. Belt-san was too focused on making a new gear-shifting chariot and did not see the battle. .

"As long as the cough incident is resolved." Belt Sang immediately changed the subject to cover up the embarrassment.

On the other hand, on Lu Ziye's side, all the members, led by the third year of high school students, gathered together.

"Old Lu, you are such a bastard. It turns out you have already prepared a countermeasure!" Xia You said, putting her hand on Lu Ziye's shoulder.

"I think it's pretty good. It's much easier than before to clear the Knight's Realm." In comparison, An Yu seemed very relaxed.

Thinking about the time when I cleared the Knight's Realm in the past, it was a lot of running around. It is not an exaggeration to say that I was exhausted after finishing the Knight's Realm.

"Agree." Senior high school student nodded, agreeing with An Yu's statement.

"No, don't you want to go out and fight in person?" Xia You's eyes fell on the other two, curled his lips and said: "Winning by lying down is too boring, what's the difference between that and salted fish!"

"You're a stuffed man who doesn't know how hungry he is." An Yu replied on the spot.

But I can understand Xia You. As Lu Ziye's earliest teammate, he probably had an easy time along the way. He must have wanted to move around after a long time. But for them, it would be better to be more relaxed.

"Then I'll ask you to move more next time?" Seeing Xia You bringing up such an idea, Lu Ziye couldn't help but think about it.

It is true that sometimes he is too hands-on. Sometimes he can give his own ideas and let his teammates do something that might be better.

In this way, other people can have more ideas of their own, and the room for growth can be increased.

After hearing Lu Ziye's words, Xia You and the other three looked at each other.

"I agree." Xia You took the lead in expressing his stance without any hesitation.

The other two people also nodded. Although they said they liked to relax, they knew very well in their hearts when to relax and when to act.

As the three people expressed their opinions, the virtual screen popped up in front of the three people.

[Congratulations on completing the final stage of the task, the rating will be integrated with the total rating]

[Players will be teleported out of this knight's realm in three minutes, please take your belongings with you]

"Family, maybe we can get an S+ rating this time." Seeing the return prompt, Lu Zixiang's heart started to itch.

The S+ rating last time was a good one, and there is a high probability that it will also be an S+ rating this time. It would be a lie to say that I am not looking forward to it.

"That's right! The reward last time was so exciting!" Xia You's eyes were shining as she spoke.

"Two more times, my King series of awakening cards should be complete." An Yu licked his lips, looking forward to it.

Grade 3 of high school: ∑(O_O;)

Only the newly joined high school junior couldn't figure out the situation at all. His expression seemed to say, have I joined some awesome team?

"Brother, you'll get used to it gradually. We can have some fun with Lao Lu here." Xia You saw the confused look on the third grader's face and put her hand on his shoulder.

".I'll try my best." The third grader in high school nodded blankly.

It's not that he has never formed a team with others, but his style is completely different from Lu Ziye's team.

Not to mention the relaxed atmosphere, most of the other teams just care about the relationship between teammates. In fact, they all think of their own solutions before life and death. It can be said that there are very few teams that can survive and share intelligence together!

Time passed quickly as the four people talked. When the inexplicable power enveloped them, the four figures gradually disappeared from the street.

Return to the familiar luxury room.

Lu Ziye took the lead and lay down on the sofa, enjoying a brief moment of comfort.

Others also found a seat to sit down and wait for the reward to be distributed.

Soon, the virtual screen popped up, lifting everyone's spirits!

[Challenge the Knight’s Realm—"Unexpected Future" rating begins. 】

[Integrate the completion rate of the first phase tasks and the final phase tasks]

["Unexpected Future" clearance rating - S+ level]

[Acquired qualifications for the Team Knight Realm, and the specially invited Team Knight Realm is - "Game and Life\

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