Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 166 Pac-Man is coming!

Chapter 166 "Pac-Man" is coming!

Pulled by an inexplicable force, the figures of the five people soon appeared on a quiet street.

The streets were empty and lifeless. It seemed as if all life did not exist. You could vaguely see dilapidated buildings in the distance, and the whole city seemed to be in ruins.

"...Strange." The sight in front of him made Lu Ziye a little confused.

According to his understanding, the theme of "Games and Life" is undoubtedly about the plot of Ex-aid.

But neither the original plot line nor the theatrical version has ever seen such a scene.

Then, the only remaining doubt lies in the realm of team knights.

"Lao Lu, your props." At this time, An Yu walked up from the side and handed the props in his hand to Lu Ziye.

The prop in An Yu's hand is a badge-type energy prop with a liquid object printed on it, but it has two compound eyes unique to Ex-aid.

[State Change: A one-time consumption prop, an advanced version that is liquid, and can freely change its own state as desired]

"Thank you." Lu Ziye thanked him and took the energy item from An Yu's hand. At the same time, he turned to look at Ran Ge: "Boss Ran Ge, do you know the information related to the team's Knight's Realm?"

"If we had this information, we wouldn't be stuck at level B+." Ran Ge shook his head, feeling helpless.

Although Lu Ziye did not have high hopes, he was somewhat disappointed. In other words, the realm of knights at this time may be completely unknown.

Just when Anyu was distributing props to everyone, a virtual screen popped up in front of everyone.

[Welcome to all of you to participate in the knight game. The story of this knight's realm is - "Game and Life\

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