Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 167 The problem with your teammates comes from your mouth!

"What an ugly Pac-Man." " Ran Ge made such an evaluation.

She is considered an experienced game player. She couldn't help but complain when she saw such a "Pac-Man". How could there be a "Pac-Man" with four limbs and a long nose? If the information hadn't said it was a "Pac-Man", she would have Everyone will think that the other person is graffiti.

I don't know if "Pac-Man" heard it, but I saw light flashing on his body, and his hands and feet instantly retracted into his body.

With such an action, Pac-Man suddenly turned into a spherical state, and his round eyes suddenly became sharp. Amidst the loud roar, his mouth also turned into a sharp state, making it look like Ghostly.

The next moment, Pac-Man rushed towards the crowd like a chariot, and the buildings blocking the street were smashed to pieces by his big mouth!

"Boss Ran Ge, I suspect that your problem of defeating your teammates comes from your mouth." Looking at Pac-Man's violent posture, Lu Ziye suspected that he heard Ran Ge's words.

After Ran Ge thought about it seriously, he replied with certainty: "It shouldn't matter."

Lu Ziye did not dwell on this issue any longer. His eyes fell on the virtual screen. There were only about ten seconds left in the countdown. According to Pac-Man's speed, he would probably be right in front of them when it returned to zero.

"Lao Gao, you and I can try to stop Pac-Man. The others should leave here first. If they get caught in a pot, they'll be doomed."

While Lu Ziye was talking, the magic circle in his left hand unfolded, and the Evol drive and two evolution bottles fell into his hand. The black hole trigger had already been inserted into the Evol drive.

Immediately, Ran Ge left with An Yu and Xia You, leaving only Lu Ziye and Gao Chusan.

"What are we going to do?" The third-year high school student had already put the Ghost driver on his waist and was waiting for Lu Ziye to speak.

"Keep a distance and try using long-range attacks first." After saying this, Lu Ziye put the evolution bottle in his hand into the drive.

"Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha! (Black hole! Black hole! Black hole! Revolution! Huhahahaha!)"

"Gen Kaigan! Deep Specter! Get Go! Enlightenment! Gi·Za·Gi·Za! Ghost! (Extreme Eye Opening! Abyss Ghost! Go! Enlightenment! Spiked Sawtooth! Soul!)"

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had completed their transformation, and their eyes met the approaching Pac-Man.

When Lu Ziye and Gao Chusan stepped back, the movements in their hands did not stop at all.

The signal ax appeared in Lu Ziye's hand, and the energy of the black hole was poured into it crazily, and the signal ax made a sound effect.

"Matteroyo (please wait)!"

"Giga Omega Dama! (Blast Gun Mode)"

At the same time that the red signal light came on, the high school students also converted the abyss saw blade into impact gun mode.

With the eyes of Edison and Tutankhamun inserted, the sunglasses cover was closed.

At this time, the timer on the virtual screen returns to zero, and the realm of knights officially begins!

"Itteiyo (ready to fuck)!"

"Genkai Dai Kaigan! Deep Specter! Mega Omega Drive! (Extreme Eyes Open! Abyss Ghost! Super Omega Drive!)"

The moment the two sound effects sounded, Lu Ziye waved the signal ax in his hand, and the third-year high school student pulled the trigger.

When the signal ax was swung out, a slashing wave carrying the energy of the black hole shot out, and yellow-blue energy bombs flew out from the side.

The next moment, the slashing wave bombarded Pac-Man's body, and a black hole instantly expanded and began to squeeze Pac-Man toward the center. The yellow-blue energy followed closely behind, and at the moment of impact, it turned into countless thunders and wrapped around him. Bean Man, while the blue energy fixed his body, preventing him from taking another step forward.

Buzz - boom! ! !

With the final activation of the black hole's energy, a pillar-like explosion rushed into the sky.

"It seems to be effective." The high school junior's compound eyes flashed, but he did not catch Pac-Man.

The same goes for Lu Ziye, who did not find Pac-Man's huge figure in the flames.

Just when the two were about to release the transformation, countless yellow objects flew out around them, and the yellow objects were surprisingly small Pac-Man. Under the gathering of countless small Pac-Man, the huge Pac-Man appeared again on the two of them. forward!

"Let's go!" Without thinking, Lu Ziye opened a wormhole beside him with a wave of his hand.

Pulling the junior high school student directly into the wormhole, the two figures disappeared into the street as they disappeared into the wormhole.

The disappearance of the two figures seemed to cause Pac-Man to lose his goal and start to rush towards the street next to him.

Bang bang bang——!

There were crashes in the city, all of which were being devastated by Pac-Man.

Through the wormhole, Lu Ziye and Gao Junior Three appeared in a convenience store, and Ran Ge and others were also here.

"We can't do anything about it. Pac-Man is the rule itself. Without the power of "game", it is impossible to be eliminated. "After a brief battle with Pac-Man, Lu Ziye came to a conclusion.

He witnessed Pac-Man being crushed and absorbed by the black hole, but despite this, Pac-Man reappeared.

"Even Lao Lu, you can't do anything about it." Xia You frowned at this moment. The occurrence of such a situation reminded him of the memory of how he had worked so hard to clear the level.

"Then let's split up and look for the power of "games"? "Following that, Ran Ge put forward an idea.

In the current situation, finding the power of "game" is undoubtedly the best option. When everyone else heard this, they all nodded and approved the idea proposed by Ran Ge.

"Anyu, do you have any news about the albino cockroach over there?" Lu Ziye was not in a hurry to express his position.

"No, we haven't found anything yet." An Yu said, shaking his head.


As soon as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared on the street outside the convenience store.

Everyone who heard the noise immediately became vigilant and looked towards the street outside the convenience store.

I saw a figure walking out of the smoke and dust on the street. The figure had the posture of a young human being, waving his hands to fan the smoke and dust in front of him, and the street under his feet was full of cracks under the force of his fall.

"That's the "Seven Sins" person! "The moment he saw the figure, Ran Ge revealed the other person's identity.

"Oh oh oh! I'm so lucky!" At the same time, the men on the street also saw Lu Ziye and his party.

The strange thing is that the other party didn't feel any nervousness when they saw Lu Ziye and the other five, but instead looked extremely excited!

"Another "Seven Sins" player? Let me do this! "When Xia You heard this, he immediately took the initiative to greet him. He was gearing up, obviously intending to fight with the opponent.

"Wait a minute, the players of "Seven Sins" are not weak. Don't be anxious until your strength is exposed. " Ran Ge quickly reminded.

Lu Ziye did not block Xia You's movements. The power in his eyes was activated at the same time and he began to read the other party's information.

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