Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 182 Tsundere is no longer popular these days!

"GAME CLEAR! (game cleared)"

As Michihiko Zaizen disappeared, a sound effect sounded.

Lu Ziye was not in a hurry to absorb the game cartridge now, and turned his head to look at the situation on the side of "Pac-Man".

After Ran Ge used the summer-limited true red form, his "fight" with Pac-Man was like running around with each other, and his relaxed and carefree running figure made him think that Pac-Man was Ran Ge's dog. .

"Lao Lu, let's do some spicy food!"

With the sound of soft shouts coming from the distance, the figures of Xia You and the other three people were approaching at an extremely fast speed.

When Xia You arrived immediately, he looked left and right behind Lu Ziye: "Old Lu, where is the final team battle agreed upon? Where is the mission objective?"

"It's a long story. To put it simply, I accidentally beat the mission target to death." Lu Ziye said this sincerely.

The main reason is that he did not expect to separate other powers from the sub-gene Bengyuan body. Unexpectedly, with the blessing of the ultimate power, the gene power was exerted too fiercely, and the sub-gene Bengyuan body was drained on the spot.

Xia You: "???"

An Yu: "???"

Third year of high school: "???"

"It's not Lao Lu, you were beaten to death, why does it sound weird?" After saying that, Xia You raised his right hand to indicate whether it was a slap.

"Are you a little too fierce? In the end, the target of the mission will be whipped to death?" An Yu couldn't help but take a breath, these words sounded a bit scary.

No matter what kind of knight's realm it is, the final mission target must be extremely strong and can be slapped to death. Lu Ziye's strength is really terrifying!

".In other words, "Pac-Man" is the only one left, right? "The third-year high school student didn't pay much attention. His eyes fell on the only remaining Pac-Man. After all, he needed to deal with this mission target.

"Theoretically yes." After saying this, Lu Ziye let go of the game cartridge in his arms, and immediately a dozen game cartridges fell to the ground. "I don't know which one works. Can you try them all?"

"Okay." Looking at the dozen or so game cartridges on the ground, the junior high school student under the mask couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This kind of rich man's light that came to his face shouldn't be too dazzling.

The third-year high school student was also very straightforward and directly picked up the cassette of the Riot Robot game closest to him.

The moment the game cartridge was picked up, it suddenly emitted a faint light, and in the light, the game cartridge turned into an eye soul.

The ghost eye soul is in green and pink color, with the R18-Ex-aid pattern printed on the top.

"This should be the power of games, right?" After saying this, the third grader of high school had to press the button on the side.

Lu Ziye immediately stopped the third grader's movements, looked at the other two people and asked, "Does our game have such props about knights?"

"How is it possible? If you can use the power of other knights, who would bother to develop a more advanced knight's power?" Xia You said with a shrug.

Lu Ziye immediately looked at An Yu and Gao Junior Three, who nodded in agreement with Xia You's statement.

Looking at a pile of game cartridges on the ground, Lu Ziye pondered for a while and then said: "Lao Gao, try touching other game cartridges to see if they can change."

His idea is very simple. If he can become the eye soul of an Ex-aid knight, then he can sell it and monopolize the market, and he can also make a lot of money!

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Then, the third-year high school student reached out and touched other game cartridges.

I saw a glimmer of light, and it suddenly turned into a blue and white ghost eye, and the pattern above was the second knight of Exide, Brave.

"It's done!" Seeing other eyes and souls appear, Lu Ziye immediately reached out and took the brave eyes and souls from the hands of the third high school student.

But the moment it came into his hands, a faint light flashed, and the Hero's Eye Soul returned to the state of the game cartridge.

"Yes, the dream is broken." Lu Ziye was very disappointed. It was too uncomfortable not to be able to catch the bug. "Let's solve "Pac-Man". "

The other three people looked at each other and didn't understand what Lu Ziye was thinking. The third grader in high school turned and walked towards the direction of Pac-Man, pressing the eye soul in his hand at the same time and loading it into the drive.

"Kaigan! HeiSei Rider! (Open Eyes! Heisei Rider!) The personality of a new generation! This is Heisei!"

The fluorescent green and pink ghost cloak flew out, and the moment it was put on the third-year high school student, he rushed towards Pac-Man in the distance.

Lu Ziye, on the other hand, squatted down and looked at the game cartridge on the ground with his chin propped up. The linkage knight props did not exist. It should have been intentional by the game officials. Even after Pac-Man was destroyed, the Ex-aid eye soul used by the third grade of high school also disappeared. Have to disappear.

According to his guess, it may be because the appearance of knight-linked props will destroy the balance of the game, right?

"Speaking of which, Lao Lu, your move was really cruel. The whole city was wiped out. The "Seven Sins" players probably couldn't survive it. "Although Xia You said that, his eyes fell on the game cartridge. The harvest this time was also very rich, and he could divide the props again.

"Speaking of "Seven Sins" players, this is for you. "After Xia You said this, Lu Ziye unfolded the magician's ring on his left hand.

I saw the magic circle unfolding, and a crab claw fell from it, and this crab claw came from the Apostle of the Cancer constellation.

"It can strengthen your cutting power, and maybe even give you a whole special ability." Pushing the crab claws in front of Xia You, Lu Ziye looked around.

For some reason, he had a feeling that Wu Tianyuan should not be killed so easily, but with the compound eye's moving body monitoring function, there were no living beings moving except them.

"I knew it. I am Lao Lu Qian's true love!" Picking up the crab claws, Xia You sniffed it, "Yeah, it's the scent of crab meat!"

"I'll knock you down. I happened to have one, so I'll keep it for you." Lu Ziye cut off the crab claws with a smoke sword just before the explosion. For this reason, he was almost affected by the explosion.

"Lao Lu, tsundere is not popular these days." Xia You didn't care so much. In his opinion, this was proof that Lao Lu cared about him.

"Open your eyes! Ex-aid! Omega Drive! (Ex-aid! Omega Drive!)"

With the sound of a special move sounding in the distance, the huge Pac-Man exploded under the knight's kick and was submerged in the fire.

"GAME CLEAR! (game cleared)"

As soon as the sound effects of the clearance sound came out, Pac-Man's figure reappeared, but it no longer had the ferocious look before, instead he smiled and turned into a point of light and disappeared.

“Call it over and call it a day!”

A virtual screen then popped up in front of everyone, displaying the final message.

[Congratulations on completing this Knight's Realm, the rating and reward distribution will be completed after leaving]

[Players will be teleported out of this knight's realm in three minutes, please take your belongings with you]

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