Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 183 Game-wide announcement! Power is on! 【Additional update for the leader】

Chapter 183 Announcement for the whole game! "Power" is activated! [Additional update for the leader]

Three minutes passed quickly, and the figures of Lu Ziye and his group quickly disappeared in this knight's realm.

Just as they disappeared, Wu Tianyuan's figure suddenly broke out from the ground, and floated upwards in a very strange posture, as if he was upside down, and stopped only when he landed on the original ground.

".Tsk, I didn't expect it to be used this time." The card in Wu Tianyuan's hand turned into a star and disappeared. If Lu Ziye was here, he would recognize that this card was similar to the blank ticket contract card he used at the beginning.

"Didn't "Laziness" survive either? "

Wu Tianyuan glanced around and was sure in an instant that he was the only one who survived this trip to the Knight's Realm. To be precise, including him, they were all wiped out. If he hadn't had the blank dark ticket that he had treasured for a long time, he would have most likely died this time.

As for the "laziness" he mentioned, it was actually the life form that split from his body. With the precious life-saving props consumed, the damage in all aspects of this trip was extremely severe.

"Lu Ziye, I lost this time, but later, I will definitely get it all back."

After the words fell, a virtual screen popped up in front of Wu Tianyuan, but the information on the virtual screen was completely different from that of Lu Ziye and others.

[The result of this Knight's Realm is determined to be - failure]

[Due to the special nature of this Knight's Realm, the player will not be eliminated from the game, but will be forced to enter another Knight's Realm to challenge the mission again]

[If the challenge fails again, it will be completely eliminated from the game]

As the virtual screen disappeared, Wu Tianyuan's figure also disappeared in this Knight's Realm

"Terminal" in a room.

After Lu Ziye and his group left the Knight Realm, they appeared in the room.

Except for Lu Ziye, everyone sat down or paced, but without exception, they all showed anxious expressions on their faces, as if they were very nervous about what was going to happen next.

In contrast, Lu Ziye seemed extremely relaxed.

But he could understand it, because the next step was the key to promotion to Class A, and it was the moment that everyone else was thinking about. He had no experience or real feeling about it, so he naturally seemed more relaxed.

After a while of waiting, the virtual screen popped up in front of everyone.

Lu Ziye saw that everyone else was scanning the information seriously, and then looked at the virtual screen in front of him.

[Team Knight Realm - "Game and Life" rating begins.]

[Integrating all performances of this Knight Realm]

["Game and Life" clearance rating - S+ level]

[Terminal Admission Ticket: People holding this admission ticket can enter the station where the Time Train stops by opening the door. The station has a very wide space. In addition to the shopping center and the limited sales store, there are also facilities such as hot springs, bowling alleys, and golf courses. Once you enter the station, all other time will be considered stopped. (Note: The admission ticket does not limit the number of people entering, and the holder decides who enters)]

"Fuck. Supermodel!" Lu Ziye looked at the description of the reward and his eyes were straight.

Although there is no direct increase in combat power, the key is its effect. All other time is considered stopped. In simple terms, if you are caught in a very difficult situation, you can use this ticket to escape on the spot and maintain your condition in the station.

If a knight like Ran Ge, who relies on physical improvement, trains in there for a few years and then comes out, he may be able to beat the opponents that he couldn't beat before!

Moreover, the difficulty of the Build plot line is about to increase, and it is best to have such a group life-saving method.

Thinking of this, Lu Ziye continued to look down to check the ultimate purpose of this trip.

[Players are officially open to the A-level promotion route.]

[The player's strength is detected to meet the conditions and is at the B+ level limit]

[Level A feature description: Players who are promoted to A-level will gain higher-level power. This power is collectively called "power". "Power" is the unique power of each player and is the manifestation of the highest power of the player's power integration]

["Power" precondition is turned on, and "power" will be turned on when the following conditions are met]

[The danger level reaches 7.0 and the mind value reaches 100%]

[Current mind value: 30%]

[(Note: The mind value is related to emotions, beliefs and firm beliefs)]

Scanning all the information, Lu Ziye has a real understanding of "power".

But he still had a big question, where did the "All Things in the Universe" he now possessed come from?

According to Ran Ge, there has never been an A-level player in this game, so the possibility that he had ever participated in the game can be completely ruled out.

". Forget it, I will definitely know it later." Lu Ziye did not continue to delve into this question. After all, the existence of everything has its meaning, and there is no need to be too entangled in too many causal relationships.

But the most important thing is that he finally knows how strong he is. He has been fighting with the strength of the B+ level limit, so it is no wonder why he can crush those B+ level opponents.

How did you say that? As long as he makes a slight move, it is the limit of this level.

The second-year words were immediately thrown away, and Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the others: "How are you guys?"

"I need to eat three B+-level creatures, and my heart value is already 40%." Xia You raised his hand and took the lead in explaining the situation on his side, "I'm starting to look forward to what my "power" will be like. "

With Xia You taking the lead, An Yu also looked at the two of them: "I need to collect all the awakening cards of the King category, and my heart value will be 30%."

"The problem on my side is a bit serious. It requires the power of the soul." The third grade of high school students spoke in a deep voice, obviously without any clue. "The value of the heart is 50%."

When Lu Ziye heard this, he also fell into deep thought: "The power of the soul."

The answer to this so-called soul power will most likely be found in the plot line of Ghost.

"I am in a state of enlightenment here." Ran Ge said at the end, "The value of the mind is the same as the third grade of high school, both 50%."

"Boss Ran Ge, your state of enlightenment should be related to Agito." Lu Ziye immediately gave the answer after hearing this. This state of mind is not a prerequisite for the shining form.

After this round of exchanges, everyone's progress is pretty much the same. The third graders in high school and Ran Ge have high popularity points, but the prerequisites are difficult. Lu Ziye, Xia You and An Yu have simpler prerequisites, but their popularity points are progressing. Low.

And at this moment, no matter whether they were in the Knight's Realm or in the buffer zone, the virtual screen jumped out in front of them.

[Game-wide announcement: Congratulations to the "Siberian Titanosaurus crushing an asteroid with bare hands" team for completing the A-level promotion mission! The road to promotion to A-level has officially begun! 】

This virtual screen jumped wildly between players. At this moment, the name of the "Siberian Titanosaurus crushed an asteroid with bare hands" team's name resounded throughout the buffer zone.

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