Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 184 Lao Lu’s heart is broken!

[Game-wide announcement: Congratulations to the "Siberian Titanosaurus crushing an asteroid with bare hands" team for completing the A-level promotion mission! The road to promotion to A-level has officially begun! 】

At this time, the players in the buffer zone had already recovered from the shock of the game-wide announcement, and they gathered together to discuss.

"We have been unable to clear the realm of A-level knights. Is it because we have not been promoted to A-level?"

"It's not important. What's important is that there are players who have set a precedent for this A-level, and they have to find a way to get this information."

"I understand the logic, but I've never heard of this "Siberian Titanosaurus crushing an asteroid with its bare hands" team! "

"I've never heard of plus one, it can't be some newly established team, right?"

"Do you think it's because of the name? If the team name could be changed, I would think of the entire "Singles Protection Association"! "

"If you really change this, I will quit the team now. I have reason to suspect that you are targeting me!"

In the entire buffer zone, almost everyone was discussing the team with this strange team name. What was even more strange was that they could not find any information about this team.

Within minutes of this game-wide announcement, the top teams in the buffer zone came together.

"Ten minutes, I want all the information on this team."

"In five minutes, I want to know the information of all the members of the team."

"You did it on purpose, right? Three minutes! I want to know the true strength of the team's founder!"

"Hmph! In one minute, I want the address of this team!"

"I'm going to squat at the "terminal" right now. "

Under the mighty force, countless players flocked to the "Terminal Station", all wanting to get in touch with the players of the "Siberian Titan Dragon Crushing Asteroids with Bare Hands" team.

At this time, in a room in "Terminal Station".

Lu Ziye naturally noticed the wording of the game-wide announcement, and immediately turned to everyone and said, "Family members, we are going to post it!"

After everyone heard Lu Ziye's words, they were stunned for a moment, but soon read his thoughts from Lu Ziye's rich smile.

"Old Lu, do you want to sell information on promotion to A-level?" The third year of high school junior high school was the first to speak up, expressing Lu Ziye's thoughts.

"That's right." Lu Ziye nodded and gave the senior high school student a thumbs up.

"We don't seem to be short of cell coins, right? Lao Lu, you have several million in your account at least, and we don't need to buy any props, right?" over.

"Indeed, cell coins are just numbers to us now, and selling this kind of information will undoubtedly make it more difficult for us to win games in the future." An Yu also gave his own opinion, not agreeing with Lu Ziye's idea.

However, Lu Ziye sat down on the sofa calmly, found a comfortable position, and then said: "Looking at the long term, although selling information will indeed increase our difficulty, the difficulty of Knight's Realm will definitely increase as we go forward. It will be higher, and we can’t guarantee that we can get all the props, right?”

Speaking of this, Lu Ziye paused, but these words made Ran Ge's eyes flash: "You mean to let other players improve and make them a way to obtain props. We can use the cells that sell intelligence coins to buy the props they got?”

"Yes." Lu Ziye nodded immediately.

"But Lao Lu, you haven't thought about the problem that they won't sell to us?" Xia You then sat next to Lu Ziye and sighed.

"So we have to make a choice, select strong players or team cooperation, we are in a completely advantageous position." Lu Ziye is confident that we can do it, "After all, no one wants to watch others become stronger, right? ?”

It's like two teams that are already competing. If one of them cooperates with them, although it will cost a lot, the party that gets the information will grow up in a very short time. So what will happen to the team that is left behind? A situation?

There are endless props in the game, and strength improvement is more important to players. If this happens, even if they propose a domination clause, the other party will not agree even if they don't want to!

"Hey, Old Lu, your heart is broken!" After saying this, even Xia You, who had used a squeeze driver, understood the relationship.

"Then, can you handle this matter, Mr. Ran Ge? We should have the most complete information about you!" As he spoke, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on Ran Ge, "When negotiating terms with other teams and players, take a look. Can you get everyone’s prerequisite items together first?”

"Okay, no problem." Ran Ge nodded and agreed.

"I'll make another list and see if you can help me find these props." After saying that, Lu Ziye found a pen and paper in the room and wrote down the names of the props.

The first thing to write down is the Faiz drive. Tan Lidou said before that the full photon blood bottle can be upgraded. The photon blood bottle, a prop that can actually improve combat power, naturally has a high priority. Then he wrote down the missing great man's eyes and souls and various core coins. He did not forget to collect these two props.

Finally, Lu Ziye wrote the Dangerous Zombie Knight play cartridge. The immortality ability of the Dangerous Zombies is a very good ability, and it is perfect to be embedded in the Pandora panel device. Even if the immortality effect will be reduced, another ability to automatically cancel the invalidation of transformation protection is quite good.

As for why more powerful props were not written, in the current level environment, there will definitely not be props of the level of God Billion.

"That's all for now." After writing, Lu Ziye handed the note to Ran Ge.

"Okay, I'll help you pay attention." Taking the note, Ran Ge glanced at the name briefly and had a rough understanding.

"Then Old Lu, are we going to enter the realm of knights?" Xia You said as a virtual screen popped up in front of him. There were still seven days before they were forced to enter the Build plot line, which was enough for them to play knights again. realm.

"It's not going on for the time being. Let's all adjust and take a rest, and be ready to deal with Build." Lu Ziye shook his head. It was almost impossible to make a big improvement through a knight's realm, so it was better to take a good rest.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement. It is important to relax.

"Everyone will be free for the rest of the time. We will gather in the Gaia courtyard in two hours." After saying this, Lu Ziye stood up. He planned to go to "Huan Meng Wushuang" to check on the progress.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere among everyone relaxed.

"Lao Gao, would you like to have a date at the bathhouse?"

"About, it is necessary to relax occasionally."

"Is it "Igarashi Bathhouse"? I'll go there too, the curry rice there is super delicious! "

"Heresy! Beef rice is obviously better!"

".I feel pretty good."

Xia You, Gao Junior Three and An Yu quickly decided where to go next, but there was a slight disagreement about what to eat, and the three of them left the room first amid the quarrel.

"Boss Ran Ge, I'm just going to trouble you a little. I have to go to "Fantasy Wushuang". I'll come find you when it's over. If anything unexpected happens, just call me using the team voice. "Following that, Lu Ziye and Ran Ge walked out of the room together.

"Don't call me boss, just call me Ran Ge. It's just a matter of discussing terms. There's nothing to worry about." Ran Ge responded with a smile.

But when the two of them reached the end, they were blocked by Xia You and others who had left first.

"Why don't you leave?" Seeing Xia You and the others blocking their way, Lu Ziye couldn't help but said.

"Old Lu, there are a lot of players blocking the way." Xia You said, turning sideways and getting out of the way so that Lu Ziye could see the situation in front of him clearly.

Lu Ziye then looked around and saw that the small square in front of the "terminal" was crowded with players, and each of them looked like a hungry wolf, emitting a faint green light.

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