Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 185: Survival time is full and shipped in bottles!

Chapter 185 Survival - Time is full to ship the bottle!

"Ahem, good brothers, I'll leave this to you." After saying this, Lu Ziye ran out quickly.

Lu Ziye's figure turned into blood red, and he bypassed the players in the square at extremely fast speeds, without even these players noticing.

In just a short moment, he arrived at the square and was stunned for a moment when he looked at the players behind him who were about to move.

"Hey, the human body can also reach high speed!" After a brief moment of daze, Lu Ziye was overjoyed.

It’s not like he hasn’t tried or used it before, but being able to use this power now just shows that his integration with Evolto is even more complete!

Looking again, a group of players in the square were already rushing towards Xia You and others, as if they were going to eat them.

"Hey, hey, go to "Fantasy Wushuang". "

Lu Ziye couldn't help but feel lucky that he was running fast. If he was really surrounded by these players, it would take who knows how long it would take to escape.

"Dinosaur mom~"

Then, Lu Ziye hummed a little tune and was about to embark on the road to "Huan Meng Wushuang".

"Everyone, look at me. The dog in special clothes walking behind you is the founder of our "Siberian Titanosaurus crushing asteroids with bare hands". Please don't let him go! he! he! he"

Xia You's voice could be heard throughout the small square, even echoing, floating in the air.

Lu Ziye, who was walking, froze in place the moment he heard the echoing words.

"Xia You, the special meow, has her brain back now?"

Lu Ziye, who was complaining, suddenly felt countless eyes coming from behind him, which were like sharp knives piercing his back.

Turning his head a little, Lu Ziye saw an unforgettable scene in his life. Countless green eyes were staring at him, and he was the fattest lamb in the eyes of all the players.

".What, the weather is quite bad today, go back and collect your clothes, Ang!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye went into high speed instantly, leaving blood-red afterimages in the air and flying into the distance.

He no longer looked as calm as before, but he didn't stop at all. He didn't stop until he came to the door of "Huan Meng Wushuang".

After stopping and immediately confirming that no players were following behind him, he let out a long breath.

"Xia You was such a good person before, why did he turn into a dog?" With a sigh, Lu Ziye stepped into "Huan Meng Wushuang".

As for "Fantasy Warriors", Tan Li Dou was typing on the keyboard and writing various incomprehensible programs as before.

"Boss, how are the props you made?" Lu Ziye didn't hesitate and asked directly.

Tan Lidou frowned slightly when he heard the noise, but still stopped moving his hands, then turned to look at Lu Ziye.

"Who do you think you are asking? I am a god!!!" Tan Lidou stood up, slowly opened his hands, and whispered the words that echoed throughout the store.

"It has to taste like this." Lu Ziye felt a little nostalgic for the scene he hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Now, enjoy my crowning masterpiece!"

Then, Tan Li Dou took out a full bottle from his pocket and held it between his index finger and middle finger to show it.

This full-fill bottle is completely different from other full-fill bottles. It is golden in color, with a translucent ingredient storage in the middle. In the center, there is a golden phoenix-shaped logo.

"Oh, it looks really good." Lu Ziye sighed, and at the same time, the power of power in his eyes was activated, and he began to check the information in this full bottle.

[SURVIVE-TIME FullBottle (survival-time full bottle): Tan Li Dou’s highest masterpiece prop. It contains the survival power of fire and wind as the energy to support the coming of time, but its energy still cannot support the activation of the time ability for a long time]

[Inherent ability: Time reversal: Rewind the existing timeline, and you can choose any time point]

[New Timeline: Change some factors through the arrival of time to achieve different events unfolding]

[Time extension: Extend the survival time in the mirror world. You can also extend the time to achieve the effect of individual time acceleration]

[Time stop: Stop an individual’s actions and let yourself be in normal time]

[Note: Only one of the abilities can be used each time, and there will be a cooling period of up to fifteen days after use]

"The cooling time is so long." Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered when he saw the information displayed.

If he doesn't use it for modification, he already has two knight systems, dragon riding and night riding, but he can use them without restrictions. Why does this modification feel like a loss?

However, Lu Ziye's muttering fell on Tan Li Dou's ears.

"Don't doubt God!" Tan Lidou's eyes were extremely sharp, and he explained after snorting: "Even if you use the power of the dragon knights, it won't take too long, considering their energy equivalent. It can be activated for a moment."

"Don't underestimate the limitations of this card, Time's Fall. The source of its power comes from its contracted beast, the Golden Phoenix, and the one you brought back from Knight's Realm doesn't have it. Without the ability to provide the source energy, you want to It is extremely difficult to activate it. Only my divine ability can make it exert its power!"

As he spoke, Tan Lidou poked Lu Ziye's shoulder with his finger, obviously dissatisfied with Lu Ziye's questioning of him.

"Hey, I was careless." After saying this, Lu Ziye flipped his left hand, and the magic circle unfolded and dropped a switch, "This is my compensation."

And this switch was the switch of the Apostle of the Cancer constellation. Since the other party had exploded, he naturally picked up this switch. As for Tan Lidou, he must be coaxed, and he will have to look at him to make props in the future.

"Is it the switch for the twelve constellations? Interesting!" Tan Lidou immediately took the switch and observed it in his hand. "There is no need for compensation. Just bring more materials in the future."

After saying this, Tan Lidou turned back to his workbench and began to study the newly obtained switch, ignoring Lu Ziye's meaning.

"Thank you, boss God, I'm leaving first!" Lu Ziye took the full bottle on the counter into his hand, said hello and was about to leave.

"I forgot to tell you, this full bottle can also be upgraded, provided you find the golden phoenix."

Here, as soon as Lu Ziye stepped out of "Huan Meng Wushuang", Tan Li Dou's voice sounded behind him.

"Okay!" Lu Ziye responded with a smile on his face. Now he has a new goal!

"Now go back and see how they are doing.?"

Lu Ziye felt much relieved when he thought of this, and immediately prepared to go back to see how the situation was with Xia You.

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