Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 19 Cao Jia: What the hell is Lao Liu!

The two of them rode at a slightly slower speed, hanging far behind the Caojiaya people.

And the Caojiaya people didn't seem to be in a hurry, and they were not moving very fast.

"By the way, my name is Xia You, what about you?" Xia You, who was in charge of driving, started the topic.

"Richuan. Cough, Lu Ziye."

"You want to say Hikawa Okaban, you are so coquettish."

"Same as coquettish as coquettish."

Xia You turned her head and glanced at Lu Ziye, and the two of them smiled in perfect agreement.

"By the way, is the person we are following a plot character?" After laughing, Xia You brought the topic back to the topic.

"Almost, he will take us to the city."

Lu Ziye looked around as he answered. It had been at least ten minutes since they set off.

But the surrounding environment is still in the suburbs, and even if you look far away, you can't see any urban elements. You can imagine how bad the situation of the human resistance army is.

"Do you have any information about this knight's realm?" Hearing this, Xia You was a little shocked.

You must know that the information on the closed beta of Knight Realm is quite scarce, and those who can get this information are basically top-notch beings.

But in the buffer zone, he had never heard of Lu Ziye.

Could it be that he has hooked up with a hidden boss?

"You haven't seen Kamen Rider!" Lu Ziye asked after a brief thought.

He has always had this question since he started participating in the game. It's like the people here don't know the existence of Kamen Rider at all.

"Hey, how new it is. Let me tell you a secret. In fact, I am also a Kamen Rider." After hearing this, Xia You rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes to the sky.

But as soon as Xia You said these words, Lu Ziye understood instantly.

If Xia You knew about the knight drama, she would never answer like this.

This just shows that Xia You doesn't know about knight dramas, or even the concept of Kamen Rider dramas!

But Lu Ziye is not sure about the others. The issue of the knight drama needs to be further studied.

"By the way, what's your bold idea?" Seeing that Lu Ziye didn't speak, Xia You asked.

"You'll find out later." Lu Ziye smiled, but did not explain his thoughts.

"It's quite mysterious. You can see the city!" Xia You reminded.

Lu Ziye then looked around. From their position, they could already see towering buildings, indicating that they were not far from the city.

As the two parties marched in tandem, the face of the city gradually became clear.

Soon, they entered the city.

The moment they entered the city, they received a 'warm welcome' from countless eyes.

The gazes came from countless 'human beings'. Their gazes were hot and intense, as if they wanted to eat Xia You and Lu Ziye.

"Do you think the eyes of these people are strange?" Even Xia You felt so scared that her voice became much deeper.

"Of course it's strange, they are not human beings." As he said that, Lu Ziye glanced at one 'person' after another.

In his eyes, the information about these ‘people’ was revealed.

[Flying fish Aoife Enoch, apostle regeneration, 30 years old]

[Level Judgment: E-Class Monster]

[It has the characteristics of a flying fish. In addition to having fins on the temples and front wrists, it can also change into a swimming state]

[Mushroom Orpheus Enoch, Apostle Regeneration, 18 years old]

[Level Judgment: F-Class Monster]

[Can release poisonous spores from the hat on the head, poor defense]

【Ophi Enoch the Frog.】

The 'people' walking on the street are all in the human form of Orpheus and Enoch.

They seemed to have no intention of coming to their uninvited guests, but looked at them with hot eyes.

"Huh? You said they are not human beings?" Xia You looked at those people, looking a little hard to accept.

"They are called Aoife Enoch." Lu Ziye did not pay attention anymore, his eyes were fixed on the Caojiaya people in front.

"Damn it! Why are there so many Ofenochs? We won't go to their lair, right?" Xia You tried his best to keep his voice down, as if he was afraid that the Ofenochs around him would suddenly pounce on him.

"The bad news is, the whole world is ruled by Enoch of Enoch!"

Cao Jiaren in front suddenly turned and stopped. Fortunately, Xia You reacted well and stopped the motorcycle immediately.

"Hey, they've already started fighting," Xia You reminded.

Lu Ziye then looked around and saw a scuffle going on in the small square not far away.

But the strange thing is that except for the knights transformed by three players, no other players were seen in the small square.

These three players were fighting with dozens of Offei Enoch, and only Suwon was interfering by firing cold guns in the dark.

"Are we going to join the battle?" After saying this, Xia You had already taken out the Amazons drive and was ready for the battle.

"No, we will not participate." Information from the three players appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes.

They are Kamen Rider Joker (ace), Mach (Mach) and Ixa (war rider).

According to the information, the three players are all experienced players who have cleared the level ten times. The players who have cleared the level five or six times before are not here.

"Not participating?" Xia You was confused.

Is it really okay not to participate in the battle in this situation?

"Wait a moment." At this time, Lu Ziye's eyes were entirely on Caojiaya.

Gaia Takashi took out the KaixaPhone and entered the command.

"Standing By! (Standing by)"


"Complete! (Complete)"

After the transformation was completed, Cao Gaya suddenly started running after putting on the Caesar camera.

While running, Cao Jiaren pressed the Enter key on his phone.

"Exceed Charge! (Charging completed)"

"Get out of my way!!"


He kicked away Mach who was blocking him, and then his fist landed on the butterfly Aoife Enoch.

The butterfly Aoife Enoch was knocked away and instantly hit the pillar and turned into sand and died.

"Tsk, what a hindrance."

Taking back the Caesar camera, Cao Gaya showed no regrets to Mach who fell to the ground.

And this scene was fully visible to Lu Ziye.

Caojiaya is so arrogant, which actually makes him feel less psychological pressure.

"Hurry, hurry, it's your turn."

"Ah, what are we doing?"

Lu Ziye pulled Xia You beside him and walked straight to Santengzi.


Under Lu Ziye's instructions, Xia You drove into Caojiaya's sidecar, the Slammer.

Xia You was still in a state of confusion until after driving a certain distance.

They followed that man for so long just to take his motorcycle?

But after a few fiddles with it, the idea was completely forgotten!

"Holy shit! This car is so powerful, and it's even equipped with missiles in combat mode!"

"Let's go to the big supermarket over there first!"

"Can you let me try this battle mode?"

"Let's grab the food first. There's a fight over there, and everyone here is gone. Why don't you, meow, carry the food?"

"Oh oh oh, then the mission is indeed priority"

With the efforts of the two of them, several boxes of cans and instant noodles were piled in the passenger area of ​​the sidecar.

Until they couldn't let it go anymore, the two drove away in the sidecar Slammer.

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