Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 20 The first phase of the mission is S level!

At this time, the Cao Gaya who was fighting Ao Fei Enoch was panting slightly.

Although there were four knights fighting, the number of Orphenochs was increasing, and even Orphenochs were joining the battle one after another.

If this situation continues, these four knights will definitely explain themselves here.

The Caesar blade gun was held in the hand of Cao Gaya, and the Caesar energy chip was inserted into it at the same time.

"Ready! (Ready)"

The moment the sound effect sounded, the blade of the Caesar blade gun extended out of photon blood, emitting a golden light.

Bang bang bang——!

Caesar's bladed spear swung and landed on the owl Aoife Enoch who was coming towards him.

"Exceed Charge! (Charging completed)"

Before the owl Aoife Enoch could stand up, Cao Gaya stepped forward and slashed across with his sword.

Blue flames rose, and the owl Aoife Enoch turned into sand and scattered all over the ground.


Leaving behind a soft hum, Cao Jiaren also backed away.

But when he returned to the place where he came from, he found that the sidecar slammer that was originally parked here was no longer there.

Cao Jiaren:?

"It's right to stop here."

Just when the Caojiaya people were confused, two Aoife Enoch came from behind again.

Cao Jiaren, who failed to react in time, was immediately hit on the back by two Ofei Enoch.

The moment he was hit, he flew backwards and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

"Asshole! Who on earth is it! He took my car!!!"

Standing up again, Cao Jiaren roared, but did not dare to put on the Caesar camera without any pause in his movements.

Without the sidecar slammer, there will definitely be no way to get out of here in a short time.

On the other side, the two men riding the Sidecar Slammer were quite happy.

Even eating canned food and humming a tune in the car.

"The task of steaming is so easy."

Xia You said vaguely with a piece of beef stick in his mouth.

"It won't be so easy later." Lu Ziye sighed as he chewed the canned meat.

As he said, relaxation is only now. When the plot fully begins, they will be greeted by all kinds of melee.

"Whatever, we'll talk about the rest later, happiness now is the most important thing!" After Xia You finished speaking, he ate the beef strips in two bites.

"We're almost at the camp." Lu Ziye shook his head slightly and reminded him with a smile.

Compared with Xia You's immediate enjoyment, he will think more about what is about to happen.

It's just that I'm not sure now whether the fact that Masato Sogaya and some players are left at the beginning will have any impact on the plot line.


The Sidecar Slammer stopped firmly and did not enter the human camp.

After removing the food from the car, the Sidecar Slammer was hidden by the pair in a pile of abandoned facilities.

After the sidecar slammer was hidden, the two men walked into the camp carrying several boxes of food, one behind the other.

In the camp, many people set up stalls in exchange for daily necessities, so it was quite lively.

"Back! They're back!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone in the camp turned their eyes to the two of them.

“So much food”

"It's canned. I haven't tasted canned food in a long time."

"This exploration team is really amazing, they can bring back so much food!"

"But why are there only two of them?"

In the midst of discussions, Lu Ziye and Xia You followed the guidance of the virtual screen and headed towards the central station.

When he opened the door and entered the central station, he saw many people gathered in front of the TV.

"It is a pity that none of the people who died this time became Orpheus Enoch."

The female voice broadcast on TV was extremely sweet, but the words were not that nice.

The atmosphere in the entire center is very depressing and dull.


At this time, Lu Ziye and Xia You walked in and placed several boxes of food on the ground.

Hearing the noise, everyone in the room turned around and looked at the two people.

When everyone's eyes fell on the food, the dull atmosphere was instantly replaced by surprise!

"Didn't you say that Suwon and the others entered the city?"

"Yes. Could it be that they are not looking for the emperor's belt, but food?"

"It's hard to say, there are only two people who came back, not even Suwon."

Amid the discussion, a figure stood up and walked straight towards the two of them.

The person who came was a girl, with a bit of anger in her eyes, but she looked a bit cute under her slightly round face.

Lu Ziye naturally knew who the girl in front of him was, the heroine in Kamen Rider Faiz - Mari Sonoda.

"Where's Suwon? Why hasn't he come back?" Zhi asked the two of them as soon as they came up.

"I don't know, we didn't go with them." Xia You shrugged.

"Really? Thank you for your efforts. Let's rest first." Zhenli frowned and asked the two of them to sit down and rest.

Lu Ziye and Xia You didn't say much and immediately found a corner to sit down.

"Hey, they don't seem to be getting along." Xia You complained in a low voice as soon as he sat down.

"If we are harmonious, the rest will be easy." Lu Ziye crossed his hands and waited for what would happen next.

But the next moment, two virtual screens popped up in front of the two of them.

[Congratulations on completing the first phase of the mission, and we will start grading your first phase of the mission]

[The rating is completed, your rating result is - S level]

[Because you have exceeded the task limit, you will be rewarded with a Nebula Gas Injection]

[Nebula Gas Injection: Stable nebula gas. After use, it can enhance personal fighting ability, defense, physical strength, endurance, etc., activate the ability to adapt to the transformation of Build (Chuangqi) knights, and need to bear the responsibility of going berserk and becoming Smash (Smasher) )risks of】

The information on the virtual screen made Lu Ziye look at Xia You.

Xia You mechanically turned his head and his mouth opened slightly in shock.

"Damn it, this is my first time getting an S-level rating." Even if Xia You tried her best to suppress her voice, she could still hear the excitement in her words.

"What's your reward?" Lu Ziye asked, wondering if Xia You's reward was the same as his.

"Here." Xia You didn't hesitate and handed the reward directly to Lu Ziye.

Like Lu Ziye's reward, it was an injection.

But after he took it, the message of injection appeared in his eyes.

[Ophi Enoch Mark Injection: Stable Ofei Enoch gene memory. After injection, the Ofei Enoch factor can be retained in the body, slightly strengthen the physical ability, activate the ability to adapt to the Faiz knight's transformation, long-term use of the belt will have Desertification risk]

Although both are injections, the two injections are completely different.

One is the nebula gas in the Creation Cavalry, and the other is the genetic memory of Aoife Enoch, but both are undoubtedly prerequisites for transformation.

"How's it going? Not bad, right?"

"To be honest, I'm starting to look forward to what the second phase of the mission will be."

Xia You next to you smiled extremely brightly, and even entered fantasy time

Happy New Year!

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